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Ramadan-The best month from Allah!

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Imam Sadiq (A.S.) has said: Say not, "This is Ramadan" and "Ramadan has
departed" and "Ramadan has arrived" for surely, Ramadan is one of the
names of Allah, The Mighty, the Glorious, who neither arrives nor departs.
Surely, arrives and departs that, which is ephemeral, Instead say:
"The month of Ramadan". Al-Kafi, 4, pg. 70
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Imam Sadiq (A.S.) has said: Say not, "This is Ramadan" and "Ramadan has
departed" and "Ramadan has arrived" for surely, Ramadan is one of the
names of Allah, The Mighty, the Glorious, who neither arrives nor departs.
Surely, arrives and departs that, which is ephemeral, Instead say:
"The month of Ramadan". Al-Kafi, 4, pg. 70

mashallah sis juz change the font colour
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Ramadan: The Best of the Months
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: The best of the months is the month of God -
the month of Ramadan - and the heart of the month of Ramadan
is the Night of Qadr (Lailatul Qadr).

Bihar al-Anwar, vol. pg. 386
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The Month of Ramazan and Seeking Forgiveness:
Imam Ali (A.S.) said: It is incumbent upon you to seek
forgiveness and supplicate excessively in the month of Ramadan.
As for the supplication, by means of it the calamities are
warded off from you, and as for the seeking of forgiveness,
it erases away your sins.

Al-Kafi, vol. 4, pg. 88
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The Best Deed of the Month of Ramadan
During the course of a sermon of Holy Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him and his progeny) about the virtues of
the month of Ramazan. Imam Ali (A.S.) says: I stood up
and asked: O' Prophet of Allah! What is the best deed for this month?
Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny)
replied: O' Abul-Hasan! The best deed for this month is
abstinence from that which is forbidden by Allah, The Mighty,
The Glorious.

Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 42, pg. 190
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Losers of the Month of Ramadan:
Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny)
said: One who perceives the month of Ramazan and (does not
strive in it and hence) is not forgiven, Allah distances him
from Himself.

Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 74, pg. 74
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Seven Excellences of Ramazan Fasting:
Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny)
has stated: There is no Mu'min, who fasts for a day in the month of
Ramadan with the intention of attaining its rewards, except that
Allah, The Exalted, grants him seven excellences:

  1. The forbidden food that had entered into his body melts away.
  2. He moves closer to the Mercy of Allah, The Exalted.
  3. Allah expiates his sins.
  4. Allah reduces for him the agony of death.
  5. Allah protects him from the hunger and thirst of the Day of Judgment.
  6. He is granted pardon from the fire (of Hell).
  7. Allah provides him the good and pleasant food of Paradise.

Mustadrak al-Wasaail al-Shia'h, vol. 7, pg. 395
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Salam!! Excellent article Maa sha Allah!! May Allah always keep every muslim and muslima, blessed and righteous. Ameen. You are being blessed with SAWAB( reward) every time this article is being read. Allah bless you with His Infinite Bounties!! Ameen
as we all know the month of ramadan is comming so i thought of making this post.hope u like it!:)
here are some tips
plz do correct me if im wrong

As the blessed month of Ramadhan approaches, we need to prepare for it in such a way that we can gain the maximum benefit of this month. For many, Ramadhan comes and goes. However, very few people actually benefit from this great month. Our teachers advise us to live the whole year as if we are in the month of Ramadhan. This magnanimous achievement can only be attained when the actual month of Ramadhan is spent properly. In order to acquire a droplet of the reality mentioned above, Insha Allah, I hope to mention ten points that were given as form of advice to me and many others.
  1. Discipline: Most people already know to abstain from eating, drinking, and sexual relations from one’s spouse during the daytime of Ramadhan. However, a level of discipline must be developed to do righteous acts and abstain from those acts which would earn the displeasure of Allah. That was a basic form of discipline that needs to be developed but along with that, one needs to have discipline in following a particular routine or schedule for Ramadhan. This will be the real life changing factor for an individual. They wake up for suhoor but also pray Tahajjud at that time. Recite some Qur’an. They eat. Make dua’ while waiting for Salah. They pray Fajr. Recite Qur’an and make zikr. Rest if they need to.
    The idea is to make a schedule and act accordingly the whole month without sacrificing their schedule. This is the desired discipline that is required.One may ask, “Why did he not just put the first point as a ‘making a schedule’?” Well, the answer is very simple. Anyone can come up with a schedule, but it takes real discipline to abide by it.
  2. Devotional life (‘Ibadah): Ramadhan is the month where Allah allows us to really fulfill the purpose of our being, and the purpose of our creation. Allah created us all to worship Him, and Him alone. Here, I will not mention virtues of various acts or worship because those can be found in the many books on the merits of certain deeds. However, since Ramadhan and Qur’an are closely connected, I will say that much of our devotional life should be focused on the Qur’an.
    Reciting at least the entire Qur’an once in this month. Understanding it from erudite scholarship of our community or from accepted commentaries and Tafaaseer. I am not asking that a person recites the entire Qur’an and completes one entire commentary of it in one month. Perhaps it may be feasible to recite the entire Qur’an and start off a regimen of a Tafseer and try to finish it on an annual basis.
  3. Identifying with the Ummah: It is important that we feel our fast, i.e. feel hunger and thirst. Apart from that, we can use this to our benefit by making other people’s fast count for us as well. This means that if we feed or give to drink something to someone who fasts, we can get the reward of their fast as well.
    Another aspect of identifying with the Ummah is to be grateful for whatever Allah has given us and realize that a little of that we need to give to others so that they may have a decent Ramadhan and wonderful ‘Eid. See what the Ummah is going through and see how we can actively participate to help the Ummah in any way possible.
  4. Contact with the Qur’an: Ramadhan is the month wherein the Qur’an was revealed. This is the month of the Qur’an. It is extremely essential to establish a relationship with the Qur’an. Without going into much detail, I will just mention something practical with regards to the Qur’an and Ramadhan.
    For the average person, i.e. one who is not scholar or is not a Hafiz, they should read at least one juz per day so that they finish at a minimum one entire Qur’an for the month of Ramadhan. If one can do more, than Alhamdulillah, no one is stopping anyone. The next thing is to understand the Qur’an. So take the first volume of Ma’ariful Qur’an (for example) and read one section of the Arabic part (if one can) and then read the translation, then read the commentary. Do this every day without fail. Obviously the whole commentary will not be completed in one month, but at least a schedule to read a portion regularly will be developed and hopefully within a year it could be completed.
    Also, one should try to memorize those chapters/surahs which are read often like Mulk, Kahf, Ya Seen, Waqi’ah, and Sajdah. Also memorize Surahs from the last juz at least and more if possible.
  5. Mujahadah: Ramadhan is a month of sacrifice and struggle. It is a month where Allah wants our time, our health, our wealth, and our whole being. We literally live the whole year for everything and anything. It is just one month…can we not live one month solely for our Creator?! So what if we have to sacrifice our sleep, and random other luxuries that we can do without anyway. As the saying goes, “No pain, no gain.” The amount of sacrifice and struggle we put into this month, Allah will reward us in this world and the next accordingly.
    Give yourself to Allah, and see what Allah has in store for you.
  6. Dua’: The essence of worship is supplication to Allah. This whole month, Allah is willing and readily open to accept all that we ask of Him. It is only to our own loss and detriment that we lack in begging Allah for the things we need. Prioritize your supplications. Ask firstly for yourself, then your family, community, then the Ummah at large. Within that, prioritize and ask for things pertaining to the hereafter, then ask for things pertaining to this world. Just remember one thing when it comes to dua’, the point of dua’ is not that we need something or we need protection or refuge from some other thing, the point is that Allah told us to supplicate to Him, and that is why one should make dua’ abundantly. There are certain things Allah loves to do, and one of them is to answer the supplications of His servants who call unto Him.
    One final aspect regarding dua’ is crying or pretending to cry. Tears are something foreign to Allah and therefore He has immense value for tears. The whole year we become filthy and impure spiritually by sinning, Ramadhan is the month where we purify our spirits by bathing our spirits in our tears.
  7. Good Company: Ramadhan is a month to maximize on good deeds and keep bad deeds at zero. Being in the company of the righteous will allow one to attain this goal. I will keep this point short. The minimum benefit one gets by being in good company is that one will not sin which in turn will cause one to become the greatest worshiper based off the hadith of Tirmidhi wherein Nabi (Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam) took Abu Hurayrah (Radhiyallahu ‘anhu)’s hand and said, “O Abu Hurayrah, abstain from all prohibitions and you will become the best worshiper.”
    The maximum benefit is that being with the people of Allah, Insha Allah; a person may just Attain Allah. What can be greater?!
  8. Gratitude: The secret to an increase in anything is to be thankful for it. To make sure that we see this month the next year, appreciate it this year. Be thankful for all that we have in every aspect, even the basic things we neglect and take for granted. We have Iman, we have Islam. Alhamdulillah, we are the best Ummah. We have been given the best book, i.e. the Qur’an. The best way to appreciate a bounty is to use it for its purpose.
    Allah has blessed with infinite blessing and bounties. Ramadhan is one of those bounties, so to fully appreciate Ramadhan, we must spend it the way Allah would like us to spend it and attain out goal which is Taqwa.
  9. Following the Sunnah: Anything of the beloved is also beloved. That is a principle of love. Allah has proclaimed the Prophet (Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam) as His beloved. If we follow the Sunnah and show a resemblance, then we can also gain the focus of Allah. Particularly follow the Sunnah acts which the Prophet (Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam) performed in Ramadhan.
    If we have to do something, might as well do it the best way possible. The best way for anything to be done is the way of the Sunnah. If by any chance it was some other way, Allah would have had His Prophet (Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam) do it that way then.
  10. Istiqamah: Imam Junayd Al-Baghdadi (RA) said, “Steadfastness is greater than a thousand miracles.” Please do not tire one’s self out in the initial stages of Ramadhan, rather figure out a routine that works and stick to it regularly. The most beloved of actions to Allah are those that are done consistently even though they may seem minor. We all need to be thankful for the good that we have done and also for the evil we are able to abstain from. We also need to be thankful for whatever level of steadfastness that we have. We want to make Ramadhan last beyond Ramadhan as well. I’ll end with a quote from one of our mashaaikh, Shaykh In’aam-ul-Hasan Kandehlawi (RA) said, “Whoever lives their life as they do in Ramadhan, then death will come to that person just as the moon of ‘Eid comes for the fasting person.”
To conclude, we pray to Allah that He accepts all of our efforts and overlooks and forgives all of our shortcomings. Aameen.

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Salam!! Excellent article Maa sha Allah!! May Allah always keep every muslim and muslima, blessed and righteous. Ameen. You are being blessed with SAWAB( reward) every time this article is being read. Allah bless you with His Infinite Bounties!! Ameen

ameen thx