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The Baking Thread

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My type of thread :D <3 Thanks ZahraShehzad :love:

Tips for baking cakes and cupcakes

1. Have all the ingredients at room temperature.

2. If the recipe requires beating of the butter and sugar, make sure the butter is softened at room temperature and NOT melted in microwave.

3. Beat the butter and sugar REALLY well. (5 minutes at least). This step makes your cakes soft, spongy and light.

4. When mixing in the flour, use a spatula or a wooden spoon and fold the batter very gently. If you overwork this step, the cake will not rise and will come out dense.

5. Don't forget to add a pinch of salt to the butter and sugar mixture (unless the butter you are using is already salted). Salt enhances the flavor.

6. "Blue-Band" is not Butter, it's margarine. Always use butter. (The flavor is completely different from that of vegetable oil and margarine)

7. Turn on your oven before starting the preparation. It needs to be very hot when you put in your batter.

8. Normal cakes are not supposed to be baked in a microwave oven. There are separate microwave friendly recipes out there.
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7. Turn on your oven before starting the preparation. It needs to be very hot when you put in your batter.
To add to this, don't open the oven once you put the batter in. Because if you do, cold air from outside rushes into the hot oven due to convection currents and lowers the oven temperature! And the batter is not properly cooked and often sinks.
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To add to this, don't open the oven once you put the batter in. Because if you do, cold air from outside rushes into the hot oven due to convection currents and lowers the oven temperature! And the batter is not properly cooked and often sinks.
Science much? :D :p
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u said you didnt want one off google but i always use these recipes they turnout pretty well

Need a bit more cheezyyyy!!!and a bit more creamy or mayo ...what ever is used in it !!.... Well acyually i wanted the one like in the movie "Garfield 2" ..:p that looked delicious ...it had more layers than a normal one !!!...and i was wondering if a could get a recipe more like Asian (Pakistani ) style ...its a bit more (Chat pata taste) ..If you know what i mean ...:p...:D
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huh??? didnt get you.
anyway you can increase the amout of white sauce or cheese in it and add more layers .the beef does give a asian flvour maybe you can spice it up a little.
garfield lol lol lol lol:):):)
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yeah you can say that but i dont know why i hate the taste i keep figuring out which cakes are packet cakes and which are made from scratch
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Does anyone one know HOW to make a wonderful LASANIA .... (Halal way) .. :D....Don't need recipes from google !!!!

okay, im going to give you the way i make it... im not going to call it a recepie, coz its jus my own mixed up, made up way :D

BUT, firstly, i dont use exact measurements when i cook, i kinda jus throw in stuff as i think i should - so im gonna try to giv amounts to the best i can. Oh, and i hope you know the ingredients i use :p Btw, Around six people can eat comfortably from this..

kay, here goes....

firstly, you braize about 1 or 1 1/2 tsp of ginger-garlic masala (its an indianish thing, i think?), and you could add a clove of garlic if u wanted, in a little olive oil, dont braize it for long though.

Then you add about two/three liquidized tomatoes and a tin of tomato paste. Add some chillies, salt , pepper, arad (very little) and dana jeero. mix and let it cook till the water (from the liquidized tomatoes) burns out. it will look like a thickish paste.

in a separate bowl, take three cups of milk and beat three tablespoons of flour into it. make sure there are no lumps.

add that milk into the pot, and stir it slowly. your sauce will slowly thicken.

now, add whatever English spices you wish to add...
i use Ina Parman's spices, but i dont know if you get them . For example: Lemon&Black Pepper, Garlic&Herb, Italian Herbs, Pesto&Parmesan, Italian Cheese etc....

obviously, at this point, you taste it. Just so you dont poison anyone who eats it :)

finally, once youre satisfied with the taste, you cut chunks of cheese and add it to sauce.
once the cheese is melted into the sauce, your sauce is done.

put a layer of sauce on the base of your pyrex/dish. then, a layer of lasagna sheets. then, a layer of chicken mince or whatever filling you're using. then a layer of sauce and repeat as many times as you wish.. at then end, you just spread a thick layer of cheese - u could use a combination of orange and white cheese. cover ur dish with foil and bake at 180

as a variation, you could take zuchinni/baby marrow, and slice it vertically so you have several strips. lightly sautee(is that the word? well, u get what im trying to say...) in olive oil on a flat pan. you could either place them with the first layer of sauce on the base of your dish or with ur filling. its yummy!

i really hope you understood what i wrote, and that you dont find it tooo complicated

as i reread it, i can see it looks pretty messed up, so feel free to ask me to clarify anything, if you have the guts to try it :ROFLMAO: