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:/ Life is "un"fair...

Is Life fair?

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Assalam Alikum

Life is unfair.....

This is the most annoying repeated phrase in my view :/ ..............I totally disagree with it.
Infact life is SO fair.......

(some)People say "look at those in africa they born in hunger, starving day night for food to live, and look at those in here and there eating daily five meals, life is unfair, why did GOD din't make all same ? ( astigfirullah ) ..........."

Okay.....first of all THIS life we are living curently is NOT for all time living..! It's a TEST.....(<< i hope u know this TRUE fact ) ( btw i will repeat "test" many times :p )

AND in this test everyone have a different variant. SOMe question are almost same some are partially same and some are totally different from one another........

THis test as all kinda test we know have basics..... *Questions *Different acceptable answer *Books to help *People to learn from *Report day *Results *Rewards and Punishment etc....

Back to point....Life is unfair...Different variants..
So how different variants...??..hmm...

*Some might have more test on their PATIENCE when they weren't provided with an average human need for healthy life from food to clothing to shelter etc..

*Some might be tested on home much they remember and THANK Allah (almighty) and how much they give to help and utilize when they are given more than what an average human need....

*Some are tested on how much can they control there desires when all around them influence them, like living in a place where most people beside you wear what islam don't prefer (lets say no higab for girls - as in western countries ) or living with parents that dont nor care to keep an eye on their child...that case it's really tough to hold desires.....

*Some are born in non-muslim families and they turn to islam is HUGE test.....( imagine i tell u to turn christian lets say - so so so SO difficult - litteraly impossible )

*Some are tested................................................it continues ummm for looooooooooong i mean imagine as I sed different people different variants....LOADZ and LOADZ of different tests are there....

SO don't think its unfair for you......PLease you don't know how people live in what kinda of stressful life are they living to COMPARE your life with his and her life UNLESS u know all ( yes allllllllll) things they are into....so that u can fair comparison and i am sure u will find it's equally fair..!!!!! :D

AnD......as i sed many times..this is a test....( u can imagine currently the cie exams how much tense u r.....BUT there are some student less tensed and happy with what they are :)) How? wHo?.......................well those who know they did their BEST.....read the BOOK (Holy Quran and other resources like Prophets pbuh sayings and doings....etc etc....) those who knew that they are doing what pleases Allah (almighty) and are obstaining from what Allah prohibited.....They know that they are gonna be rewarded with Jannah....( <<<and wats better than tht ?? who doesn't want to live better than wat a human can imagine )

OkAy a point which i want to make it clear is that..........don't say >>i dint know tht....i havent studied this....i dint get time for tht<< U have to do ur best to KNOW wats right and wats wrong.....Allah is merciful...and forgives....but i mean if someone playing all day, watching tv, talking, backbiting bout him and her, and then say i dint get time ThEn?? :/ we shud do our best !! its tought i know but yet !!

Please Another IMPORTANT thing is......studying ( wat a waste time....NO ) Seeking knowledge infact is obligatory for every muslim...!! And for that you gain deeds.....( well in logic if u study and seek knowledge tht are worthy u develop urself and so develop the muslim ummmah and this strenghthen islam....)
and there are hadiths i hv came across on knowledge..:)

If anyone travels on a road in search of knowledge, Allah will cause him to travel on one of the roads of Paradise.
— — Prophet Muhammad (s) as reported by Abu Darda in Sunan Abu Dawood, hadith #1631.
The knowledge from which no benefit is derived is like a treasure out of which nothing is spent in the cause of Allah.
— — Prophet Muhammad (s) as reported by Abu Hurayrah, transmitted by Ahmad and Darimi in Al Tirmidhi, hadith #108.
He who issues forth in search of knowledge is busy in the cause of Allah till he returns from his quest.
— — Prophet Muhammad (s) as reported by Anas Ibn Malik in Al Tirmidhi, hadith #420.
The seeking of knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim. [...]
— — Prophet Muhammad (s) as reported by Ibn Majah and Bayhaqi in Shu’ab al-Iman; also reported by Anas Ibn Malik in Al Tirmidhi, hadith #74.

( now i bet u r bit encouraged to study..i mean acknowledging that it helps u for a better hereafter :D inshaAllah)

Well....tht was a summary of wat i can tell.....life is soo broad and wide....to talk bout it in its different views really requires alot of effort and time ( for me writing and u reading :p)..

AnYwaY i HOPE i did change ur opnion even if to small degree about ur view on Life and its fairness.........

And Assalam Alikum Wa Rahmatullah Wabrakatoo....
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Duality is a reality of life. I think you meant us to treat stones as stepping, and not stopping.

Life is both fair and unfair; the brain understands opposite concepts, for it creates them.
well, i bet i dint get much of wat u sed...sorry :(
but how about moving stones away?
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Duality is a reality of life. I think you meant us to treat stones as stepping, and not stopping.

Life is both fair and unfair; the brain understands opposite concepts, for it creates them.
well....wat i understand...is human brain believes tht life is both fair and unfair.....thou those who are happy know the true reality tht its fair :D

(please sorry if i am not getting u, ur english is mashaAllah so good :))
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Thank u sooo much badrobot for sharing tht....really has sooo deeeeep touch to ones internal thoughts and believes! Jazak Allah Khair
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well, i bet i dint get much of wat u sed...sorry :(
but how about moving stones away?

Stepping stone => When you encounter obstacles (stones), you overcome then, i.e. you step over them. (And see the action actually brings you to a higher level)
Stopping stone => Giving up in the face of an obstacle, a stone, that is.

So when you encounter a stone in life, you either 'stop' or 'step' over it.

When I talked about duality, I meant that our concept of 'fairness' exists in relation to things we describe as unfair based on our own idea of 'justice'. Things are neutral; they are the way they are. We ascribe to them qualities because this helps give purpose to life. Improvement is an ever-going, unending process. If we view everything as good with no related concept of the 'bad', then there won't be any 'better'.

You're getting me...?
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well....wat i understand...is human brain believes tht life is both fair and unfair.....thou those who are happy know the true reality tht its fair :D

(please sorry if i am not getting u, ur english is mashaAllah so good :))

Thank you. Am sometimes hard to be understood. That's fine. :)
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Stepping stone => When you encounter obstacles (stones), you overcome then, i.e. you step over them. (And see the action actually brings you to a higher level)
Stopping stone => Giving up in the face of an obstacle, a stone, that is.

So when you encounter a stone in life, you either 'stop' or 'step' over it.

When I talked about duality, I meant that our concept of 'fairness' exists in relation to things we describe as unfair based on our own idea of 'justice'. Things are neutral; they are the way they are. We ascribe to them qualities because this helps give purpose to life. Improvement is an ever-going, unending process. If we view everything as good with no related concept of the 'bad', then there won't be any 'better'.

You're getting me...?
oh..i thought liking it will make u know tht i got..

yes again mashaAllah...with excellent english u explained wat i had doubt in...
Jazaki Allah khair


XPRS Administrator
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^ u r 1 crazy fan of nouman ali khan.......... just like some of my friends
well, in english speakers sure... I love some other speakers too but they give speeches in my mother tongue.... :p can't really post it here...
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i like him 2 ........esp his casual attitude but kind of im used 2 followin rigid public speakin tools n skills