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Say goodbye to KnowItAll10 Or beg her to stay.

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Aoa, Ms. Knowitall10, and all her other friends which are very upset at the moment.
Yes, it is a sad news indeed... Good bye , Ms. Knowitall! We will miss you, a lot. I was told to convince Ms. Stubborn here... But, it is her will, so let her live her life the way she wants to. Farewell, Ms.
I hope to see you today, and... :)
Reaction score
I'd prefer the latter. But since she is very determined about this( very stubborn ) I made this thread so you can say goodbye to one of the best members here.
knowitall10 is leaving XPC, PEOPLE!!

She has created many useful threads, been kind to almost everyone here, and always helping everyone especially her friends. She has taught my sister many things without even trying, and I am sure many others as well. All of your threads will stay active and all of your posts will be remembered. Until you come back again. :)
We all know how much you love chemistry ;P good luck with it and sincerely hoping you won't have to deal with it again.
I wish you the best in this break, oh and happy Eid knowa. :]
knowitall10 what is this i hear?????

nooooooo dont go
we will miss yuh

btw eid greetings to all xD
Reaction score
Aoa, Ms. Knowitall10, and all her other friends which are very upset at the moment.
Yes, it is a sad news indeed... Good bye , Ms. Knowitall! We will miss you, a lot. I was told to convince Ms. Stubborn here... But, it is her will, so let her live her life the way she wants to. Farewell, Ms.
I hope to see you today, and... :)
u used some very persuasive words rose


*changes my msg*

i pray that u have success wherever u go and knowitall10 i pray u never forget us
keep smiling
and we hope to c u one day ♥
Reaction score
Alright..here guys:
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu/

This is to most of the people following me: (in order)

$~SauD~$ - always the acha bacha, mashAllah :') I was named "Idiot" by him and his clan :p Thank yo for everything..(y) Stay blessed and happy..

1995@10Sept - the girl who always liked and appreciated my poems...am honored to be followed by such a person :) Thank you very much and stay happy always..

AAnsarii - The one who I shared my talent with..the one with poems with such deep and reflective meanings they kept me reflecting for days..mashAllah..May Allah bless her with this and more..thank you..stay blessed.

Afnan Hafiz - i don't know her much..but until now, whatever she did made me like her..thank you Afnan..Stay happy and blessed..i hope you enjoy your time here..

agha saad - I don't know him much either..the only reason why i followed him was because he also wrote poetry :p Stay blessed!

Al-Anoud - as robinhoodmustafa termed her: THE SMILING MACHINE :D No body made me smile better than the way you did, moony..may Allah give you the happiest of lived now and in the Hereafter..i love you! And thank you for everything..for EVERYTHING..Stay blessed..

Alice123 - the girl who changed her avatar to the one i offered..and still hasn't moved it from it's place..may you stay happy! May you ace your exams..

alphabravocharlie -I don't know him much, but I loved his posts on people's walls..awesome posts (y) MashAllah..Stay blessed..

amna saleem - I loved your posts, I loved the way you tagged me and were desperate to spread Islam..Jazakillahu Khair and BarakAllahu feeki..

Amy Bloom - the female CAR DUDE!! The one who i followed just cuz she loved cars ^_^ Stay blessed and thank you for being what you are!

areeba fatima - alright, i never told this to you, but you always reminded me of the Mughal Empire..the respectful girls of those times..:p MashAllah, I loved to talk to you..you were awesome with your amazing urdu skills! MashAllah..Stay blessed and happy always!!

Ash72 ;) - I love you. Full Stop. I love you for everything you did..and you know what i'm talking about..I'm still praying for you..and always will be.. Thank you and good bye..Stay happy and blessed..

asma tareen - You're awesome. Like one of those really cute people who always wanted prayers.. And got them :) I love you Asma and may you succeed! Stay awesome!

cardude456 - the master of gifs...I salute you!

cyclone94 - :cool: A bukkhad. The Boss. The Bajo :LOL: I'm speechless as to what to say for you..you've been the best friend around here..this applies to sumaiyarox:) too

danial 234 - your posts on my wall (y) Thank you and stay blessed.

Danny007 - I'm so happy Emma had to have a brother like you..she's very lucky..Thank you for everything: for caring, understanding and giving wise responses at the most perfect of times..please ..give lot's of love to Emma, Stay happy :)

Deewani - I'm very sorry i have to leave, although i promised to help you in Chemistry...:( But no worries, Brother Nibz will always love to help you :) Right, Brother Nibz ? ;):p

DeViL gURl B) - You're this sweet passerby who i bumped into and followed..you turned out to be one of those cute special girls and you're more like an angel and not a "devil" :p Love you...stay blessed..

E.H Jane - You're a very sweet girl, Jane...I love you..:) And thank you very much for those beautiful posts on my wall..stay happy and blessed..

dragoninja98 - i hope you passed all those tests you had to give :eek: I prayed for you and still do:D May you succeed..stay happy and blessed!

Esme - You always reminded me of Nur..probably because your display picture usually has some sort of light...I love you! May you stay blessed!

fantastic girl - fantastic indeed..very fantastic...i loved your presence and i will miss you a great deal..

gary221 - THE BuKKhad. :cool: Oh wow..do i have a huge list of things you've done, Mr.Comedian! :LOL: Your wall posts were an escape for me whenever i felt down..cz ur statuses were so hilarious! Say salam to your sister and tell her i was saying thank you..and don't worry, that doesn't mean i am not thanking you! :p Thank you very much, gary..you were an awesome mood lifter to all! Stay awesome! Maha-Master of gifs..
Reaction score
GorgeousEyes - very gorgeous indeed! I liked you for following me :S But nevertheless, you were awesome :) Stay blessed!

Ibtizam - Ronaldo and a Bukkhad:cool: The best footballer (my imagination :p) and a very understanding person..you have a problem? Share it with this good boy who's innocent replies will make you forget all your problems.. :LOL: Ibti Tbzy Zammy...you make the Bukkhads awesome (y) Stay blessed!

InDiviDuaLisT - The poetry man..mashAllah..the poetry (y) Do you know urdu? Cuz i'm just going to say one word to describbe your personality and style: ZABARDAST! (y) in simple english terms: Excellent. Thank you for everything :) Stay blessed..

Iridescent - I seriously don't know what to say about you...you were always the sweet person to me as soon as i followed you..such a kind and awesome personality..thank you...love you loads! Stay blessed..may you ace the tests of this life and the Hereafter!

Jaideep. - The awesome dude with only three to four display pictures :p Thank you for being there when i was bored to death..you always seemed to know how to entertain me..and the many members you follow too! Stay happy!

Martee100 - You. I owe you the most sincere of apologies for being so rude in the truth or dare thread..and To be honest, i was placed in outright disbelief when you followed back!! That was awesome..you forgave me..I'm very sorry..and thank you for everything ! Stay happy and blessed!

Maryum7 - The cute girl who always came to me whenever she had a problem..i loved talking to her..you were always like a sister to me, maryum...i love you..and thank you very much for who you are..never change! Stay blessed!

Master_Shifu - I will miss you a great deal, Master... One thing i'd like to tell you is that never get influenced by people..follow your heart, and always stay happy..always..:) I love you..

muslimah here - You, like other members here, are related to me through Islam..so I love you for the Sake of Allah..and for the fact that you are related to my little sister in Islam: Happy Muslimah.. tell her i said Salam :) Thank you for being awesome! Stay happy!

Nazahat - I'm very sorry we didn't get to know each other that well :( You seemed like a very sweet and kind girl, Nazahat..and thank you very much for being who you are..Love you for Allah's Sake! Stay blessed!

Nibz bhai - Hell, I have a lot to say over here..:p The best moderator-wait, Global Moderator ever...always there for any member in need..always the know-it-all, literally! Thank you bhai..thank you for being such an awesome person! And i appreciate all the help you've provided me, or any other member with :) May you always stay happy!

Peaceful - The one who was always at peace :p You've seriously impressed me by your name..and your posts..thank you for everything and stay blessed :)

Raweeha - Oh..girl..I have a novel written down for you..

robinhoodmustafa - A constant seeker of Islam, mashAllah..never hesitated to ask a question..May Allah enlighten your heart with the Nur of Iman and may you get the guidance and hidaya..Stay happy!

scarface007 - The one who i referred to when someone got on my nerves...the Mr.Autocorrect i call him :p Epic with his english skills, correcting everyone's grammar and maintaining a certain level of respect for himself..(y) Thank you for everything..may you stay happy!

Shara Nafaz - I don't really know you that much..but i always liked you :)

shazmina - My sweetest younger sister..I love her, and her pure and sensitive nature..a best friend and a girl who always looked at the broght side..kindly welcoming any member that joined..you're always in my mind :) Stay happy..and give loads of love to Abdullah ^_^

SilentSpectator - the one who silently liked my statuses :p Thank you very much..stay blessed..

@SIstudy- This awesome girl i befriended and who knows how to think maturely..(y) Impressive nature, mashAllah.. :) Stay Happy and remain blessed..i hope your choices become easier for you..

@sj007 - The one who also shared the love of poetry with me..i love her for that very reason :) Jazakillahu Khair for everything..stay blessed :)

somasilver - I loved to have you around...you always made me happy :) Stay blessed and happy!

sumaiyarox:) - The pattu..the great..the awesome..and the Bukkhad :cool: Look at cyc's part..you've been tagged there :) I love you..

Thunder Bird - More of a peaceful bird...not thunder..her kind nature always impressed me..I love you for Allah's Sake :) Stay happy..

Uniquely Beautiful - She's unique. She's beautiful. She's my sister, in Islam..and one of those who i always dreamt of meeting..her poetry skills are lovely, and her beautiful nature in itself is clean, and dirt free..I love you for all the best reasons anyone can love her sister for..Thank you so much for being the one i enjoyed to talk to :) Stay Happy..stay beautiful.

Xpolymer Meesum - The chawal bhai of mine :p Along with being honored to be part of the Bukkhads, I was honored to join the Chawal group of XPC..founder: This member :p Thank you for all the chawlian and shughal..i enjoyed it :) Stay happy! Stay a Chawal for Life! :D

Xpolymer Miraj - The chawal's best friend..but nt a chawal at heart :p Always talking about his future studies..i enjoyed discussing such useful topics with him..thank you very much..stay happy and blessed..

Xtremite - I don't know why, but i always admired you..you had this thing that gave me an impression that you're a seeker of knowledge..i was always looking foreward to read your posts..thank you and may you stay blessed!

Zari - A dear friend..the first person on XPC that i actually met in real life..we met on XPC, and through this site only had we met in my school during our exams... I love you girl..you're the punjabi woman I love to talk to !! <3 Stay Punjabi :cool: and stay blessed!

ZKhanXZ - aannd finally, the hater of girls :p Always competing to make the guys sound more superior and better :rolleyes: But a good boy nevertheless..he learns when you teach him :p Especially in truth or dare threads..right, bro? :p Just kidding..you were awesome to have around..i especially enjoyed your arguments :p Thank you for everything...Stay blessed :)

mune:) - you just followed me.. I'm sorry I didn't get to know you.. Thank you nevertheless..
and some other members:
champ-student - the Pakhtun :cool: khora who was so awesome i actually shared my Pashtu skills with her:p Thankyou..and you're always in my prayers..inshAllah you'll get well soon..:) Stay healthy and blessed.

badrobot14 bhai - umm..what to say? Funny...never talked much..but an awesome administrator, maintaining the Islamic Law at all times..May Allah reward him for being such a leader..Thank you, brother, i had an amazing time here.. all thanks to the Moderation staff..Please let PlanetMaster know this too.. JazakumAllahu Khair...Stay blessed!

XPFMember - Enjoining good and forbidding evil..mashAllah..One of the most awesome moderators of the world.. JazakAllah for your constant posts and guidance..May Allah reward you!

CaptainDanger - hardly replied to my postts on his wall :p The one who patiently endured my annoying nature :LOL: Thank you, Sir!

AnGeL.Of.DaRkNeSs - the only free and happy-go-lucky moderator after Nibz bhai :p No offence to the rest of the moderation staff :p:p Thank you very much..

Emma13 - my soul sister as soon as she accepted Islam..a twin sister who considered me her family..and a girl who i constantly pray for every day and every night..a true fighter and soldier for Allah's Sake..I pray that she lives a long life, a healthy life..and the a happy life in this world and in the Hereafter..I'm very sorry Emma..I wanted to inform you, but I decided against it because i didn't want to stress you..good news, though: We didn't lose contact outside XPC :D Love you forever sis! <3 Stay blessed.

1357911 - another one of my soul sisters, one of the kind who u never met in my life..I'll love you always..and you're always in my prayers..I won't lose contact with you at any cost..

And finally..XPC as a whole was the best thing that ever happened to me..thank you, all..for beind so special..for taking up the biggest and most spacious part of my heart..:) I'll miss you a great deal..


Good bye.
Assalamu Alaykum..
Reaction score
GorgeousEyes - very gorgeous indeed! I liked you for following me :S But nevertheless, you were awesome :) Stay blessed!

Ibtizam - Ronaldo and a Bukkhad:cool: The best footballer (my imagination :p) and a very understanding person..you have a problem? Share it with this good boy who's innocent replies will make you forget all your problems.. :LOL: Ibti Tbzy Zammy...you make the Bukkhads awesome (y) Stay blessed!

InDiviDuaLisT - The poetry man..mashAllah..the poetry (y) Do you know urdu? Cuz i'm just going to say one word to describbe your personality and style: ZABARDAST! (y) in simple english terms: Excellent. Thank you for everything :) Stay blessed..

Iridescent - I seriously don't know what to say about you...you were always the sweet person to me as soon as i followed you..such a kind and awesome personality..thank you...love you loads! Stay blessed..may you ace the tests of this life and the Hereafter!

Jaideep. - The awesome dude with only three to four display pictures :p Thank you for being there when i was bored to death..you always seemed to know how to entertain me..and the many members you follow too! Stay happy!

Martee100 - You. I owe you the most sincere of apologies for being so rude in the truth or dare thread..and To be honest, i was placed in outright disbelief when you followed back!! That was awesome..you forgave me..I'm very sorry..and thank you for everything ! Stay happy and blessed!

Maryum7 - The cute girl who always came to me whenever she had a problem..i loved talking to her..you were always like a sister to me, maryum...i love you..and thank you very much for who you are..never change! Stay blessed!

Master_Shifu - I will miss you a great deal, Master... One thing i'd like to tell you is that never get influenced by people..follow your heart, and always stay happy..always..:) I love you..

muslimah here - You, like other members here, are related to me through Islam..so I love you for the Sake of Allah..and for the fact that you are related to my little sister in Islam: Happy Muslimah.. tell her i said Salam :) Thank you for being awesome! Stay happy!

Nazahat - I'm very sorry we didn't get to know each other that well :( You seemed like a very sweet and kind girl, Nazahat..and thank you very much for being who you are..Love you for Allah's Sake! Stay blessed!

Nibz bhai - Hell, I have a lot to say over here..:p The best moderator-wait, Global Moderator ever...always there for any member in need..always the know-it-all, literally! Thank you bhai..thank you for being such an awesome person! And i appreciate all the help you've provided me, or any other member with :) May you always stay happy!

Peaceful - The one who was always at peace :p You've seriously impressed me by your name..and your posts..thank you for everything and stay blessed :)

Raweeha - Oh..girl..I have a novel written down for you..

robinhoodmustafa - A constant seeker of Islam, mashAllah..never hesitated to ask a question..May Allah enlighten your heart with the Nur of Iman and may you get the guidance and hidaya..Stay happy!

scarface007 - The one who i referred to when someone got on my nerves...the Mr.Autocorrect i call him :p Epic with his english skills, correcting everyone's grammar and maintaining a certain level of respect for himself..(y) Thank you for everything..may you stay happy!

Shara Nafaz - I don't really know you that much..but i always liked you :)

shazmina - My sweetest younger sister..I love her, and her pure and sensitive nature..a best friend and a girl who always looked at the broght side..kindly welcoming any member that joined..you're always in my mind :) Stay happy..and give loads of love to Abdullah ^_^

SilentSpectator - the one who silently liked my statuses :p Thank you very much..stay blessed..

@SIstudy- This awesome girl i befriended and who knows how to think maturely..(y) Impressive nature, mashAllah.. :) Stay Happy and remain blessed..i hope your choices become easier for you..

@sj007 - The one who also shared the love of poetry with me..i love her for that very reason :) Jazakillahu Khair for everything..stay blessed :)

somasilver - I loved to have you around...you always made me happy :) Stay blessed and happy!

sumaiyarox:) - The pattu..the great..the awesome..and the Bukkhad :cool: Look at cyc's part..you've been tagged there :) I love you..

Thunder Bird - More of a peaceful bird...not thunder..her kind nature always impressed me..I love you for Allah's Sake :) Stay happy..

Uniquely Beautiful - She's unique. She's beautiful. She's my sister, in Islam..and one of those who i always dreamt of meeting..her poetry skills are lovely, and her beautiful nature in itself is clean, and dirt free..I love you for all the best reasons anyone can love her sister for..Thank you so much for being the one i enjoyed to talk to :) Stay Happy..stay beautiful.

Xpolymer Meesum - The chawal bhai of mine :p Along with being honored to be part of the Bukkhads, I was honored to join the Chawal group of XPC..founder: This member :p Thank you for all the chawlian and shughal..i enjoyed it :) Stay happy! Stay a Chawal for Life! :D

Xpolymer Miraj - The chawal's best friend..but nt a chawal at heart :p Always talking about his future studies..i enjoyed discussing such useful topics with him..thank you very much..stay happy and blessed..

Xtremite - I don't know why, but i always admired you..you had this thing that gave me an impression that you're a seeker of knowledge..i was always looking foreward to read your posts..thank you and may you stay blessed!

Zari - A dear friend..the first person on XPC that i actually met in real life..we met on XPC, and through this site only had we met in my school during our exams... I love you girl..you're the punjabi woman I love to talk to !! <3 Stay Punjabi :cool: and stay blessed!

ZKhanXZ - aannd finally, the hater of girls :p Always competing to make the guys sound more superior and better :rolleyes: But a good boy nevertheless..he learns when you teach him :p Especially in truth or dare threads..right, bro? :p Just kidding..you were awesome to have around..i especially enjoyed your arguments :p Thank you for everything...Stay blessed :)

and some other members:
champ-student - the Pakhtun :cool: khora who was so awesome i actually shared my Pashtu skills with her:p Thankyou..and you're always in my prayers..inshAllah you'll get well soon..:) Stay healthy and blessed.

badrobot14 bhai - umm..what to say? Funny...never talked much..but an awesome administrator, maintaining the Islamic Law at all times..May Allah reward him for being such a leader..Thank you, brother, i had an amazing time here.. all thanks to the Moderation staff..Please let PlanetMaster know this too.. JazakumAllahu Khair...Stay blessed!

XPFMember - Enjoining good and forbidding evil..mashAllah..One of the most awesome moderators of the world.. JazakAllah for your constant posts and guidance..May Allah reward you!

CaptainDanger - hardly replied to my postts on his wall :p The one who patiently endured my annoying nature :LOL: Thank you, Sir!

AnGeL.Of.DaRkNeSs - the only free and happy-go-lucky moderator after Nibz bhai :p No offence to the rest of the moderation staff :p:p Thank you very much..

Emma13 - my soul sister as soon as she accepted Islam..a twin sister who considered me her family..and a girl who i constantly pray for every day and every night..a true fighter and soldier for Allah's Sake..I pray that she lives a long life, a healthy life..and the a happy life in this world and in the Hereafter..I'm very sorry Emma..I wanted to inform you, but I decided against it because i didn't want to stress you..good news, though: We didn't lose contact outside XPC :D Love you forever sis! <3 Stay blessed.

1357911 - another one of my soul sisters, one of the kind who u never met in my life..I'll love you always..and you're always in my prayers..I won't lose contact with you at any cost..

And finally..XPC as a whole was the best thing that ever happened to me..thank you, all..for beind so special..for taking up the biggest and most spacious part of my heart..:) I'll miss you a great deal..


Good bye.
Assalamu Alaykum..

This is gonna make me cry :( And Ily more knowie :'(
Reaction score
Alright..here guys:
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu/

This is to most of the people following me: (in order)

$~SauD~$ - always the acha bacha, mashAllah :') I was named "Idiot" by him and his clan :p Thank yo for everything..(y) Stay blessed and happy..

1995@10Sept - the girl who always liked and appreciated my poems...am honored to be followed by such a person :) Thank you very much and stay happy always..

AAnsarii - The one who I shared my talent with..the one with poems with such deep and reflective meanings they kept me reflecting for days..mashAllah..May Allah bless her with this and more..thank you..stay blessed.

Afnan Hafiz - i don't know her much..but until now, whatever she did made me like her..thank you Afnan..Stay happy and blessed..i hope you enjoy your time here..

agha saad - I don't know him much either..the only reason why i followed him was because he also wrote poetry :p Stay blessed!

Al-Anoud - as robinhoodmustafa termed her: THE SMILING MACHINE :D No body made me smile better than the way you did, moony..may Allah give you the happiest of lived now and in the Hereafter..i love you! And thank you for everything..for EVERYTHING..Stay blessed..

Alice123 - the girl who changed her avatar to the one i offered..and still hasn't moved it from it's place..may you stay happy! May you ace your exams..

alphabravocharlie -I don't know him much, but I loved his posts on people's walls..awesome posts (y) MashAllah..Stay blessed..

amna saleem - I loved your posts, I loved the way you tagged me and were desperate to spread Islam..Jazakillahu Khair and BarakAllahu feeki..

Amy Bloom - the female CAR DUDE!! The one who i followed just cuz she loved cars ^_^ Stay blessed and thank you for being what you are!

areeba fatima - alright, i never told this to you, but you always reminded me of the Mughal Empire..the respectful girls of those times..:p MashAllah, I loved to talk to you..you were awesome with your amazing urdu skills! MashAllah..Stay blessed and happy always!!

Ash72 ;) - I love you. Full Stop. I love you for everything you did..and you know what i'm talking about..I'm still praying for you..and always will be.. Thank you and good bye..Stay happy and blessed..

asma tareen - You're awesome. Like one of those really cute people who always wanted prayers.. And got them :) I love you Asma and may you succeed! Stay awesome!

cardude456 - the master of gifs...I salute you!

cyclone94 - :cool: A bukkhad. The Boss. The Bajo :LOL: I'm speechless as to what to say for you..you've been the best friend around here..this applies to sumaiyarox:) too

danial 234 - your posts on my wall (y) Thank you and stay blessed.

Danny007 - I'm so happy Emma had to have a brother like you..she's very lucky..Thank you for everything: for caring, understanding and giving wise responses at the most perfect of times..please ..give lot's of love to Emma, Stay happy :)

Deewani - I'm very sorry i have to leave, although i promised to help you in Chemistry...:( But no worries, Brother Nibz will always love to help you :) Right, Brother Nibz ? ;):p

DeViL gURl B) - You're this sweet passerby who i bumped into and followed..you turned out to be one of those cute special girls and you're more like an angel and not a "devil" :p Love you...stay blessed..

E.H Jane - You're a very sweet girl, Jane...I love you..:) And thank you very much for those beautiful posts on my wall..stay happy and blessed..

dragoninja98 - i hope you passed all those tests you had to give :eek: I prayed for you and still do:D May you succeed..stay happy and blessed!

Esme - You always reminded me of Nur..probably because your display picture usually has some sort of light...I love you! May you stay blessed!

fantastic girl - fantastic indeed..very fantastic...i loved your presence and i will miss you a great deal..

gary221 - THE BuKKhad. :cool: Oh wow..do i have a huge list of things you've done, Mr.Comedian! :LOL: Your wall posts were an escape for me whenever i felt down..cz ur statuses were so hilarious! Say salam to your sister and tell her i was saying thank you..and don't worry, that doesn't mean i am not thanking you! :p Thank you very much, gary..you were an awesome mood lifter to all! Stay awesome! Maha-Master of gifs..

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