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Pakistan Studies, Islamiyat and Urdu: Post your doubts here!

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Isn't the 1st n 3rd reason the same?
I think the marks would be seven.
Usually the fourteen marks question can be divided into two parts. For instance Importance of Shah Wali Ullah as compared to other religious figures. Now you have to write three or 4 effects of SWU and 3 or 4 of others. Total should be seven.
In important events this dos not mean you have to write about seven different events. The total number of effects should be seven i.e 4 from one event two from another and so on and so forth.
It is best to write each event in a separate paragraph to give a more organized look but the examiner probably wouldn't cut marks for that.
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Why was the Khilafat movement formed?(7)

ans. The most important and immediate reason for the formation of the Khilifat movement was the British threat to dismember the Khilafat. This greatly disturbed the muslims as the Khilafat had a special place in their hearts. It had been formed by Hazrat Abu Bakr(ra) and contained Makkah and Madinah the religious centres of Islam. Even the title of Khalifa was important to muslims and they also thought of the Khilafat as a unifying symbol. It was completely unacceptable that this empire be broken up and parts of it given to non-muslim countries. In order to voice thier resentment they decide to form the Khilifat.
Furthermore, during the first world war , in order to gain the support of the muslims. the British promised them that they would guarantee the rights of the Kalifa and that his empire would not be split up. At the end of the war, however it was clear that the British did intend to keep their promise. The muslims were furious and started the Khilafat movement in order to remind the British of their promise.
It should not however be thought the Khilafat movement sprang solely from the British threat to dismember the muslim empire. It had its root in a deep-seated mistrurst held by the muslims of the ways of the west,particularly Britain, and how they treated muslim countries. For instance, Afghanistan and Persia both muslim countries wre subject to rivalry between Britain and Russia who governed them without giving thought to the view of the native population. There were also regular desertions by muslims in the British armu, who were unwilling to fight fellow muslims . The strenght of the muslim opinion can be seen in Mualvi Fazul ul haq's presedential adress to the muslim league : '' Every instance of a collapse of the muslim powers in this world is bound to have an adverse effect on our community.'' This feeling of mistrust was strenghtened to such an extent that the muslims launched the Khilafat movement.
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1. British threat to dismember the empire . Religious places. Formed By Abu Bakr (R.A). Title of Khalifa important to Muslims.
2. British failure to fulfill their promise.
3. A deep seated muslim fear of the West.
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Aren't all those points the same thing.
British failure to fulfill promise.. the promise they made was that they won't do anythiing to harm the caliphate.. and now they are threatening to dismember the empire! The first two points are same.. i think!
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Aren't all those points the same thing.
British failure to fulfill promise.. the promise they made was that they won't do anythiing to harm the caliphate.. and now they are threatening to dismember the empire! The first two points are same.. i think!
First point out why the their threat would alarm the muslims. Then say the muslims were offended by the British not keeping their promise .
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Is this a 7/7 answer

Q. Why was the Khilafat Movement founded? [7 marks]
Ans. The Khilafat Movement was started in November 1919 after the World War 1 had ended. Germany was defeated in this War and the allies ( British and France ) had put severe penalties on Germany. Turkey had sided with Germany in this war and it was feared that Turkey also would be harshly treated by the British.

At that time Turkey was the only Muslim country that was independent. Also Muslims held the Caliphate in high regard. Muslims in India were not prepared to see Turkey be split up and thus the Caliphate to be abolished. Also there was a deep seated fear among the Muslims of unjust treatment by western powers against the Muslim countries. Therefore the Khilafat Movement was started.

During the war the British had promised that no harm would come to the seat of Caliphate. But after the war reports from Europe revealed that British and France wanted to punish Turkey for its support of Germany. Therefore Khilafat Conference was held in November 1919 and Khilafat Movement was started with the following demands: Turkey should not be split up in parts, Muslims sacred places should be be harmed and Caliphate should not be abolished. Muslims of the subcontinent put these demands before the British Government. A Khilafat Delegation was sent to England to meet the British Prime Minister. The Delegation failed because the Prime Minister refused to entertain their demands. Therefore the Khilafat Movement was started.
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Can you add the linking sentence? I need to know how exactly we should add it.
exactly thr must be linkin sentences n this was wat I felt in the first ans of urs
like u shud first mention in a sentence which factor or reason r u gonna discuss, hope u understand
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Is this a 7/7 answer

Q. Why was the Khilafat Movement founded? [7 marks]
Ans. The Khilafat Movement was started in November 1919 after the World War 1 had ended. Germany was defeated in this War and the allies ( British and France ) had put severe penalties on Germany. Turkey had sided with Germany in this war and it was feared that Turkey also would be harshly treated by the British.

At that time Turkey was the only Muslim country that was independent. Also Muslims held the Caliphate in high regard. Muslims in India were not prepared to see Turkey be split up and thus the Caliphate to be abolished. Also there was a deep seated fear among the Muslims of unjust treatment by western powers against the Muslim countries. Therefore the Khilafat Movement was started.

During the war the British had promised that no harm would come to the seat of Caliphate. But after the war reports from Europe revealed that British and France wanted to punish Turkey for its support of Germany. Therefore Khilafat Conference was held in November 1919 and Khilafat Movement was started with the following demands: Turkey should not be split up in parts, Muslims sacred places should be be harmed and Caliphate should not be abolished. Muslims of the subcontinent put these demands before the British Government. A Khilafat Delegation was sent to England to meet the British Prime Minister. The Delegation failed because the Prime Minister refused to entertain their demands. Therefore the Khilafat Movement was started.
Firstly in the first paragraph just write so the Khilafat movement started or something.
Secondly the deep seated muslim fear should be written separately as it is not the same point.
Thirdly no need to write about the Khilafat conference. You won't get any marks for that.
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Help me guys !

1. How successful was the Aligarh Movement? (14)
2. How successful has the promotion of local languages in Pakistan been since 1947? (14)
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What preperation should we do on the last days before exams????
I recommend doing past papers and making notes of the chapters you find difficult.I would also advise you to read from different books specially if they are endorsed by Cambridge.For Islamiat I recommend Farkhanda Noor and Dr Iftikhar ul Haq.I prepared for my CIEs last year in the same way .Hope it also works for you.Good Luck!!!!!!;)(y)