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real story....must read..

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It happened in reality and may happen again and again and again...and....

It goes like this...

...Three men were wandering by the beach. It was almost after Isha... so they chose a nice clean spot, settled there and started to have the dinner they bought from a nearby fast-food resturant. They noticed an old lady wandering around... One of them couldn't help but go ask her what is she doing... as she, seemingly, was hungry therefore picking up left-overs thrown here and there to eat ... she seemed worried and anxious, as well. So this guy approached her and asked what's wrong?? She looked at him anxiously and told him that her son dropped her there and promised to pick her up at night and that she's been there since noon. The three guys asked her for her address. They decided to drop her there, thinking perhaps her son couldn't make it. She took a piece of paper out of her pocket and gave it to the guys saying her son wrote down their address in case she was lost. The guys opened the paper and got SHOCKED!!

The son wrote: Whoever finds this lady, should take her to the nearest Home!

Sad, shocked and annoyed the guys couldn't tell the lady what was actually written in there. She looked too old, too weak to take it. So, they tried hard to convince her to go with them... to help her look for her house or even son... or maybe take her to their families who'd help. But she refused wholeheartedly saying her son is coming to take her and that she can't go and leave him. He'd get worried. (She didn't want to worry him....( SubhanAllah!)

Helplessly, the three guys left to their homes. One of them, couldn't sleep, so he decided to go back to that beach and check on the lady. As soon as he got dressed and left to there, he found an ambulance, a police car and a crowd of people. He made his way through them all... and when he got there... he saw the old lady...dead and pale... covered by some white cold sheet. He gave out a loud cry and started sobbing...

When he asked what happened... he was told that this lady was waiting for her son... worried and concerened that something wrong might have happened to that son who didn't show up to take her home... her blood pressure rose up real high causing her a stroke.... she died...

- The End -

I don't know what to feel... or maybe the question should be how does THAT son feel?! can he ever live with that guilt? can he ever forgive himself??? I dunno...

Ungrateful-ness kills....

Allahu Akbar!!
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Ya Allah! Make us dutiful to our parents.. Make us submissive to them because, Ya Allah, after Tawhid comes Birrul Walidayn! Rabbana, do not let us arrogantly walk away from those who have raised us to become what we are now.. Ya Allah, ya Arham-ur-Rahimeen! Have mercy on us and our parents and their parents on the Day of Recompense!

SubhanAllah... Inna lillahi wa inna ilyhi rajioon... This is a very sorrowful story... A mother who had raised that very son and was there for him whenever he needed her was helpless.. And in need.. And when it was her son's turn to play an important role.. He walked away.. This story just shattered something in me... Ya Allah! Make us dutiful to our parents and make us their way to go toJannah.. Forgive us all for our shortcomings and increase the size of our hearts so that the love of our parents can never escape..
Aameen.. :'(
amna saleem Jazakillahu Khairan for tagging me sister :) that was sweet of you..

np thought ud love it