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Member of the Week --- 'GetSomeLIFE'


XPRS Moderator
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'Basimnazir'


nice going ppl! Though i didnt read it all...everyday i cum i see 7-8 pages unread....c'mon i cnt read them all :D

anyways...ofcourse i've read it through though not completely...and just came here to appreciate the way 'basimnazir' has presented his answers! II always wanted to ask u ppl to do it that way...but u know laziness :D anyways....i'm sure that from next MOWT it's gonna be like that ;)
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'Basimnazir'

wow da rplies r real cool...
i m new here n jxt looked at some topics...
but its amaxing here...
quite a thoughtful person!
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'Basimnazir'

Aoa. Well by reading your answers, dude you have my respect. It takes a lot of courage to escape from that pit of despair, when one thinks his only way out is through suicide. Bravo, man, :good: .I salute you. [too bad there is no saluting smiley, :( ]
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'Basimnazir'

Remember that I told you once about how immature you were?
I take that back.
I haven't read better answers than your's. Your parents ARE truly lucky to have a son like you!
God Bless =)
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'Basimnazir'

Thanks for the great compliments guys, I really appreciate it. =)
@Math_Angel- Wsalam, "If you can't make it good, make it look good" ~Bill Gates, and that's what I did. Nothing special or something! :)
@workinghard- Thanks for such kind words. :)
@alphabravocharlie- Wsalam, You gotta learn to face your fears buddy, and learned to do it too. :)
@aquariangurl- Yea I usually get that peeps saying how immature I am. Thanks for the compliment. And no, I'm lucky to have them, what I'm now and what I will be I'm thankful to my angel parents. =)
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'Basimnazir'


Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
The chicken.

Describe your fighting style: drunken master or angry monkey?
None, I hate fighting.

What last made you laugh?
The awesome urdu words which you taught me in PM. :D

Have any nick names? If so, what?
Mr. White.

Which are your top bands or singers?
Metallica and Iron Maiden. And to the singers, James Hettifield and Bruce Dickinson.

What school activities do you or did you participate in?
Sports, I love em!

Where were you born?
Buraiydah, Saudi Arabia.

Do you have posters up on your room walls?
Not really, no!

How was your Day?
Pretty awesome till now.

What do you do in your free time?

Is there something you've dreamed of doing for a long time?
I always wanted to shake hands with James Hettifield.

What is your motto in life?
Give as much as you can and avoiding taking it back.

Most prized possession you have?
No tales!

What are you Allergic to?

Which are your Favorite fruits?
None, I hate fruits.

First celebrity crush?

What is more difficult for you; looking into someone’s eyes when you are telling someone how you feel, or looking into someone’s eyes when they are telling you how they feel?
I try to avoid telling people my problems, I don't want to make them upset because of my personal feelings.

You are on a flight from Honolulu to Chicago non-stop. There is a fire in the back of the plane. You get enough time to make ONE phone call. Who would you call?
My brother.

Where do you like to go to have fun?
On a metal concert.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Reaction score
Re: Member of the Week --- 'Basimnazir'


Would you ever want to become a writer if you are given a choice?
Not really, I left writing long back.

What thing do you like about yourself? (example: generosity, kindenss etc)
It doesn't matter until others think what they like about me!

Why did you even thanked once?
Erm, I really speak out but I guess it will lead to something I don't really want. It's better if I remain quiet in this one!

When selecting the username why didnt you leave a gap or put an underscore between basim and nazir.
I like to do everything in one go!

Whats your favourite quote?
Winners don't do different things, they do things differently.

Whats your favourite forum signature ? (yours or anyother member)
Lifes not fair; get used to it.

Which member do you hate?
None yet, I don't hold grudges against anyone.

Which member do you like?

Which member do you think should have not even existed?
Theres no one as such!

Which member do you think should have existed ?
Everyone who I know :D

Why do you use your full name in forum, couldnt just the name Basim do the work (By use I mean it is in you username and signature etc)?
Man is known by his full name. "Basim?" "Which Basim you talking about". :)

Why do you argue on internet? (I think you also mentioned you took a part in a race...)
Ha! Thats because that doesn't creates much violence...?
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'Basimnazir'

Hey basimnazir, Q1 - Are you a bright or dull student.
Q2 - How many marks do you normally get in your tests/exams, on average.
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'Basimnazir'

aftr reding basims answer on da last page.... :shock: lol srsly they wr gr8 answers well done dude :D
k now my ques. evnthough m pretty l8 here :p :)
-if smthing cd make u leave metal,wt can it b?
-if u have a chance 2 go bak in lyf n change smthng,wt wd it b?
-if u had 2 leave home in an emergency n could only take 1 thing wd u wt wd it b? :p (can alredy guess da answer)
-wt wd b ur reaction if u wake up in da morning n hear dat metallica is now extinct? :D
-ur first ever crush? ;)
-if u got 2 know dat u have some twin n he/she comes 2 meet u , wt will u do?
-wt do u do wn u get emotional?
-have u ever made any1 cry?if yes then what 4? :p
-what do u do when u find sm1 irritating u?
-any memorable birthday?
-when is da last tym u went out with ur frnds n where was it?
-what is the last thing u ate???? :p (n i wana know dis 1)
-ohh n y do u regret thanking evn dat 1 tym ? :p ;)
-can u swim?
-who has been the friendliest XPF member?
k more ques. nxt tym. m bzy :) answer all ov thm :D
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'Basimnazir'

Are you a bright or dull student?

How many marks do you normally get in your tests/exams, on average.
It totally depends on the mood, if they are exams I definitely score high if they are tests, out of 20 I might get 18 or 19 if I'm in a pretty good mood I reach to 9 10 11. I have achieved every mark! :D
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'Basimnazir'

Thanks Kerris! =)

if smthing cd make u leave metal,wt can it b?
A sweet talk of leaving it.

if u have a chance 2 go bak in lyf n change smthng,wt wd it b?
I would never buy a guitar!

if u had 2 leave home in an emergency n could only take 1 thing wd u wt wd it b?
Haha. That would surely be my cell phone. ;)

wt wd b ur reaction if u wake up in da morning n hear dat metallica is now extinct?
I would jump off a cliff.

ur first ever crush?
Yea an XPF member; Arlery.

if u got 2 know dat u have some twin n he/she comes 2 meet u , wt will u do?
I'm gonna ask him/her politely if she likes metal, if no, theres the exit door.

wt do u do wn u get emotional?
I would stop being emotional and start being awesome instead!

have u ever made any1 cry?if yes then what 4?
I try my hard to make others smile, not cry!

what do u do when u find sm1 irritating u?
I try hard no to get mad.

any memorable birthday?
Yea, it's gonna be memorable on the 15th June 2011 :D

when is da last tym u went out with ur frnds n where was it?
Just before my IG's started, in a cafe.

what is the last thing u ate????
I drank Red Bull which was also 4 hours back. Didn't ate anything yet, as I'm too lazy to cook. And I forgot what I ate yesterday.

ohh n y do u regret thanking evn dat 1 tym ?
Haha, it's better thanking once than having a 0 thank!

can u swim?
No, I'm scared of water, in other terms I have aquaphobia.

who has been the friendliest XPF member?
Arlery, Mysterygirl, Aquariangurl, maestro007.

And take your time.
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'Basimnazir'

Any good reason to choose Arlery?
There are numerous reasons and the one I like the most, is she different, and way too special and should be treated specially!
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'Basimnazir'

ok im here

basim now i'll give u hell :D

If you had to choose an unnatural way to die/be executed, what would it be? And why?

If you had to choose 3 words to describe yourself, what would they be? Care to explain?

How do you cheer yourself up when you’re feeling blue?

If you had to verbalize a slogan for your life – something you live by, like a principle – what would it be?

What is one song or album that you’ve listened to over and over again in a very rough period of your life?

If you were forced or decided to go one year without phone calls (receiving OR making), who would the last two people be you’d call before you start the year?

What is something funny or amusing that happened last winter?

White bread or wheat bread? Rice or potatoes?

11. If you had one chance to travel back in time, which time period (and in which country) would you want to visit?

12. What are your thoughts on organic food, the Atkins diet, and the no-carbs fad?

13. For the holidays, are you a last-minute shopper or do you shop well ahead of time? (This assumes the person celebrates.)

What’s a phrase or saying you say a lot?

Would you rather eat haggis (Scottish) or thousand-year-old eggs (Chinese)?

What’s your favorite holiday of the year?

Do you believe in luck or fate?

What’s your favorite meal of the day?

Which days of the week do you prefer and why?

What age of your life would you want to revisit, given the chance?

What character from a television show would you want to be?

What is one vivid memory in your childhood?

Would you ever be on a reality show? If yes, what kind?

What is one major quality you look for in a significant other?

What is one landmark in the world you hope to one day see?

How do you define “smart”?

What do you do on your weekends?

What kind meanings do colors have in your culture (this really only works for people from a different country than you)?

What is your favorite kind of food?

What’s your favorite dish from (your country-of-origin) food?

What’s the best gift you ever gave someone, in your opinion?

What is one thing you HAVE to do before your next birthday but haven’t yet?

Have you ever seen any celebrities or famous people in person?

What do you love about where you live?

What do you bring most to a friendship?

What is one cleaning tip you swear by?

What is your favorite sound?

What gets you excited about life?

If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be and why?

If you had to only eat three things for the rest of your life, day in and day out, what would they be?

If you could go to any country for free, where would you go and why?

What is your first memory?

If you were a time traveler and could only go back in time or forward in time, which would you choose?

If you could tell your best friend one thing that you can’t stand about him/her what would it be?? what do you think their reaction would be?

If you could live forever, would you want to?

What’s the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to you?

When did you first realize you needed to change your lifestyle food wise?

Have you ever read a book that really changed the way you look at things? What was the book?

What’s your favorite time of day and what do you usually do during it? If you’re not free to do what you want, what would you otherwise be doing?

What teacher did you admire the most in high school?

. What is your most prized possession?

Who is one person who has been influential in your life, for better or worse?

What was your favorite toy as a child?

What is your favorite place in the world (as of right now)?

Why do people lie?

Do you consider your life a fulfilled one and if not, what would it take to get to that point?

What is your crowning achievement at this point in life?

What is a word or phrase you use frequently and how did you pick it up?

Pencil or pen?
What color ink do you prefer to write with?

How many times have you moved homes/houses in your life?

What’s your favorite breakfast food and do you ever eat this for other meals/snacks?