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Officially Engaged With.......

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Look people against Faiza dnt have the right to post here.....Lets make it simple...........im not afraid of badrobot14 .......he knows it well that he was wrong banning hellcat

[quote="Barney 909, post: 476327, member: 36126".i dnt want her to see this thread a fit zone[/quote]
^ you yourself are doing it now Bro, so please skip it and lets stay ontopic, cause if the argument starts then it would simply ruin the occasion for you and thats something which we or I personally would not want.

So just learn from the past and not mention it again and again.
move on already, Good Luck!
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Hey guy! I am officially engaged and I am really happy that my parents agreed to me getting engaged with the only girl I love.......And guess what?........Everyone knws her who she really is?
Wow! :O Congratulations Barney 909 and Vixen12


I congratulate you both for your love and togetherness, and wish you peaceful and wonderful times ahead in life. May God bless both of you with warmth and care.
Sometimes it is hard to believe that somewhere there is someone waiting for you but now you both know how inevitable it is and how beautifully fate is designed by a designer called almighty. May your relationship carry all the colors of love, luck, care, hope and happiness.
Far beyond the life of strife and struggle is a bond so tranquil and trustworthy. You both are now entering the periphery of the same bond that would be with you till your last breath, will protect you and make your life a living heaven. But make sure to nourish it with lots of love, trust and care. Have a loving life ahead. May God bless you on your engagement day.
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hmmm think wat u think............u shud ask pepl who are banned......why did he banned them....any idea....
He banned them because they were violating the rules of xtreme papers and they were bothering members as well and I am a girl so its really unsafe here but you know there are many times.. when badrobot14 actually saved members from such people...
i hate badrobot......doesnt have to power to face anything
Just please lets not make an argument about this, badrobot14 in my opinion is a really wonderful person, I don't know him very well but I can say that you cant just be backbiting about him when all he did was just do his job as an Administrator and just because someone is doing his job doesn't mean he deserves hate... please lets just stop the argument.. we are all friends here :)

Now, congratulations on your wonderful engagement my friend :) May Allah bless you :)
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[quote="Barney 909, post: 476327, member: 36126".i dnt want her to see this thread a fit zone
^ you yourself are doing it now Bro, so please skip it and lets stay ontopic, cause if the argument starts then it would simply ruin the occasion for you and thats something which we or I personally would not want.

So just learn from the past and not mention it again and again.
move on already, Good Luck![/quote]
Look dude......u just guys cant blame her ok......i knw her for 7 yrs and its nt less......u guys blame and i stay silence....u guys are pathetic.......what u knw is not enuf......badrobot shows hes too islami....please....hes same like a cheapster that roam in streets winking girls
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Look dude......u just guys cant blame her ok......i knw her for 7 yrs and its nt less......u guys blame and i stay silence....u guys are pathetic.......what u knw is not enuf......badrobot shows hes too islami....please....hes same like a cheapster that roam in streets winking girls

Excuse Me! I just told you that I very well know the difference between blaming someone and proving the allegation, and that was a done case, proven!
And one more word against our admin and the Im gonna open the chapter again and prove everything publicly, It is a prestigious moment in your life and I dont want to ruin it so please stop provoking!!
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He banned them because they were violating the rules of xtreme papers and they were bothering members as well and I am a girl so its really unsafe here but you know there are many times.. when badrobot14 actually saved members from such people...

Just please lets not make an argument about this, badrobot14 in my opinion is a really wonderful person, I don't know him very well but I can say that you cant just be backbiting about him when all he did was just do his job as an Administrator and just because someone is doing his job doesn't mean he deserves hate... please lets just stop the argument.. we are all friends here :)

Now, congratulations on your wonderful engagement my friend :) May Allah bless you :)
oh really.......i guess islam tells us not to blame others......if he is such islamic y the f.... did he did to her....please......judging her character was not decent.......and he knws ver well wat he said to faiza........
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Excuse Me! I just told you I very well know the difference between blaming someone and proving the allegation, and that was a done case, proven!
And one more word against our admin and the Im gonna open the chapter again and prove everything publicly, It is a prestigious moment in your life and I dont want to ruin it so please stop provoking!!
dear i knw wat u will say.......i am myslf a professional in computr designing........ur chllngng me wat u saw wat u heard.......i can destroy ur chrctr in just one scnd with my cmputr talent bro.......but im not misusing my talent
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dear i knw wat u will say.......i am myslf a professional in computr designing........ur chllngng me wat u saw wat u heard.......i can destroy ur chrctr in just one scnd with my cmputr talent bro.......but im not misusing my talent
kai...there's no need to waste ur time over this....people r here only to make fun and enjoy what they call "bistifying"

whoever congradulated us...thanks
it was our parents decision and i am bound to what they want best for me
a wonderful practical and mature step it was

and whoever came here for the sake of making fun...GET LOST and try not to ruin our happy day
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kai...there's no need to waste ur time over this....people r here only to make fun and enjoy what they call "bistifying"

whoever congradulated us...thanks
it was our parents decision and i am bound to what they want best for me
a wonderful practical and mature step it was

and whoever came here for the sake of making fun...GET LOST and try not to ruin our happy day
wat r u doing here
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