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Can someone tell me the exact dates of2014 o'levels exams!
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Can someone tell me the exact dates of2014 o'levels exams!
khunsha did hist in 2 days geo 3 5 days total its possible if u do sec 1 and sec 2 islam took me a week or so
Tips for getting A* in Pakistan studies:
- Familiarize yourself with the syllabus outline, for Paper 1 and Paper 2.
- Use ''Nigel Kelly'' for History, and ''Huma Naz Sethi'' for Geography.
- Read these two books as much as you can. Master everything. Memorize all the facts, details, events for History. For Geography, understand all the chapters.
- Pay most attention to ''Agriculture, Climate, Water, Power and Population'' for Geography, these are the most important chapters.
- Solve lots of past papers for Geography, as that is the key to an A*.
- For History, after memorizing everything from the i sl.?book, start to solve past papers.
- You should know the pattern of 4 mark, 7 mark, and 14 mark questions.
4 mark questions--> You have to write any 4 facts related to the question. A source is given to help you.
7 mark questions--> You have to write 3 paragraphs, 3 reasons, one page. It mostly consists of questions start start with ''Why''..
Why did the Mughal Empire Decline? [7 marks]
Why was the Aligarh Movement started? [7 marks]
Why did the Cripps Mission fail? [7 marks]
Why did the Gandhi Jinnah Talks fail? [7 marks]
Why were three round table conferences held? [7 marks]
Why was the Government of India Act 1935 important? [7 marks]
Why was congress rule hated? [7 marks]
Why was the Pakistan Resolution important for the History of pakistan? [7 marks]
Why did the Simla Conference fail? [7 marks]
Why did the Khilafat Movement fail? [7 marks]
Why was the Khilafat Movement started? [7 marks]
Why was the partition of Bengal reversed in 1911? [7 marks]
Why was Bengal partitioned in 1905? [7 marks]
Why was the Muslim League formed in 1906? [7 marks]
Why was the Simla Deputation an important turning point for the muslims? [7 marks]
So, you see, they mostly start with '''Why''.. and you need to explain three reasons for each!
Make notes of these questions.
Write a question, and then briefly write three reasons under-neath it.
Q. Why was the Simla Deputation 1906 important? [7 marks]
---> Separate Electorate was accepted.
---> Extra weight-age for Muslims in councils was accepted.
---> Lead to the formation of Muslim League.
---> Boosted the confidence of the Muslims (This was the first time they asked for demands, in an organized way)
---> Sir Syed's efforts for good relations with British finally bore fruit.
Now, when writing an answer to a 7 mark questions elaborate any three reasons, one reason in one paragraph, and write a full page answer. You should be able to write this in 5-7 minutes. The reasons should be in your mind.
If you don't answer this question correctly, if you go about writing facts.. then you will get 4/7..
In order to get 7/7 you NEED to explain the reasons, not the facts.
Like in a Simla Deputation [7 mark] question, a student might go explaining what the simla deputation was, in the first paragraph. This ''Introduction'' is not needed. The examiner wants you to go direct to-the-point and tell him the reasons.
Start right away with ''Simla Deputation was an important turning point for the muslims because... ''
In second paragraph, ''It also proved to be important in the sense that... ''
And last paragraph .. ''It's importance can also be judged by the fact that...''
And you can get 7/7.
As far as the 14 mark questions are concerned.
You need to explain all the events, reasons, and give a conclusion in the end to get 14/14.
Q. Was the arrival of the British the main reason for the decline of the Mughal Empire? Explain your answer. [14 marks]
Q. ''The Doctrine of Lapse'' was the main cause of the War of Independence. Do you agree? Explain your answer. [14 marks]
Q. Lack of unity and co-ordination was the major reason for the failure of the War of Independence. Do you agree? Explain. [14 marks]
Q. Was the 1st round table conference the most successful of the three? Explain. [14 marks]
Q. Were Geographical reasons the most important in partitioning Bengal? Explain your answer. [14 marks]
Q. ''The Hijrat Movement was the main reason for the failure of Khilafat Movement'' Do you agree? Explain your answer. [14 marks]
So, you see.. in these questions they ask for ''Critical analysis''. Some one who goes about explaining the events, will not get the maximum marks.
In order to get maximum marks you need to critically analyse all the events and explain how they are related to the given questions.
Like, in a ''Mughal Empire reasons for decline'' [14 mark] question, you have to explain each reason in one paragraph, and you have to critically analyse it and explain HOW it contributed to the decline. You just not have to tell the facts, you have to analyse it and present it in an analytically before the examiners.
And in the end, give the conclusion, depending on what you think.
Example: ''With objective analysis it can be concluded that the arrival of the British was the main reason for the decline of the Mughal Empire. Although there were several other very important reasons, but this was by far the most important. Had the British not arrived, the Mughal Empire might not have declined that early''.
Coming to the four mark questions. They are the most easy. Just write 4 relevant facts, and 4/4. Easy!
Q. What was the Simla Deputation? [4 marks]
Q. What was the Indian National Congress? [4 marks]
Now, they don't necessarily start with ''What''.
They can start with ''Who''..
Q. Who was Ranjit Singh? [4 marks]
Q. Who was Robert Clive? [4 marks]
Q. Who was Titu Mir? [4 marks]
Q. Who was Shah Wali Ullah? [4 marks]
They can also start with ''Describe''..
Q. Describe Shah Wali Ullahs achievements for Islamic Revival. [4 marks]
Now in such a question, you have to tell any 4 of his achievements.
- So, knowing how to answer the questions, the way that is required by the examiner, is an art. And that is what will get you an A*, not just plain understanding of the book.
- For Geography, read all the book, memorize everything, solve past papers, read marking scheme, Blah Blah, get A*.
Hope this helps.
Took me half an hour to type this.
what is most likely to come in islamiat
Q1: Quranic passages
Q2: importance and history of Quran
Q3: and Q4: Life of Holy Prophet
Q5: 1st islamic comm.
Q1: hadiths
Q2: history and imp of hadiths
Q3: caliphs
Q4: Articles of faith
Q5: pillars of islam
Note: this is what i have seen the pattern of all past papers.
The questions regarding the rights and treatment of neighbors,parents,women etc. Where do they fall into?
DUDEE..!! how do You know that???![]()
DUDEE..!! how do You know that???![]()
Very nice..(Y)Tips for getting A* in Pakistan studies:
Hope this helps.
Took me half an hour to type this.
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