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Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

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i wrote the same. hope its correct.
tell me about the q2c if you attempted in history paper.. what was to be the success of simon , 14 points and the 1935 act?


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i wrote the same. hope its correct.
tell me about the q2c if you attempted in history paper.. what was to be the success of simon , 14 points and the 1935 act?

i wrote about all of em n how they contributed. i said 35 act was most important but many of my frnds wrote 14 points. however i think my justifications were as valid as any other.
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would Driver be correct for tertiary ?:p im so stupid couldnot think of any so wrote this .. and fishermen for primary and labour in processing industry for secondary?

actually transport can be more appropriate here as u should describe name of occupation or the process e.t.cHowever Driver can be accepted as it relates to the idea u are conveying.....
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i hope so, in Sha Allah.
i was confused about one question of power resources .. i dont remember most of it but something like providing electricity to rural areas why is it important and then to what extent it is possible.. did you attempt it? what you wrote?
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i hope so, in Sha Allah.
i was confused about one question of power resources .. i dont remember most of it but something like providing electricity to rural areas why is it important and then to what extent it is possible.. did you attempt it? what you wrote?

wrote 6 point or 5 points of prospects of providing electricity like tube wells operation general improvement access to media and knowledge networks,operating small scale and cottage industries ,working day and night providing employment and finally reducing migration.........regarding the extent wrote abt lack of infrastrcture,heavy investment needed not available now as burden of foreign loans and this reduces further developments in power resources...abt villages wrote not economically feasible esp in far off and small villages spread in kpk and Balochistan...Power theft is at large and the vicious problems of investment and institutional mismanagement and corruption has halted growth...these need to urgently stopped if not it is highly unlikely tht provision of electricity can be given to villages to a good extent....exceeded 5 lines in writing this answer
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i wrote all the prospects you wrote as importance of rural electrification then one problem about finance then i realized they also asked about the possibility so i just wrote 2 lines about biogas and solar power which can be used but creates pollution. i wanted to write but no lines were left :( i dont know whether i created a mess here or not..
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I believe, The Question asked for the importance of each of those events in the development of the Pakistan Movement. Neither the clauses nor the background was asked for. No marks would be given for meaningless details not required by the question. Here is my answer:

Importance of Simon Commission in the development of Pakistan Movement:

The Composition of Simon Commission proved to be an eye-opener for the Muslims and Hindus's who finally realized that British would never give them any true representation in the running of the government as the Commission consisted of all British members. So they opposed the Simon Commission which lead to the Round Table Conferences and eventual discussions and negotiations due to which the Pakistan movement was developed. Also, the opposition to the Simon Commission proved to the British that the Indians would not be satisfied unless they had a true say in how their country was run.

Importance of The Fourteen Points in the development of the Pakistan Movement:

Jinnah Produced his fourteen points in order to counter the Nehru Report and To Safeguard the rights and interests of the Muslims in the Subcontinent. The Fourteen Points were the first major political move made by Jinnah against the Hindus. The Nehru Report was totally against the Muslims, so the reply in the form of Fourteen Points proved to the Hindus that Muslims weren't going to stay calm and that they would fight for their rights and that they would not accept any constitution that was against their interests. The Fourteen Points outlined the main Muslim demands at that time and it proved to be an embodiment of the Muslim Interests at that time. It formed the basis of the negotiations of the 1930's and many of the points were accepted in the 1935 Government of India Act. Had Jinnah not produced his 14 points, Congress would have continued to undermine the Muslims and they would have been completely dominated in India. It was the 14 points that developed a sense of distinct identity in the Muslims which played a very important role in shaping the views of the Muslims and developing the Pakistan Movement.

Importance of the Government of India Act 1935 in the development of the Pakistan Movement:

The Government of India Act of 1935 was a very important constitutional document in the history of the subcontinent. The Indians were given a greater degree of political autonomy. Many of the Muslim demands were accepted that had been demanded in the 14 points. Sindh was separated from Bombay and NWFP was given full provincial status. This boosted the confidence of the Muslims and instilled in them the realization that they were a separate distinct identity who was gaining recognition by the British Government. Although the Indians opposed this act, it formed the basis of the negotiations in 1940's that finally led to the British leaving India. Had this act not come about, the Congress Ministries would have not been formed and the Muslims would have not experienced the Congress Rule of Tyranny and the Pakistan Movement would have not been developed. Jinnah would have not realized the need for a separate Homeland and the Pakistan Resolution would have not been passed. The sense of having a separate homeland would not have been developed in the Muslims.

With Objective Analysis, it can be concluded that the 14 points of Jinnah were the Most important political move that contributed the most to the shaping and development of the Pakistan Movement in its early stages. Had Jinnah not spoken up against the Congress, The British and the Hindus would have not realized the Significance of the Muslims as a separate identity in the Subcontinent. By way of the 14 points, Jinnah presented all the demands of the Muslims before the British, therefore confirming that the Muslims were a major force in the subcontinent who also have demands. This paved the path for the eventual demand for a separate homeland.
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very right answer in my view.. unfortuntely i wrote all unnecessary details background and stuff because of the tension about lack of time couldn't even think much :( well In Sha Allah Allah will help..
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i wrote all the prospects you wrote as importance of rural electrification then one problem about finance then i realized they also asked about the possibility so i just wrote 2 lines about biogas and solar power which can be used but creates pollution. i wanted to write but no lines were left :( i dont know whether i created a mess here or not..

tht solar power point is very relevant with aspect to the possibility of providing electricity to villages and its extent.ur answer seems to be a good one
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Damn it!
My answer to that 1 (b) question in History, the one about why there were three attempts to revive islam, is wrong!
Apparently, we had to write about all three reformers in three separate paragraphs. -__-
But i wrote a general answer. :/
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Shukar Alhumdulilah. well lets hope for best..
listen in fishing industry Que the graph part i wrote 56 million rupees was it right? :O i heard it was to be 560000?:S
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Damn it!
My answer to that 1 (b) question in History, the one about why there were three attempts to revive islam, is wrong!
Apparently, we had to write about all three reformers in three separate paragraphs. -__-
But i wrote a general answer. :/
it doesnot matter i think :S because all had such reasons because of which they made attempts although i had studied marking scheme and wrote in seperate paragraphs.. you would get marks for that don't worry