Most probably, yes.Does addition of new syllabus decrease grade boundries??
Because the new syllabhs doesnt only imply a change in the course material but also paper pattern. Giving a new syllabus for the first time, we are unaware of how exactly can the new course be asked. Plus most people dont study the new material properly studying it according to their own weightage of importance. When I had Bio p2 a large majority of the people didnt know what Micheal Mentel Constant (however you spell it). It is true that only a 1 mark question came related to it. But in bio p4 i studied the entire new syllabus. Had all the new additional syllabus on my fi gertips but most of the paper comprised of material with the absence of the new syllabus.
Anyhow, several experienced teachers too claim that grade boundaries decrease for the new syllabus.
But i am sure the grade threshold for maths will be the same, if not higher. I messed up p3 bad time. The though of a B in maths just freaks me out. Duayoon meh yaadh rakha karo.