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Need specific notes on Mirage of Islamiyat

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Yes that is why I am asking for them. Please if someone has them, then kindly upload it.
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I dont have enough time right now or I would write them but in short I can tell you that use the book 'beliefs and practices of islam by Yasmin Malik' the event written in the book should be learned by heart and if it comes you can write it there........I know this because I gave my isl paper in may-june 2011 and mirage's question came in our paper and I wrote it in it and I got an A*..........though I dont think they would repeat it now it shouldnt actually :p
though good luck to all of you...
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I dont have enough time right now or I would write them but in short I can tell you that use the book 'beliefs and practices of islam by Yasmin Malik' the event written in the book should be learned by heart and if it comes you can write it there........I know this because I gave my isl paper in may-june 2011 and mirage's question came in our paper and I wrote it in it and I got an A*..........though I dont think they would repeat it now it shouldnt actually :p
though good luck to all of you...

Thanks a lot but please I need some notes as I have limited access to books due to the fact I live in boarding school.
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Isra and Miraj
In the tenth year of the prophethood on 27th Rajab the Prophet (SAW) was taken for Isra and Miraj.

This journey is described in the Quran; it says "Glory to Him who carried His servant by night from the sacred mosque to the distant Mosque - the precincts of which we have blessed-in order that we might show him some of Our signs" (17-1)

There are many authentic traditions from the Prophet (SAW) concerning Isra and Miraj contained in Sahih Muslim and Bukhari.

The Holy Prophet (SAW) was asleep in his house when angel Gabriel came and took him to Ka'abah, where the Holy Prophet (SAW) rode a mule like animal, which was called Burraaq. It took him to Jerusalem; the Holy Prophet (SAW) tied the animal to the same ring on the door of Masjid Aqsa used by the other prophets.

Then the Holy Prophet (SAW) offered two rakk'ahs. Gabriel then brought two vessels; one was filled with wine and the other with milk. The Prophet (SAW) chose the vessel filled with milk, and drank from it Gabriel said, "You have been guided to the fitrah"

The Prophet (SAW) again rode the Burraq, soon they reached the lowest heaven. The guardian angel asked Gabriel as to who he was, and who was with him. When he was informed about their identity he again asked if the Prophet had been sent for. After getting the reply affirmative the guardian angel said, "Welcome, his coming is good" . There the Prophet (SAW) saw a man, sitting with a large group of people on his both sides. When the man looked at those on his right he laughed, when he looked at those on his left he wept. The Prophet (SAW) was told that he was Prophet Adam. Those on his left were the sould of his descendants who were the inhabitants of Hell, while those on his right were the inhabitants of Paradise. So when he looked at his right side, he laughed and when he looked at his left he wept. The Prophet (SAW) greeted the Prophet Adam.

The Prophet (SAW) was to all seven heavens one by one where he met the Prophet Jesus (Isa), Yahya, Jospeh (Yousaf), Idrees, Aron (Haroon) and Moses (Musa). In the seventh heaven he met the Prophet Abraham (ibrahim).

Then Gabriel led the Prophet (SAW) to the lote tree beyond which Gabriel could not go but the Holy Prophet (SAW) was permitted to go beyond it and Allah spoke to him directly. Here the last Surahs of Surah-tul Baqara were revealed, and Allah promised that the major sins of his followers would be forgiven, if they did not commit shirk. Salah was made obligatory for the muslims fifty times a day. On his return Prophet Moses inquired about the worship that had been made obligatory for his Ummah, when the Prophet (SAW) informed him, he told the Prophet (SAW) to get the prayers reduced as his people would not be able to offer these. The Prophet (SAW) went back to Allah and the numbers were reduced by ten. Again the Prophet Moses urged the Prophet (SAW) to have the number reduced intul it came down to five times a day. The Prophet Moses again wanted that Muhammad (SAW) should go back to Allah for further reduction but the Prophet (SAW) refused saying, "I have asked my lord till I am ashamed to face him" (Bukhari)

The Prophet (SAW) was shown Paradise and the Hell. After he came back from Heaven he led all the prophets in salah At-Quds, later on the famous Domeof the Rock was constructed where the Prophet (SAW) led prayers.

(This is a word-to-word copy of the article written in the Yasmin Malik book. And there's also a topic below this 'The significance of Miraj' if you want that too I can post that here.)
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can anyone tell which type of question will come on Last Sermon of Holy prophet(saw)
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can anyone tell which type of question will come on Last Sermon of Holy prophet(saw)

1. If it comes as a 10 marks question then they could ask what were the teachings outlined in the Last Sermon.
2.If it comes as a 4 mark question then something like:
''Explain the importance of the Last Sermon''
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Yes, please, can you upload the significance of miraj, too..

The Significance of Miraj
In the tenth year of the Prophethood the Prophet's uncle Abu Talib died; The Prophet (SAW) was greatly saddened by this event as he was greatly attatched to him. This affected him in many ways. Firstly, he was grieved as his uncle had not accepted Isalam before his death despite the Prophet's great persuasion and secondly, he lost his protection as his uncle always shielded him from the eveils of Quraish.

Soon after the death of Abu Talib the Holy Prophet's wife Khadijah bint Khawailid who was a great source of moral strength to him, also died. She was a life long friend and companion who always comforted him and helped him in the face of great opposition of Quraish.

After these heart breaking events the Prophet (SAW) went to Taif in the hope of spreading Islam but was rejected and maltreated by the inhabitants of the city. All these events were of great disappointment to the Prophet (SAW) so Miraj was in fact a ray of hope that Allah had not abandoned him. It strengthened him spiritually and prepared him for the second period of his life, which was to come. It was also a message to the people that when the Prophet (SAW) led all the other prophets and messengers in prayer it was a sign from Allah that the Prophet (SAW) was the final Messenger and he brought the last message from Allah and he was the leader of all those who came before.
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refer to the ebook on google ..a sealed nectar.. i used it attempted the q in mj 2011 paper and got an a*
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The Significance of Miraj
In the tenth year of the Prophethood the Prophet's uncle Abu Talib died; The Prophet (SAW) was greatly saddened by this event as he was greatly attatched to him. This affected him in many ways. Firstly, he was grieved as his uncle had not accepted Isalam before his death despite the Prophet's great persuasion and secondly, he lost his protection as his uncle always shielded him from the eveils of Quraish.

Soon after the death of Abu Talib the Holy Prophet's wife Khadijah bint Khawailid who was a great source of moral strength to him, also died. She was a life long friend and companion who always comforted him and helped him in the face of great opposition of Quraish.

After these heart breaking events the Prophet (SAW) went to Taif in the hope of spreading Islam but was rejected and maltreated by the inhabitants of the city. All these events were of great disappointment to the Prophet (SAW) so Miraj was in fact a ray of hope that Allah had not abandoned him. It strengthened him spiritually and prepared him for the second period of his life, which was to come. It was also a message to the people that when the Prophet (SAW) led all the other prophets and messengers in prayer it was a sign from Allah that the Prophet (SAW) was the final Messenger and he brought the last message from Allah and he was the leader of all those who came before.
thanku so much for that :)