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The prophet (saw) related in a true dream he had:

" He saw one of the muslims. The Angel of Death came to take his
soul but his correct behavior towards his parents came and drove the
Angel of Death away from him.'

" He saw another of the muslims surrounded by shaytans. Then his
remembrance of Allah came and made the shaytans fly from him.'

"Then he saw a thrid muslim surrounded by the angels of punishment.
His prayer came and rescued him from their hands.'

"The tongue of a fourth muslim was lolling out from thirst and
whenever he approached a pool of water, he was stopped and driven
away. Then his fasting of Ramadan came and gave him water to drink.'

" He saw another man and the prophets sitting in circles. Everytime
the muslim approached one of the circles, he was stopped and driven
away. His ghusl for janaba came, took hold of his hand, and sat him
down in the circle.'

"Another muslim had darkness in front of him, behind him, on his
right, on his left and above him. He was completely lost in it.
Then his hajj and umra came and led him out of the darkness into the

"Another muslim was being pursued by flames and sparks of fire. His
sadaqa formed a veil between him and the fire and shaded his head.'

"Another muslim was speaking to a group of believers who would not
speak to him. His upholding of kinship came and told the group of
believers that he had maintained ties of kinship and ordered them to
speak to him. Then the believers spoke to him and shook hands with

"Another muslim was surrounded by the Zabaniyya (angels of Jahannam).
His commanding the right and forbidding the wrong came and rescued
him from them and put him among the angels of mercy.'

"Another muslim was kneeling with a veil between him and Allah. His
good character came, took his hand and Allah let him enter His

"Another muslim had received his book in his left hand. His fear of
Allah came and took his book and placed it in his right hand.'

"The scales of another muslim were light in the balance. Those of his
children who had died young came and made the scales level.'

"Another muslim was standing on the brink of Jahannam. His hope in
Allah came and rescued him from it, and he withdrew from it.'

"Another muslim had fallen into the fire. The tears that he had wept
out of fear from Allah came and rescued him from it.'

"Another muslim was standing on the Sirat trembling like a leaf in a
strong wind. His good opinion of Allah came and his terror was
allayed and he was able to go on.'

"Another muslim was crawling on the Sirat, sometimes creeping, and
sometimes just clinging on. His prayer came and put him on his feet
and rescued him.'

"Another muslim reached the gates of the Garden but they were locked

against him. His testimony that there is no god but Allah came and
opened the gates for him and let him into the garden."
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"O son of Adam, as long as you call upon Me and put your hope in Me, I have forgiven you for what you have done and I do not mind. O son of Adam, if your sins were to reach the clouds of the sky and then you would seek My forgiveness, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, if you were to come to Me with sins that are close to filling the earth and then you would meet Me without ascribing any partners with Me, I would certainly bring to you forgiveness close to filling it."

knowitall10 can u please tag people on this thread? :)
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I've always wondered..Isn't it true that once your day to die arrives you'll die no matter what? So how come the angle death postpones your time of death because u did something good, I know this hadith is sahih but i would like someone to explain.
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