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The Ideal Muslims

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Noticed there are many young Brothers and Sisters on
Social networking sites. At times it pains me because I can see they are falling in the fitna surrounding them. Allah knows that we struggled in our childhood/youth with many issues, and Alhamdulilah we are now older and wiser. And some of us here had the blessing of being brought up as practicing muslims. Now it is upon us to guide and give advice to those who are passing through the same stage. What are some advices YOU would give to our younger generation on life, Islam, identity, staying firm,observing Hijab, peer pressure, etc. Any topic, please do share your gems below inshaaAllaah. :)
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Character Tip # 1:
You have your milk in hand, snacks in the other, before you
know it....you fall and trip! What is the first thing that comes
out of your mouth?
Instead of saying _____ or _____ or ______ (whatever it is we
may say), let us instead say these blessed words:
SubhaanAllaah or Allahu Akbar or La ilaha ila Lah! Train
yourself, after a while it will come automatically! :)
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If a person is strong in his faith and
observes the limits of Allah, he can
defeat Shaytan. The Messenger of
Allah (peace and blessings be upon
him) said:"The believer can seize the
forelock of his Shaytan as one of you
seizes the forelock of his camel whilst
[Musnad Ahmad]


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A piece of advice for all the practicing Muslims (Sisters who are taking hijabs, n brothers who have beards)
Please be very careful in every step that you take in public, cuz ppl see u as the ones representing Islam... If you break a law, maybe cross a red signal on the road or u are bunking classes, the first impression won't be that YOU did something wrong, but it is, Oh that girl in hijab did this n that, oh that boy having beard did so n so...

You already know that their are some prejudices associated with the religious ppl today, like they are uneducated n they usually fail at school n they thought of nothing so they came closer to religion n stuff like this...

No seriously, this is my personal experience, ppl were surprised when they saw that I got a distinction, or when i win the debate compititions even when I got my O'levels result Alhamdulilah which was highest in our school... Seriously their reaction is like oh that girl in niqab won the debate... Or see that Burke wali girl did this... As if the religious ppl fail at everything...
They also think that the religious ppl are most boring ppl on earth n if I tell them that I play basket ball or cricket... They are oh really u do this all in niqab n abaya...?? I don't know what astonishes them so much

So the point is that be best in whatever field you are... Don't break rules, be good to every one
Think b4 taking every step...ppl look up to you not as individually you but they see you as Islam...

Don't think the steps that you are taking for Allah, go unnoticed... Believe me ppl notice the reaction of such ppl very carefully...

If you are getting up from a musical event at your school or uni, ppl will notice n it will be a silent dawah by your action... N if u don't then ppl might quote your action as an example, that even that girl or boy did this, "so what's wrong if we do something," not just this but it can be any situation...

Never be afraid taking steps for the sake of Allah(swt), be firm n determined... Ppl might say stuff taunting you which sometimes hurts you but you will see, InshaAllah, that the truth will always be praised... Aakhir HAQQ humeshah ghalib ho keh rehta hai... N the false is bound to perish...