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November 2010 Results

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Hey... When do the IGCSE November 2010 results come out?? And do the mark schemes come out the same day as well??
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The numbers next to the letter grades are percentages? Because I am pretty sure I didn't get 100% on some tests they say I did.
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I'm experiencing the same problem here in nz. Where do you live? i got 100s for bio, chem , phy but they seem wrong
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I live Brazil, got A* and 100% for all those you mentioned. From what I've read, I think it is a percentage uniform mark so, for example: 20 - 30 marks in Physics is a B, 31 to 40 A and 41 to 45 A*, but the test is out of 100. Whoever scores the minimum mark for an A* is awarded a 100% Uniform Mark. But I'm not sure if this is how it works since both me and my friend got B in English Literature and I got 73% and he got 79%
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PeterG said:
The numbers next to the letter grades are percentages? Because I am pretty sure I didn't get 100% on some tests they say I did.

what do you mean that the numbers next to the letter grades in Grade thresholds are percentages out of 100. I need to clarify this issue. Does it mean that for example out of 75 marks 50 is the A grade, then it is 50% of 75 marks??? Please help me......
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I am also confused and nervous, but I think those numbers are this: PERCENTAGE UNIFORM MAKRS. From the Syllabus of other courses, I will copy and paste:

• A candidate who obtains... ... the minimum mark necessary for a Grade A* obtains a percentage uniform mark of 90%. ... the minimum mark necessary for a Grade A obtains a percentage uniform mark of 80%. ... the minimum mark necessary for a Grade B obtains a percentage uniform mark of 70%. ... the minimum mark necessary for a Grade C obtains a percentage uniform mark of 60%. ... the minimum mark necessary for a Grade D obtains a percentage uniform mark of 50%. ... the minimum mark necessary for a Grade E obtains a percentage uniform mark of 40%. ... the minimum mark necessary for a Grade F obtains a percentage uniform mark of 30%. ... the minimum mark necessary for a Grade G obtains a percentage uniform mark of 20%. ... no marks receives a percentage uniform mark of 0%.

My only doubt is, as I said: If I got B and my friend got B we should be awarded the same number there in brackets but I got 73 and he got 79

But I read the next paragraph on the syllabus and I think this is it...

The uniform percentage mark is stated at syllabus level only. It is not the same as the ‘raw’ mark obtained by the candidate, since it depends on the position of the grade thresholds (which may vary from one session to another and from one subject to another) and it has been turned into a percentage.

SO JUST TO SUM UP: These informations are not the answer to the question, it is simply a guess, based on quick research: So if you got 100 next to a letter like me, even though I know I did well but I also know I left some questions white ;), it means that you scored the marks out of, say 80 that represent an A* and an A* as percentage is 100%, for science, for other topics I had different grades

In case you want, you can read this: http://www.ibnesinacollege.com/uploads/ ... _20101.pdf

It even mentions the 100% Uniform Mark. From what I understood, you got a very very good A* :mrgreen:


XPRS Moderator
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Well this in short is ur percentile..which obviously is out of 100!!

congrats 4 a gr8 result...
these marks allows u to know where exactly around the grade ur marks lie..like ur friend was 79 and u r 73 so he got more marks!
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I also have some doubts related to the matter being discussed over here. My doubt is regarding how the marks are calculated, and how the marks from different papers are converted into the final marks which can be seen on the statement of result. I need urgent help. Hope someone will really help me. I think the marks should be in a way described below with respect to the information i've got. And isn't it more fair?? I made it a little detailed for everyone to get the bigger picture. Please have your say on this matter!!!

In order to start I have to give an example of the grade thresholds for all three papers in a subject.

P1 - 75 marks A =50 C=34 E=26 F=22
P2 - 60 marks A =43 C=33 E=24 F=20
P4 - 60 marks A =40 C=29 E=20 F=17

(The grade threshold clearly states that thresholds (minimum marks) for grades B and D are set halfway between A-C and C-E respectively. Thus, in case of paper 1 it should be 42 for B grade and 30 for D grade and for the other papers too the same procedure.)

With respect to what I have known as well as Cambridge rules the 50 marks for paper 1 should be 80% as it is the minimum marks for A grade. 80% is the start of A grade according to the rules. With respect to this if a student gets 67 marks out of 75 then the percentage corresponding to it should be for sure a value greater than 80%. When calculated mathematically the value for it is 93.6%. This way we can find the exact percentage value for any marks between 0 and 75 with respect to the grade thresholds. (If needed I can provide how it is calculated too)

Coming to how the marks should be calculated, for example a student gets the results from 3 papers as below.

Paper 1= 65/75
Paper 2= 40/60
Paper 4= 38/60

Thus, the corresponding percentages for the marks acquired by the student should be 92% for Paper 1, 74% for Paper 2 and 76.36% for Paper 4 respectively according to the percentage and marks relation.

The syllabus for the year 2010 states the weighting for the three papers as follows.

Paper 1 = 45%
Paper 2 = 27.5%
Paper 4 = 27.5%

Thus, 45% of the above calculated 92 for Paper 1 and 27.5% of the calculated 74 and 76.36 respectively for Paper 2 and Paper 4 should be calculated and added in order to get the final result of the subjects. Thus here it should be 82.749 marks as the final result. I believe the calculation of marks is more fair when calculated this way. They themselves stated in grade thresholds the marks equivalent to 66% in reality as A grade. As according to the rules the percentage of A grade is 80% which we all know the grade percentage of 80% should be taken in place of the 66% in order to calculate the final results more fairly. That's what I have come to know from a quick research. What do you guys think? I think this link too guves such kind of a hint: http://www.ibnesinacollege.com/uploads/ ... _20101.pdf
It states something like the percentage uniform marks (the final result) depends on the position of the grade thresholds which is also converted into percentages. Donno the exact interpretation of it. Any way isn't the stated way more fair??? and how is actually the final marks calculated??? I believe the way I have presented is more fair.


XPRS Moderator
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The percentage uniform mark is not the same as the
actual mark that the candidate obtains on the question
paper, since it depends on the position of the grade
thresholds (which may vary from one session to
another and from one subject to another) and it has
been converted into a percentage. The percentage
uniform mark will always be calculated out of 100.

will be coming up with more info InshaAllah..this is what have been said by cambridge!
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Basically: ( I will have another try)

So, your raw mark translates into letters.

For some subjects you don't need 90% to get an A*, all you need is, say 75%.

But the letter grade also translates into a Uniform Percentage: An A* for Subject x represents a 90% even though the person only scored 75% in the test.

Raw Mark = Letter = To Uniform Percentage.
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can anyone please tell me how the final result (marks/percentage) is calculated from the raw marks the student get from three papers in a subject.???? Is it the way I did in my last post or some other way???