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P5 Phiscics HELP

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Hello ! Can anyone show me some tips on how to respond P5 questions. It seems to be an essay and i dont know how to start with and how to end with.
The first questions seem to be essay based but the second calculations. Do u need to calculate all the errors??
my teacher doesnt give me lessons on this paper :S
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I guss the best way to answer question one is in the following format. Many students spend most of the time thinking in what order to write. Just practice it and always follow this pattern and you wont miss a thing,

1- Define the problem [2-3 marks]
+ Reinforce the objective of the given question
+ Select the dependent and independent variables
+ consistency of Variables

2- Arrangement of Apparatus (includes diagram) [2-3 marks]
+ Give every detail of the experiment

3- Procedure to follow [2 marks]
+ How would you produce/read variation of dependent and independent variables.
+ Measure and control of variables
- Measurement
- Control variables linked to the experiment
- Mention limiting values involved, Independent only.

4- Analysis [3 marks]
+ Simpify the given Equation ( Or maybe you have to give one urelf)
+ Table of results
+ Nature of plots. Which variable on x-axis and what on the y-axis of the graph.
+ Give the trend of the predicted trend of the graph.

5- Extra relevent details [3-4 marks] (could be placed anywhere in the 'essay' )
- Errors and uncertianities
- Alternatives, Precautions and Improvements (presumably at the end of the answer)

Hope this helps you and obviously paper 5 requires some deep thinking therefore think before you write or all of your answer might be leading to the wrong procedure. There is also no one way to answer these type of question, the only reqirement is to tell the examiner you have deep thinking and know about every aspect of the procedure. This can only be done if you write everything down on the paper.

Question 2 requires simple maths basics which i guesss you teacher can give you if you persue him.
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Thanks very much!! So u recommend me to follow this pattern always?? Could i know where u found this procedure if u dont mind.
I mean, did the teacher told u or cambridge said how to follow the procedure.
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well this is the pattern told by cambridge u can chk this in the mark scheme
and u need not write eassys
and no need for the headings like ADDITIONAL DETAILS .......
u can write eveything in point from
that will consume less time
and u also gotta include the diagram!
thats costs 2 marks
i just had a fresh revision of p5
so u can ask any other thing u want to
and yea we need to find all the errors only where stated!
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Well i dont think Cambridge would publish a pattern to follow but this could be predicted from their mark schemes. Anywaiz a well reputed teacher of mine told me, i have no idea where he got it from.

Yes, i would prefer to use this pattern myself as it helps me to think more about the details of the procedure and less about what i have missed and not written. However i would not recommend rote-learning the pattern itself but to practice pastpapers with the same pattern so get used to it. Its like getting up in the morning and you know you have brush you teeth first and then have the breakfast :D.. so its just there to help you, it depends if you want to use it or not :)
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i think u should follow this pattern cuz i learned phy from 4 different teachers
all theaching the same thing1!!!
so its better u use this pattern
quick and easy!
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I dont undertand point 4 (Anaylisis). I´ve look at one pastpaper and i canot see that we need any graph and table for the first question.
Also what does simplify the question mean?? and why plot?? if there isnt any graph.
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analysis means how would u use this data to actually confirm whether the hypotheses was correct or not
u dont have to state whether it was right or wrong
u just need to tell how u will process the data
and if u want i can mail u some sample p5's that ive done!
pm me ur e mail!
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Ahh, man physics p5 is an A for free. :D
just solve all the papers, make sure u follow evrything what mark scheme tells ya, n yeah dnt forget examiner report. that thing is ur best friend at this crucial time. make sure u read alll of em, n ur done! :)
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http://notezone.net/cambridgechem/chemi ... sis%5D.pdf plz go dix link pg 11 n c answers below of it

First of all you need the mass of FA1. In the first table you have the mass of the empty test tube and the

mass of the test tube + FA1. All you do is subtract the values 12.80 - 10.50 giving you 2.30g of FA1.

In the second table you need the mass of FA1 after heating. Again, you just subtract the values 11.76 -

10.50 = 1.26g FA1 after heating.

1 d. (i) The mass of anhydrous XS04 present in the crystals is what is left over after heating = 1.26g

1 d. (ii) The mass of water driven from the crystals is the loss in mass that has occurred when the FA1 was

heated. Before heating there were 2.30g of FA1 and after heating there were 1.26g. So the mass of water

lost is 2.30 - 1.26 = 1.04g

1 e. To calculate the number of moles of water in the sample of FA1 you use the formula no. of moles =

mass/mass of 1 mole which gives you 1.04/18 = 0.058 mol

1 f. The number of moles in XSO4
7 moles of H20 gives 1 mole XSO4 (from the formula XSO4.7H20)
So 0.058 moles of water give 0.058/7 = 8.29 x 10 ^ -3 moles of XSO4

1 g. To calculate the relative formula mass of XSO4 you use the formula mass of 1 mole = mass/no. of

moles which gives you 1.26/8.29 x 10 ^ -3 = 152.7

1 h. To calculate the Ar of element X you first find the Mr of SO4 which is 32 + (4 x 16) = 96
You subtract this from the RFM from part g giving you 152.7 - 96 = 56.7