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Need help with pak studies, islamyat and urdu

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So I gave my A levels from abroad and came back for unis but sadly even the private unis need equivalency certificate so i have about 2 months to prep for these subjects. My question is where should i start and how should i go about prepping for these.
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Start off with the subject that you find harder comparatively. Make sure you understand everything that you are going through. Don't just cram all the info.

For islamiat: Refer to Farkhanda noor. References are very important in islamiat. They help you in achieving higher levels. Read through the book first. Try to understand stuff. Reading is very important. Then, start solving past papers. Go through the marking schemes to ensure your answer is according to the standard. Don't worry if you think your answers are not up to the mark. Islamiat for me was quite challenging. It's very theoritcal, you need to ensure you are clear while forming your answer. Do refer to other books, for references and better understanding, but don't confuse yourself. Prepare paper 1 first and then head on to paper 2. Divide your time accordingly.

For pak std: Paper 1 is history. Read Nigel Kelly thoroughly. You NEED to understand the information to deliver it. Most of the people skip section 3. I wouldn't recommend doing that. But definitely prepare the first 2 sections perfectly. You could just read through and understand section 3. You always have a choice. History is easy. Do the past papers. Practice the 14 mark questions. Once you understand the pattern of the answers it's a piece of cake.
Paper 2 is geography. Read through huma naz sethi. The initial chapters require understanding. Most of the geo paper is your general understanding and common sense. Of course along with some factual information. Do as many past papers as you can for geography.
For geo, past papers carry a great significance. Reading the book once and reading through the past papers along with the answers will ultimately help you.

For Urdu: no effort is required. I didn't really pay attention to Urdu. Just remember as many Mahaviraat as you can. Practice translation. Read in your spare time. Any Urdu magazines. Urdu as a second language doesn't really require exquisite vocabulary and stuff. Keep it simple.

Divide your time. Make a schedule and make sure to follow it. It depends on you, which subject would you like to start off with.
Good luck. You have time, use it.
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As for as Islamiat is concerned, pls take three reference books i.e. Farkhanda noor muhammad, yasmin malik and mustafa draper. First of all complete course fastly with Farkhanda's book and after this second time consult both the fnm and yasmin malik. After this start taking topics from mustafa drapers book. Remember his book is a guide and contains very less information so use it for topics as topics are based on to that. And also consider notes of sir muzammil and sir iftikhar. Learn Quotations with reference numbers for the Quranic quotations as reference number i.e surah and verse number add to te development of answer and a well developed answer is needed for a Level 4

Secondly, for pak studies take farooq naseem bajwa along with nigel kelly and gather as much knowledge as you can but gathering knowledge will get u a B grade. The main thing to do in exam is to offer your understanding and evaluation for example if the decline of mughal empire comes one reason is the arrival of british but giving only the information like they landed in surat in 1608 as traders but ended up ruling the whole empire will give you 6/14 but if you give the fact along with this that they ran india in a way to benefit the British and ended much of countrys wealth it will aid you getting an A*. So that means that you dont need to tell only what was the arrival of british but also how it contributed to the decline. Understood?

For urdu practice papers of 2003-2012 and be vigilant while attempting the paper. Paper solving techniques are the utmost important. U may tell me i will help you out. Tomorrow is my result of these three subjects pls remember in prayerz.