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New to Uni? Check this!


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AsSalamoAlaikum Wr Wb..!!

Came across this; definitely worth sharing...
When we are new at a university, amongst the many decisions we have to make is the friends we will allow into our circle.

At times this is done without much thought if any at all, yet this decision can actually shape our whole future.

University life can make you or break you so always remain focus and ensure that you are in the right company.

The worst of habits can be picked up so easily as we mix and interact with all sorts of people.

In today's universities, the danger of falling into the cheap lifestyle is far greater than before and so is the pressure.

Whilst many have developed their spirituality in these crucial years of life, some have lost themselves in the wilderness of their surroundings.

Why should we follow the habits of those lower than us in morality, modesty & spirituality whilst supposedly studying at university.

If we are to take anything let it be the best and purest of habits in a way that will leave us with no regrets and closer to the Almighty.
((Mufti Ismail Menk))

Ya Allah, please help us avoid bad company, and grant us good friends. Aameen.

smzimran alphabravocharlie BadRobot14 memyself15 N.M hassam veiled_fantasy ousamah112 OakMoon! Nibz
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AsSalamoAlaikum Wr Wb..!!

Came across this; definitely worth sharing...
When we are new at a university, amongst the many decisions we have to make is the friends we will allow into our circle.

At times this is done without much thought if any at all, yet this decision can actually shape our whole future.

University life can make you or break you so always remain focus and ensure that you are in the right company.

The worst of habits can be picked up so easily as we mix and interact with all sorts of people.

In today's universities, the danger of falling into the cheap lifestyle is far greater than before and so is the pressure.

Whilst many have developed their spirituality in these crucial years of life, some have lost themselves in the wilderness of their surroundings.

Why should we follow the habits of those lower than us in morality, modesty & spirituality whilst supposedly studying at university.

If we are to take anything let it be the best and purest of habits in a way that will leave us with no regrets and closer to the Almighty.
((Mufti Ismail Menk))

Ya Allah, please help us avoid bad company, and grant us good friends. Aameen.

smzimran alphabravocharlie BadRobot14 memyself15 N.M hassam veiled_fantasy ousamah112 OakMoon! Nibz
there was a lady who told my mother some duas,which she said to recite when i get admission in any uni so that i will get good company. i will ask my mother about those duas and let you people know.:)
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Wa Alaikum assalam!
i agree with it. It is a test for us and we as muslims should do everything we can to be successful. May Allah save us from bad company as well as help us differentiate between good and bad people and guide us to the right path. Ameen!