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Physics oct/nov 34

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Yes i did, my gradient was 0.052 something and yintercept was 0.42.

are you definite that the gradient was negative ???? i got positive values...:(

Yes everyone of my friends got a negative gradient that was close to each other's answers and my physics teacher said it was and so did a physics teacher who was a supervisor. Logically also it was negative.

You will lose quite a lot of marks unfortunately as this means that table of results is probably wrong as well.:(. Did you identify which spring for LA and LB or do the opposite of what was asked?

So maybe you did B - A instead by mistake. Luckily I think my value is correct as even on this thread people have similar answers. At your centre what did others get? Or maybe you moved the mass to the wrong side of the wood?

Don't worry too much, though and hope for the best as you can't change it now. I also had a bad experience with the chemistry practical. Stuff like that happens.

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Can anyone tell me what instruments are coming in As level physics p33 oct/nov 2013
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Yes everyone of my friends got a negative gradient that was close to each other's answers and my physics teacher said it was and so did a physics teacher who was a supervisor. Logically also it was negative.

You will lose quite a lot of marks unfortunately as this means that table of results is probably wrong as well.:(. Did you identify which spring for LA and LB or do the opposite of what was asked?

So maybe you did B - A instead by mistake. Luckily I think my value is correct as even on this thread people have similar answers. At your centre what did others get? Or maybe you moved the mass to the wrong side of the wood?

Don't worry too much, though and hope for the best as you can't change it now. I also had a bad experience with the chemistry practical. Stuff like that happens.


Thankzzzz, some people at my centre also got a positive gradient/....so just gonna wait and see...:censored:
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Thankzzzz, some people at my centre also got a positive gradient/....so just gonna wait and see...:censored:

Well for physics unlike chemistry responses shouldn't matter even if others get positive at your center in such an experiment, they can can slightly different gradients but its form should be negative. So I don't think positive grad will get marks. If its just your table that is wrong like calculations for 1 columb e.g A-B you won't lose marks for graph I think.
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Its no use, everyone got different angles, as it depends on force you pull it with and weight and structure of the yoyo thing! There is no need to confirm these angles as everyone got all sorts of answers!
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Yes everyone of my friends got a negative gradient that was close to each other's answers and my physics teacher said it was and so did a physics teacher who was a supervisor. Logically also it was negative.

You will lose quite a lot of marks unfortunately as this means that table of results is probably wrong as well.:(. Did you identify which spring for LA and LB or do the opposite of what was asked?

So maybe you did B - A instead by mistake. Luckily I think my value is correct as even on this thread people have similar answers. At your centre what did others get? Or maybe you moved the mass to the wrong side of the wood?

Don't worry too much, though and hope for the best as you can't change it now. I also had a bad experience with the chemistry practical. Stuff like that happens.

u supervisor got a negatve gradient?