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Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

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cmon u dont need to be super human to do that u must understand the topic its just that u need to know how things work in geography the factors,believe me if u have seen the Ms recent ones most answers are not in book,the paper which comes now a days is just 40% from book the rest is ur knowledge and what u see in the world.This is done by examiners so they can evaluate how much u understand when given a question based on the concepts u know !

If u have problems in Topography try remembering the map and then u can make a map of how things are in that place and one more thing if u have difficulty in describing a particular area mentioned in the question u shud know that all hilly areas have almost same topography like rugged landscape,sharp peaks and depending on the climate where the hill is located u can give its appearance that it has snow !
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correct............just have in mind the maps.........as said by scouserlfc..... you will automatically know how to describe areas.........e.g. you know the altitude increases as we go upwards that is towards north.....so if they ask about any climate or temperature questions about north you can easily say that the weather is cool,snow falls during winters,tell abit about monsoon, clouds, etc............... just keep in mind the general view and things.Many things are your own observations and knowldge that you have other than book.
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Many factors are interrelated in geography.............e.g, look if there is more height there is less temperature,then due to this more cold climate, leads to less broad leaved trees like conifers,more snow or rain,due to this roads blocked,no transport available/problems,due to this people mostly practice cottage industry etc ............... and so on....... we just have to link it up and use our knowledge :)
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How to answer them i have learnt finally just want to know main points / = or

Q Why did Shah Wali Ullah / Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barailvi/ Haji Shariat Ullah wish to revive Islam in the sub-continent? [7]

Q Why did Shah Wali Ullah / Syed Ahmad Shaheed Barailvi / Haji Shariat Ullah have such a major in
uence on the revival of Islam in the sub-continent? [7]

Q How important was Shah Wali Ullah / Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barailvi/ Haji Shariat Ullah in the spread of Islam in the Sub-Continent before 1850?Explain your answer.

Q Why did Shah Wali Ullah / Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barailvi/ Haji Shariat Ullah have such an important in
uence on the revival of Islam in the sub-
continent? [7]

Q Was the work of Shah Wali Ullah / Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barailvi/ Haji Shariat Ullah the most important factor in the revival of Islam inthe sub-continent during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries? Give reasons for your answer.[14]

Q Did Shah Wali Ullah / Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barailvi/ Haji Shariat Ullah contribute more to the spread of Islam than anyone else in the subcontinent before 1850? Explain your answer. [14]
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1 and 2 and 4 are about the same............. just right about their beleives as mentioned in kelly book and explain their importance also given in kelly book

in 3 right about their works.........e.g,about SWU write about books,51 books,including names,translations, uniting muslims etc

in 5 you need to give comparison and include the one mentioned in the questions for maximum marks.Discuss each works of each reformers and give brief importance and at end give final judgment

6 is about same as 5
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Are these answers same or different

Q. Why was Congress Rule (1937-1939) unpopular with many Muslims (7)
Q. Why was Congress Rule (1937-1939) was so hates by Muslims(7)

Q. Why was it held 3RTC (1930-32) ?
Q. Why were RTC held between (1930-32) ?
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Q Was the work of Shah Wali Ullah / Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barailvi/ Haji Shariat Ullah the most important factor in the revival of Islam in the sub-continent during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries? Give reasons for your answer.[14]

Ans. There were many muslims reformers at that time.SWU was one of them.he believed that the muslims were not able to understand islam cuz they werent able to understand the Holy Quran cuz it was in arabic.he translated Holy Quran from arabic to persian.later it was translated to urdu by his sons.He wrote 51 books.they include hujjutal baligha and izalat al akhfa.he also wrote an account on the four Caliphs of Islam to decrease differences between sunni and shia.(he also fought against the marathas)
Another reformer was SASB.he was a man of action.he was a great Muslim warrior.he gathered an army of mujahideeen to fight agaisnt the sikhs and ranjit singhs forces.he did jihad against the ranjit singh army at many times.although many people left him he still continued the fight against the sikhs. he fought the battle of balakot in 1831.it was the first example of a movement formed to free muslims from non muslims leaders.it was a uniting force for the muslims and inspiration fro future muslims.
Another reformer was HSU.he believed that the country was now darl ul harb..... where non muslims ruled.he also believed that the muslims had moved away from tru islamic practises.so he started a movement called the faraizi momevment.it supported the idea of jihad movment.the farizi movment was started to resotre the pride of muslims and remove non muslim practises in islam.this moveent encouraged the muslims.it brought a spiritual revival.it also had much economic impact.the bengal peaseants became united in opposition to the british and became aware of their rights and unity became to grow between them and they realised their rights that should have been given.
at end just give final conclusion .................

(tht was too much typing :) :p )
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Q Was the work of Shah Wali Ullah / Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barailvi/ Haji Shariat Ullah the most important factor in the revival of Islam in the sub-continent during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries? Give reasons for your answer.[14]

Ans. There were many muslims reformers at that time.SWU was one of them.he believed that the muslims were not able to understand islam cuz they werent able to understand the Holy Quran cuz it was in arabic.he translated Holy Quran from arabic to persian.later it was translated to urdu by his sons.He wrote 51 books.they include hujjutal baligha and izalat al akhfa.he also wrote an account on the four Caliphs of Islam to decrease differences between sunni and shia.(he also fought against the marathas)
Another reformer was SASB.he was a man of action.he was a great Muslim warrior.he gathered an army of mujahideeen to fight agaisnt the sikhs and ranjit singhs forces.he did jihad against the ranjit singh army at many times.although many people left him he still continued the fight against the sikhs. he fought the battle of balakot in 1831.it was the first example of a movement formed to free muslims from non muslims leaders.it was a uniting force for the muslims and inspiration fro future muslims.
Another reformer was HSU.he believed that the country was now darl ul harb..... where non muslims ruled.he also believed that the muslims had moved away from tru islamic practises.so he started a movement called the faraizi momevment.it supported the idea of jihad movment.the farizi movment was started to resotre the pride of muslims and remove non muslim practises in islam.this moveent encouraged the muslims.it brought a spiritual revival.it also had much economic impact.the bengal peaseants became united in opposition to the british and became aware of their rights and unity became to grow between them and they realised their rights that should have been given.
at end just give final conclusion .................

(tht was too much typing :) :p )

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here is an end:

i think SWU was the most important reformer cuz he was one of the first persons to realise the main thing of muslims problems.He did the major thing of translating Holy Quran to persian so that more people could understand it.

or you may say .........(1)............... was more important cuz he did.....(2)............... which was very important because of........(3).......

you may put any name you think is best in (1) and his important work in (2) and its importance in comparison to others in (3)