Hello guys,
Suddenly I have come up to this question in which I cannot understand the way to solve it. I hope you may be able to do so.
The link for the past paper is;
http://www.xtremepapers.net/CIE/Cambrid ... 9_qp_2.pdf
,which is for 420kb. For your convinience I have it in a JPG format for 139kb, as well. The link for it;http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/3527/accounting.jpg
The problem lies in question no, 5 and additional materials number 2, Page no 14. Tell me how to calculate this part. I will be highly grateful to you.
Suddenly I have come up to this question in which I cannot understand the way to solve it. I hope you may be able to do so.
The link for the past paper is;
http://www.xtremepapers.net/CIE/Cambrid ... 9_qp_2.pdf
,which is for 420kb. For your convinience I have it in a JPG format for 139kb, as well. The link for it;http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/3527/accounting.jpg
The problem lies in question no, 5 and additional materials number 2, Page no 14. Tell me how to calculate this part. I will be highly grateful to you.