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Small Islamiyat Correction

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In many books, it is written, that the Prophet made the treaty with the Jews in the First Year of Hijrat.

According to the Examiner report, this is wrong.

It is more accurate to say that the Holy Prophet made the treaty between Muslims, and other communities in Madinah (Not all the Arabs were Muslims).. and these included the Jews.

Its from this question, which i feel, might (MIGHT) come this year :
Q,a) Describe the events in Madinah that immediately followed the Hijra, mentioning especially the emigrants and helpers. [16] --> Winter 02.
b) Explain the significance of these events as examples for Muslims today. [6]

It can come as 10 and 4 marks questions...

Thats it :D
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Which examiner Report did you read !! please post the link here and secondly this question is a bit confusing so can you tell me what to write in this ??
and thanks for telling others :D
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w03 - er....

Answer to this would include the events of the First Year... as it says immediately after the Hijra

1. Change of name from Yathrib to Madinat un Nabawi - City of the Prophet
2. Mosque of the Prophet + the Quotation [9]
3. System of Azan
4. Brotherhood.
5. Charter of Madinah ( Not only for the Jews, but talk mainly about the clauses referring to Jews, as stated earlier)
The importance of all these.. Brotherhood, for future times, so that a just and equal society is obtained in which all the members can benefit from each other. System of Azaan was important, as the people could now know the times of prayer, and the words of Azaan, as come to success, still maintained today. Charter of Madinah is important for Muslim states today as it provides them with an example to follow, and shows them that relations of Muslims with others, must be cordial. For example - India Pakistan. Or Palestine Israel. The Mosque of the Prophet is important, because at that time, itt became the spiritual,military,educational head, providing example for Muslims of today, that the purpose of Mosques, is not confined to only worship..