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MCAT prep?


XPRS Moderator
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AsSalamoAlaikum Wr Wb!

I'll be giving MCAT inshaAllah.

I need some help, please. How do I prepare? Tricks to score high?

any additional help would be much appreciated.

workinghard u gave MCAT too? any help?
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AsSalamoAlaikum Wr Wb!

I'll be giving MCAT inshaAllah.

I need some help, please. How do I prepare? Tricks to score high?

any additional help would be much appreciated.

workinghard u gave MCAT too? any help?
I am going to give UHS Mcat too.. need help.. any senior plz guide us..
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to succeed in macat or any other test is mean to overcome you weak spot.
i don't know what your weak spot is but i know mine when i did ecat which is basic conformation of knowledge ,i have to receive a problem when i do a math calculation i confused my self by asking wheather 7*4=28or 7*3=28 . So, after spending some time looking for solution i find a solution ,i go into book shop buy all the books form class 1-12(clase one to class twelve) punjab text book (worth Rs 2000),and begin reading at home and it workout for me by reconfirming the basic required subjects,olevel book are good but they required more study time+more money to buy them i hope my case will give some piece of guidance
one piece of info.
right now kips is for Rs 18000 and average acdmy is Rs 13000 for ecat/mact prep.
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AoA... Yes 2 ans ur ques i dd gv mcat... How can i help u? Do u want a general guideline or do u want something specific as in subject wise? Helpful Books nd all... Lemme no... I ll come l8r on nd ll try 2 help u thru.. :)


XPRS Moderator
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AoA... Yes 2 ans ur ques i dd gv mcat... How can i help u? Do u want a general guideline or do u want something specific as in subject wise? Helpful Books nd all... Lemme no... I ll come l8r on nd ll try 2 help u thru.. :)
WaAlaikumAsSalam wr wb!

Yes...i'll be done with my a lvl exams soon...
Now, I got no idea where to start, n what to do...

I'd wanna know everything u can tell :D how to study? when's the exam? which books? academies? any further info about medical uni admissions ? any tips?

JazakAllahu Khairen!
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yea kips an academy...bt they have their own books for entry tests which contain topical mcqs.......its difficult to get them unless u join kips,.....bt some shops have them
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XPFMember... :)
Lets c... 2 ans ur 1st question... Target fsc books 1st... Cux max ppr wx 4m dere last yr... Da syllabus nd table of specification wx duly followed so u can decide which subject nd chp needs gr8st time... Nd manage acc... Nothing very minute wx asked so u dont need 2 sweat over finest detail... Only most obvious wx asked so dat wx a relief... Nd 4 dat i d say k go thru da syllabus by absorbin major stuff 1st... Definitions and all...
2 ur 2nd ques... I honestly dont no... But ït ll b announced soon if ït hxn't already been nd u can check da date nd syllabus 4m uhs site nd ït s normally announced on news as well...
Books as i said wr majorly fsc or so i founð... I dont think much ppl ll differ here... Nd den u can use alvl black books like mary jones etc... 4 eng vocabulary list would suffice nd u can prepare 10 words a day 2 memorise all 1000 words approx b4 test... Ït s nt dat heard... Most wordx u mite already no... Da rest of eng wx simple grammar nd not very difficult or so i founð...
Academies...! Dats debatable... I dont no wat 2 say bout dem... I self studied but some of ma frndx joined ït nd fortunately v all r thru... So ït really depends on u... If u d academiex in o alvls... If u can keep up wid da pace of da teachers nd if u can put in a daily effort... M unfortunately not like dt nd only study if mood fits me nd nvr had academiex in ma whole life so i cant gv authentic info bout ït... U can make ur mind up but note dont do somethin cux others r doin ït like joinin or not joinin... C ur own convenience cux evry1 thrives under diff circumstances...
Hmmmm i guess u mite or mite not no dat da 4 new medical clgs r all operating now in da respected cities where as dey wr 1st dependant on other clgs 2 take in dere students... But 4m wat i ve seen nd observed... Try not 2 make ït 2 dem... Honestly aim a bit higher nd get admission in older institutes dat r developed cux evry new clg s strugglin atm... Or u can choose bds dat ll b better... Dats ma opinion doh... Some mite differ
Tip would b dont freak out b4 or during exam... Leave ït 4 l8r... Manage time well doh ït doesn't normally pose prob 4 alvl students thñx 2 p1... Nd note dat not all ques r designd 2 confuse u... Some questions r as basic as dey get... So dont err on dem makin more outta dem den dere s... Cux nerves normally make us make mistakes in dem... Nd yeah ït s written in guidelines not 2 write on question ppr... Dont waste ur time in mental calc nd ruin da ppr if u must... Tell dem 1st k u need 2 do calc nd need space... Dey demslvs allow ït den... I hv seen students leavin dere ppr new nd ans sheet empty... Leave da ques u dont no 4 last nd mark carefully cux u dont get 2nd chance...
NOTE... M tellin u all dis 4m last yr's experience... If dere r not dynamical changes 4m last yr... U ll do fine ia... And ppl mite hv diff of opinion wid me... Hopefully i helped a bit nd ddnt confuse u more ...
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XPFMember... :)
Lets c... 2 ans ur 1st question... Target fsc books 1st... Cux max ppr wx 4m dere last yr... Da syllabus nd table of specification wx duly followed so u can decide which subject nd chp needs gr8st time... Nd manage acc... Nothing very minute wx asked so u dont need 2 sweat over finest detail... Only most obvious wx asked so dat wx a relief... Nd 4 dat i d say k go thru da syllabus by absorbin major stuff 1st... Definitions and all...
2 ur 2nd ques... I honestly dont no... But ït ll b announced soon if ït hxn't already been nd u can check da date nd syllabus 4m uhs site nd ït s normally announced on news as well...
Books as i said wr majorly fsc or so i founð... I dont think much ppl ll differ here... Nd den u can use alvl black books like mary jones etc... 4 eng vocabulary list would suffice nd u can prepare 10 words a day 2 memorise all 1000 words approx b4 test... Ït s nt dat heard... Most wordx u mite already no... Da rest of eng wx simple grammar nd not very difficult or so i founð...
Academies...! Dats debatable... I dont no wat 2 say bout dem... I self studied but some of ma frndx joined ït nd fortunately v all r thru... So ït really depends on u... If u d academiex in o alvls... If u can keep up wid da pace of da teachers nd if u can put in a daily effort... M unfortunately not like dt nd only study if mood fits me nd nvr had academiex in ma whole life so i cant gv authentic info bout ït... U can make ur mind up but note dont do somethin cux others r doin ït like joinin or not joinin... C ur own convenience cux evry1 thrives under diff circumstances...
Hmmmm i guess u mite or mite not no dat da 4 new medical clgs r all operating now in da respected cities where as dey wr 1st dependant on other clgs 2 take in dere students... But 4m wat i ve seen nd observed... Try not 2 make ït 2 dem... Honestly aim a bit higher nd get admission in older institutes dat r developed cux evry new clg s strugglin atm... Or u can choose bds dat ll b better... Dats ma opinion doh... Some mite differ
Tip would b dont freak out b4 or during exam... Leave ït 4 l8r... Manage time well doh ït doesn't normally pose prob 4 alvl students thñx 2 p1... Nd note dat not all ques r designd 2 confuse u... Some questions r as basic as dey get... So dont err on dem makin more outta dem den dere s... Cux nerves normally make us make mistakes in dem... Nd yeah ït s written in guidelines not 2 write on question ppr... Dont waste ur time in mental calc nd ruin da ppr if u must... Tell dem 1st k u need 2 do calc nd need space... Dey demslvs allow ït den... I hv seen students leavin dere ppr new nd ans sheet empty... Leave da ques u dont no 4 last nd mark carefully cux u dont get 2nd chance...
NOTE... M tellin u all dis 4m last yr's experience... If dere r not dynamical changes 4m last yr... U ll do fine ia... And ppl mite hv diff of opinion wid me... Hopefully i helped a bit nd ddnt confuse u more ...

is there any negative marking in MCQ"s?
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WaAlaikumAsSalam wr wb!

Yes...i'll be done with my a lvl exams soon...
Now, I got no idea where to start, n what to do...

I'd wanna know everything u can tell :D how to study? when's the exam? which books? academies? any further info about medical uni admissions ? any tips?

JazakAllahu Khairen!
sorry...but what's kips ? some academy or..?
As you are A LEVEL student i need your help, i am done with my O levels and i intend to go to medical college too but no private ones. i want to know is it better to do A levels or Fsc? i can't get myself adjust in Fsc so can a straight A* holder do well in entry test? my brother is preparing for his mcat from kips academy so i would recommend you that too. They prepare you very well. But the problem is he was saying the entry test comes mostly from Fsc books so A LEVEL Student will have to study from Fsc books. what your experience as an A Level student says? I really need a wise advise.
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As you are A LEVEL student i need your help, i am done with my O levels and i intend to go to medical college too but no private ones. i want to know is it better to do A levels or Fsc? i can't get myself adjust in Fsc so can a straight A* holder do well in entry test? my brother is preparing for his mcat from kips academy so i would recommend you that too. They prepare you very well. But the problem is he was saying the entry test comes mostly from Fsc books so A LEVEL Student will have to study from Fsc books. what your experience as an A Level student says? I really need a wise advise.
I am done with alevels and preparing from MCAT from KIPS too. i think doing alevel is not a disadvantage but there are many advantages. For examples alevel is purely concepts based and entry test is concept based too. And now entry test comes from common topics from both alevel and fsc , except some topics that are not in alevel and they are not much difficult. Many of my friends opted for fsc after olevels and they were not able to follow up with their system and didnt get good marks in fsc.
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hellow i am a student of a level .done with AS level .i just want to know should i do MCAT or SAt 2 in this septempber ?
i am pre medical student with bio chem phy .
what are the advantages of m cat .my target is to go in any goog medical university .
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hellow i am a student of a level .done with AS level .i just want to know should i do MCAT or SAt 2 in this septempber ?
i am pre medical student with bio chem phy .
what are the advantages of m cat .my target is to go in any goog medical university .
I think you are not eligible for MCAT if you have given your AS only.As for SAT, yes you can appear this September:)
Best of luck!:D
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to succeed in macat or any other test is mean to overcome you weak spot.
i don't know what your weak spot is but i know mine when i did ecat which is basic conformation of knowledge ,i have to receive a problem when i do a math calculation i confused my self by asking wheather 7*4=28or 7*3=28 . So, after spending some time looking for solution i find a solution ,i go into book shop buy all the books form class 1-12(clase one to class twelve) punjab text book (worth Rs 2000),and begin reading at home and it workout for me by reconfirming the basic required subjects,olevel book are good but they required more study time+more money to buy them i hope my case will give some piece of guidance
one piece of info.
right now kips is for Rs 18000 and average acdmy is Rs 13000 for ecat/mact prep.
Where are you from?You've joined KIPS for MCAT and you paid 18000 for it?
Here in Multan, it is 16500 for MCAT!
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Hey can anyone tell me whether we are asked about the slightest details from FSc books or not?Also do we have to memorize values like bond energies and electric potentials in Chemistry?
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no they dont ask for the slightest details...
not really ... i dont recall cin any in da xam...
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Should I study only those specific topics in the UHS syllabus or the entire FSc books?Because I've heard from some students that they can ask questions from anywhere.