Should the schools be segregated by race?
What is school segregation?
The term “segregation” means the operation of a school system in which students are wholly or substantially separated among the schools of an educational agency based on race, color, sex, or national origin or within a school based on race, color, or national origin.
What leads to school segregation?
Factors such as zoning of schools, housing policies, and school choice are the driving factors in segregation today which shifts to incorporate not only grouping by race but also by economic class. Nationwide, the biggest factor contributing to racial school segregation, by far, is segregation between public school districts. On average across the 403 metro areas, more than half (54 percent) of the total non-White–White segregation is due to segregation between public school districts.
Impacts of segregation on schools
- Student outcomes
- School segregation has a profound effect on student outcomes. Research by the U.S. Department of Education shows that low-income students who attend a school with low-poverty poverty rates are 70 percent more likely to attend college than if they attend a high-poverty school.
- Promotes Poor Social Skills
When schools prohibit boys and girls from studying together in the same classroom, they may think that their gender is either better or inferior. According to “Forbes,” when students are segregated by sex, they miss opportunities to work together and develop vital social skills. - General Impacts
- The racial segregation of neighborhoods and the denial of capital to people of color fueled the geographic concentration of poverty, disinvestment by public and private institutions, and neighborhood distress.
- Advantage of segregation
Some advantages are the teachers are highly qualified for these children's needs, students are given more individualized attention, they have less pressure to be at the same pace as normal students, and it is cheaper to segregate classrooms.
Students who attend integrated schools are more likely to live in diverse neighborhoods as adults than those students who attended more segregated schools. Integrated schools also reduce the maintenance of stereotypes and prevent the formation of prejudices in both majority and minority students.
To prevent segregation, we must teach future generations social acceptance from the beginning. This can be done by teaching them that just because somebody is of a different race doesn't mean you are better than them or they are better than you, whereas all men are created equal.
Focus on equalizing educational opportunity, examining the consequences of segregated education, and efforts to reduce segregation in our schools and colleges. Mobilizing the best researchers to explain the trends, outline the racial challenges they foresee over the next 25 years, and offer ideas for the most hopeful solutions. Initial research indicates that in this era, efforts toward integration won’t be mainly about bringing Black students into white schools, but about figuring out how to create and operate strong, diverse public schools in an extremely multiracial and stratified country. The approach being discussed now isn’t about the mandatory reassignment of students (mandatory busing hasn’t been the basic method of desegregation for four decades), but about managing choice-driven systems to produce diversity in schools. School choice is expanding, but unrestricted choice fosters inequality because of differential information and resources, lack of transportation, and weak selection mechanisms. The challenge now is for school districts to help create communities with lasting diversity, not just the destructive transitions of suburban desegregation or urban gentrification that don’t lead to diverse schools.
Future- desegregation or segregation
Despite the strict laws and development of regulations in districts and different parts of various countries, segregation is still practiced. Racial, national origin and color-based segregation takes place in many parts of the world and will continue to exist if future generations do not take serious notice of the impacts and try to bring about a change.
New York, west Virginia, India, and Philadelphia are some of the parts of the world to practice segregation at a high rate.
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