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Member of the Week --- 'GetSomeLIFE'

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Re: Member of the Week --- 'Arlery'

ks136 said:
basimnazir said:
ks136 said:
really..........and u were saying dat ur udu is weak
Yea was a fluke :D Hell yea, target!!! I'm good without learning! :D
caught u....u alwayz write "Hell yea" in ur posts as i used to write" ok"........y?
Haha nice catchy!
I don't usually write that, I'm kinda "OK" with it. ;)
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'Arlery'

basimnazir said:
ks136 said:
caught u....u alwayz write "Hell yea" in ur posts as i used to write" ok"........y?
Haha nice catchy!
I don't usually write that, I'm kinda "OK" with it. ;)
u use it alot...i've been noticing it :roll:
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'Arlery'

Yea I think so. Gonna stop it.
Miss Media, member of the week, questions needed!
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'Arlery'

If you had to eat a raccoon
...how would you cook it?

What do/did you enjoy about school?

Which is the best vacation you’ve ever had?

Who is/was your favorite teacher?

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

If your house was on fire and you could grab only 3 things
before leaving, what would they be?

Where is your most favorite place on this earth?

What is the best present you have ever received?

Why do you like living in this area?

If you could change the world what would you do?

What is usually your first thought when you wake up?

How could I make you happier?

What is the speed of dark?

What do you usually think about right before falling asleep?

Do you believe in extraterrestrials or life on other planets?

Do you believe in ghosts?

What do you think the greatest invention is
in your lifetime and why?

What do you think the secret to a good life is?

You wouldn’t be caught dead being seen where?

What would be your dream job?

What is your most cherished item?

If you could live anywhere in the world,
where would you live?

Name three exotic countries you would like to visit

What do you dream about at night?

If someone was to ask you, “What is your dream in life?” what would you tell them

What crazy activities do you dream of trying someday?

If you could go on a road trip with any person
(dead or alive), who would you choose and where would you go?

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

Say one nice thing about every member xpf..posting in dis thread

When are you most frustrated?
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'Arlery'

Be careful Basim and ks, you can kill someone !!
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'Arlery'

Tell me about yourself.
I am a regular teenager living in K.S.A but I’m actually from Pakistan. I’m strongly ardent about writing and I absolutely love reading, so I guess you could call me an English fanatic. The only things out of the ordinary about me are that I have big dreams that I believe in. Oh and I’m also strongly patriotic.

What do you consider your weaknesses to be?
I think my biggest weakness is that I don’t trust people easily, but I think weaknesses can just as easily be turned to strengths because It’s only your perspective that matters. The glass could half full or half empty, either way it’s still half a glass of water.

Have you had any previous experience in this line of work? (You know exactly what work we're talking)
Actually I have no idea what we’re talking about it.

How are you on punctuality?
It depends really. If it’s an urgent task that really needs punctuality I’ll definitely get to it on time but if it does not require my immediate attention then I’ll probably delay it.

What's your sickness record like?
Come again? Do I look like I write down full accounts of my sicknesses?

What do you look for in a job?
A job that requires creativity, inspiration and yeah pays well too.

What are your long-range goals?
Hmm. Well I’m a very ambitious person, so I have a long list. For now here’s how it goes:
1)Get good grades in my A levels
2) Get into a good university that will allow me to do both B-Arch and a major In English language.
3) Become the author of an international best-selling series in the sci/fi or fantasy genre.
4) Promote my country for what it actually is and not what the media portrays it to be.
5) Make Pakola an international hit.
6) Learn how to speak Elvish fluently.
7) Build a huge library in a house that I will design myself.
8 ) Become a person my parents will be proud of in the future.
9) Try to be a good Muslim.
10) Try not to displease Allah in any way.

How successful do you you've been so far?
Well, I think I’ve given my AS exams my best shot, so let’s see what happens. As for the author thing, I’ve already planned out the story and am currently working on my debut novel; I will send the final draft to the publishers as soon as I’m done with it. I’ve already mentioned the fact that I’m strongly patriotic; I can’t stand any kind of insult against Pakistan and I always try to change the way people think of it. I’m still trying to make my parents proud and as for the Islamic goals, I think Allah knows best, who am I to judge myself?

Are you doing what you really want to do?
Absolutely. I believe in doing what I want because I never want to anything in life just because I was forced to. I always want to do things because I want to, not because any one else wants me to.

What are you grateful for?
Everything God has blessed me with because without Him, nothing would have been possible.

What are you missing in your life?
At the moment, I don’t think I’m missing anything.

Whats next for you?
My big break; these holidays, I’ve decided I will totally focus on the book I’m writing.

Have you seized opportunities?
I don’t think opportunity knocks twice at your doorstep, so it’s best to avail the ones you get.

Are you open-minded?
To a point, yeah.
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'Arlery'

Q. how was ur first day on xpf
I don’t really remember it, but I guess it was probably good because everyone here is so friendly.

Q. who was ur first friend on xpf...
I think it was Anon.

Q. most irritating member
I’d rather not mention any names.

Q. favor8 dish
Biryani !!

Q. Favor8 number
No favorite number. I don’t believe in numerology.

Q. Favor8 alphabet
I guess A because it’s the first one.

Q. ever fainted...when and why
I have never actually fainted. I’d like to though because I haven't experienced it yet.

apple juice or orange juice?
Orange if it’s fresh.

Are you a morning or night person?
I’m a total morning person. There’s nothing better than waking up early in the morning and enjoying the peaceful scenery, then getting your work done while the sunlight lasts.

Which do you prefer, sweet or salty foods?
Both. You can’t keep on eating one specific type.

Ninjas or pirates?
Okay that is pretty hard. I think, pirates, because they’re so freaking cool. But maybe that’s just because I love the Pirates of the Caribbean series.

What was your favorite childhood television program?
From what I can remember, I used to love watching Kids Next Door.

Are you a collector of anything?
Yeah. I love collecting stuff, in fact, I’ve collected different things at different ages. I don’t remember the exact ages but I do remember the order that it went in: coins, stamps, currencies, books, and the list goes on.

If you could be any animal, what would you be?
According to Scientists, isn’t the ‘Human’ species a type of animal too?

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Reading people’s minds and invisibility. You should have asked why too.

What is usually your first thought when you wake up?
That I want five more minutes of peace.

What do you usually think about right before falling asleep?
Everything and nothing. I know I probably sound paradoxical right now but it’s true, it starts with the wonders of the universe, to my own ambitions, to the current situation and finally ends up to nothing.

What's your favorite color?
Black. I adore black and though some people call it ‘an absence of color’ I call it my favorite color. They don’t like it, then they can keep their opinions to themselves.

What's your favorite animal?
Horses. I love horses, and though I’ve never had one, I always wanted a pet horse, though that’s definitely not happening anytime soon, but a girl can dream right?

Do you believe in extraterrestrials or life on other planets?
Yeah I do. I believe there has got to be a lot more species then just those on Earth because there are so many galaxies in the universe.

Ever been addicted to a video/computer game? Which one(s)?
Well, I used to love need for speed, but not anymore.

You're given 1 million dollars, what do you spend it on?
Charity, no I wouldn’t donate it to a charity, but I would definitely go and spend it on the needy myself. That way I’ll know where the money went, considering all the rumors you get to hear about charities and NGOs. Then I would force the publishers to publish my book if they [God Forbid] decline it. I’ll give the rest to my parents because I don’t really need all that money. I just want my book published.

Which bad habits, if any, drive you crazy?
Smoking, drinking and lying.

List 3 of your best personality traits:
Honesty, loyalty and optimism.

List 3 of your worst personality traits:
Short tempered-ness, the ability to get depressed easily, aggression[but it sometimes help right?]

List 1 thing you wish you could change about yourself:
I would change my short tempered nature. I get mad really easily and I don’t take nonsense from people at all. So I’d like to be a calm cool headed person, who can ignore and easily deal with that nonsense.

Any tattoos or piercings?
Eww, no.

What personality traits do you dislike in other people?
I strongly dislike people who are whiny, I mean dude, you won’t get anything in life by whining about it. I also dislike two faced people and hypocrites, I don’t think I need to say why. I dislike people who lie, because being a completely honest person, I expect honesty from others too. Oh and I also dislike people who ‘sugar coat’ things, the truth should be stated exactly the way it is.

Are you mostly a clean or messy person?Do you see yourself getting married in the next 5 years?
I’m somewhere in between. I’m not a clean freak, but I’m not exactly a messy person.
I’m just sixteen right now, so no. Maybe in the next seven or eight years.

Are you mostly a clean or messy person?
I just answered that.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
Pakistan because that is the one place my heart yearns for. No matter where I am, no matter what the current situation is, my heart and soul will always stay in Pakistan. To me, that place is the best place in the world because it is the sole reason I have an identity. It is the only reason, I can hold my head high and say ‘Yeah I’m a Pakistani’. It is the one place where I am accepted for who I am, and not made fun of or discriminated against. Lastly, it is the one place that will accept me if [God forbid] some other country kicks us out. So yes, Pakistan it is.

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I’d like to visit the Stone Henge because it really fascinates me.

Name 1 regret you have:
None Alhamdullilah. What use is regretting if you can’t change what you’ve done?

Name 1 thing you miss about being a kid:
The fact that anything seemed possible and easy to achieve.

Name 1 thing you love about being an adult:
Independence and ability to make those dreams you had as a kid, come true.

What's your favorite song of the moment?
Not song, favorite “songs”. Right now, I love the songs light up the world by the glee cast and jet lag by simple plan ft. Natasha Beddingfield.

What's your favorite song of all time?
Every song David Archuleta sings, becomes my all time favorite song.

Have any hidden talents?
Hmmm. Not really, unless you count singing a talent.

You're about to walk the green mile, what do you have as your last meal?
What’s the green mile?

What would be your dream job?
To be the author of countless international best-seller series or to be the head of an intelligence agency.

Which would you rather have, 100 million dollars or true love?
True love because money will eventually terminate.

If you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be?
To go to heaven
To die as a martyr
For my parents to go to heaven

Ever wish you were born the opposite sex? If so, why?
Nah. I did when I was younger because I always wanted to get that ‘skater boy’ look, but now I’ve realized, who’s stopping you from doing the ‘skater girl’ look.

Name 1 thing not many people know about you:
I get depressed very easily.

If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?
I would not change it, even if I had to because I was meant to have it. Call it destiny, fate or whatever, but if I was meant to have a different name, I would have had it.

Q...3 wishes
You just asked that earlier.

- fav place?

- ever wanted to kill sm1....literally...who?
Yes. I wanted to kill Misbah ul Haq for making us lose the world cup by playing the test cricket style.

- irritating member (plz include d name)
You answer it first. Then I’ll follow the lead.

- Hobbies?
Reading, writing, photography.

- Spend most time at?
You need to be more specific.

- Why xpf?
Hmm, I think because everyone solves my doubts here, and I actually feel motivated when I see that I’m not the only one who’s suffering from the intolerable, inexcusable, child discrimination known as examinations.

- favor8 tv channel
None. I watch my shows online. [Torrents zindabaad]

- views about slang language
Helps if you have an incredibly stupid mobile or keyboard.

- Wanna meet.....?
David Archuleta
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'Arlery'

If you had to choose an unnatural way to die/be executed, what would it be? And why?
I want to die as a martyr because then I would go straight to heaven.

If you had to choose 3 words to describe yourself, what would they be? Care to explain?

1)Moody: because everything I do mostly depends on my mood and my mood changes really fast. One minute I could be all cheery, the next all gloomy and depressed. But I think that’s also probably the reason I can write, because I put all those feelings in the words I write and there you go, another new piece.
2) Ambitious: because I am really ambitious. I want to achieve so much, and every day, the list grows longer. But you know what, I don’t care, because I believe in myself, and more importantly, I believe in Allah. I know he will help me get what I want, and if I [God forbid] don’t then it was because Allah knows what’s best for me.
3)Passionate: I am passionate about everything I do, if I’m not, then I probably won’t do it because I believe at giving everything I do my best shot. I work best when I’m inspired and I love that feeling. I let passion and instinct guide me in everything including the daily house work. For example, when I’m washing the dishes, I never do it thinking of it as a house chore, but because I like it and it gives me time to think.

How do you cheer yourself up when you’re feeling blue?
I write. I write all my feelings and thoughts down and let my hand guide my soul. Half the time, I don’t even know what I’m writing, but nevertheless, I keep writing, until all those feelings and thoughts are out of my mind. Then later on, when I read that stuff, I’m actually amused and sometimes impressed by the quality and literature of that specific piece, considering I was probably not rational that time.

If you had to verbalize a slogan for your life – something you live by, like a principle – what would it be?
Never fall to the point where even you don’t recognize yourself.

What is one song or album that you’ve listened to over and over again in a very rough period of your life?
David Archuleta’s album ‘The other side of down’. I absolutely love how every song in that album is so uplifting, optimistic and inspiring. It really motivates you and the lyrics make you want to go on in life instead of falling behind in the rat race.

If you were forced or decided to go one year without phone calls (receiving OR making), who would the last two people be you’d call before you start the year?
Firstly, I hate mobiles. Secondly, I don’t use mine much except for writing poems when I’m inspired unexpectedly and don’t have a paper to write on. But I guess I would call my mom and dad.

What is something funny or amusing that happened last winter?
My hands froze during my AS physics practical because my skin is really sensitive to cold. What’s amusing is that they froze the minute or teacher started scolding our class for not coming on the actual day of the practical. Yeah, I know, I have a twisted [or call it wicked] sense of humor.

White bread or wheat bread? Rice or potatoes?
Wheat bread & Potatoes

11. If you had one chance to travel back in time, which time period (and in which country) would you want to visit?
570-644 A.D. in Makkah, K.S.A. That is the period from the birth of our Prophet Muhammad [S.A.W.] to the death of the second Khalifah Umar ibn al Khattab [R.A.]

12. What are your thoughts on organic food, the Atkins diet, and the no-carbs fad?
None really because I haven’t really tried all this stuff.

13. For the holidays, are you a last-minute shopper or do you shop well ahead of time? (This assumes the person celebrates.)
Even if you do shop well ahead, there will always be something that you’ll have to buy at the last minute.

What’s a phrase or saying you say a lot?
Karma will get you.

Would you rather eat haggis (Scottish) or thousand-year-old eggs (Chinese)?

What’s your favorite holiday of the year?

Do you believe in luck or fate?
Both, because both are meant to happen, so I guess you could sum it up as Destiny. But give it any name, it only happens because Allah wants it to.

What’s your favorite meal of the day?

Which days of the week do you prefer and why?
Wednesday because the weekend’s about to start

What age of your life would you want to revisit, given the chance?
9 because that is the age I wrote an essay about Apocalypse, how the world was going to end, how aliens were going to invade the planet and how the human race would go extinct. I want to ask myself, how I was able to think so vividly.

What character from a television show would you want to be?
Dean Winchester because he’s such a hard core dude.

What is one vivid memory in your childhood?
The day I won my first trophy.

Would you ever be on a reality show? If yes, what kind?
Nah. Too much drama and too much of acting.

What is one major quality you look for in a significant other?
You have asked me this before and please refrain from distorting or disguising the same questions again and again. But anyway, honesty is something I look for in others, because if they can’t say it honestly, they better not say it at all.

What is one landmark in the world you hope to one day see?
The Stonehenge in U.K.

How do you define “smart”?
Having or showing a quick-witted intelligence.

What do you do on your weekends?
Chill out on Wednesday, study and chill out more on thrusdays, freak out on Fridays.

What kind meanings do colors have in your culture (this really only works for people from a different country than you)?
I have no idea how I should answer that.

What is your favorite kind of food?
Can I specify the type instead? I love Pakistani and Chinese food.

What’s your favorite dish from (your country-of-origin) food?
Ras malai, kabab rolls, Biryani, and also gola ganda, and if I named all the different types of food in Pakistan that I love, I wouldn’t have space for other answers.

What’s the best gift you ever gave someone, in your opinion?
The Vampire Academy series to my best friend. The expression of joy on her face made it worthwhile.

What is one thing you HAVE to do before your next birthday but haven’t yet?
Party hard.

Have you ever seen any celebrities or famous people in person?
No. All famous people were not so famous once and not every celebrity was born that way. So basically, the people you meet right now, are the ones who could go on to become famous one day.

What do you love about where you live?
It’s so peaceful and safe.

What do you bring most to a friendship?
That is something you should ask my friends, not me.

What is one cleaning tip you swear by?
Always wear gloves.

What is your favorite sound?
What kind of a question is that. The sound could be one from a musical instrument or one from a person’s mouth. If that is what you mean [forgive my poor question interpreting skills] then I love David’s voice.

What gets you excited about life?
That it holds so much for me. I have no idea what the future will be like, but why be sad and brooding and all pessimistic when you can be all happy about it?

If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be and why?
I would want to be a political leader, to see if they actually do what they have promised the people and to see what corrupts them in their daily lives.

If you had to only eat three things for the rest of your life, day in and day out, what would they be?
I’ll decide when I’m faced with such a situation. Hopefully I won’t as I don’t think there’s any mysterious island between K.S.A and Pakistan, hence I can’t really land on an island like in LOST if the plane crashes.

If you could go to any country for free, where would you go and why?
Pakistan. I have already answered why

What is your first memory?
Of my late grandparents.

If you were a time traveler and could only go back in time or forward in time, which would you choose?
I would go back because changing the past can change the future.

If you could tell your best friend one thing that you can’t stand about him/her what would it be?? what do you think their reaction would be?
Nothing. It is our mistakes that make us who we are and it is these experiences we learn from. As of now, there’s nothing I want to change in my best friend.

If you could live forever, would you want to?
No. It would definitely get boring after a while and watching countless nations fall and rise would be too depressing.

What’s the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to you?
That I’m special and that one day I will make my country proud.

When did you first realize you needed to change your lifestyle food wise?
Recently, when I decided to go on a diet.

Have you ever read a book that really changed the way you look at things? What was the book?
Every book I read changes the way I feel. The material I read influences my mood and thoughts and therefore my perspective. Therefore I refrain from reading sad depressing endings and prefer sci-fi/fantasy books.

What’s your favorite time of day and what do you usually do during it? If you’re not free to do what you want, what would you otherwise be doing?
Any time I’m free and feeling good. Normally it’s 7 30 a.m. the time I go to school, because before I get in the car, I look around and the peacefulness and serenity calms me down. It really motivates me and I end up saying ‘it’s such a good day’. That’s what happens every day and I wouldn’t want to change it.

What teacher did you admire the most in high school?
My Urdu/Islamic teacher because she really taught me how to live life the right way.
Then my head teacher because she is the ideal personality.

. What is your most prized possession?
The third part of Inheritance Cycle – Brisingr by Christopher Paolini

Who is one person who has been influential in your life, for better or worse?
My urdu/Islamic teacher, definitely for the better.

What was your favorite toy as a child?
I didn’t really like toys as far as I can remember.

What is your favorite place in the world (as of right now)?
Karachi, Pakistan

Why do people lie?
because they can’t stand facing the truth or the consequences of the truth.

Do you consider your life a fulfilled one and if not, what would it take to get to that point?
No I still have so much to achieve, so much to experience, so much to learn.

What is your crowning achievement at this point in life?
When 3 of my poems were published in a poetic collaboration released in U.S. and Canada.

What is a word or phrase you use frequently and how did you pick it up?
I tend to remind people of Karma, that what they’re doing with others is what others will do to them. I have no idea where I picked it up.

Pencil or pen?

What color ink do you prefer to write with?
Any as long as it’s visible and friendly to eyes.

How many times have you moved homes/houses in your life?
As far as I can remember thrice.

What’s your favorite breakfast food and do you ever eat this for other meals/snacks?
I would love to eat a chocolate glazed doughnut for breakfast. But that only happens once in a while. Yeah I'll eat it whenever I get it.

PS: If my fingers break, I'm blaming you.
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'Arlery'

Come on guys !! give her a rest !! even celebrities are not asked this much questions


XPRS Moderator
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Re: Member of the Week --- 'Arlery'


'her' ?? arlery is a girl :eek: