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The Islamic Forum

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1.Amr ibn Shu'aib (may Allah be pleased with him) said that 'Rasulu'llah(may Allah bless him and grant him peace) taught my father and grandfather a du'a which we would read before going to sleep, to protect us from fear and anguish.We told our elder children to recite this du'a before going to sleep as well.But for those children who were not yet literate, we would write it and then put it around their necks
2. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to recite du'a' and then blow onto the sick person.
3. The Prophet (SAW), of all people, would not need to wear a taweez.

A person without hands cannot carry the Qur'an with him. A blind person cannot read the Qur'an, can he? Nor can he carry it safely in his hands.
"Had We sent down this Qur'an on a mountain, you would surely have seen it humbling itself and split asunder (crumbling) by the fear of Allah." [Al-Hashr, 59:21]
If a deprived person can carry the Qur'an with him by means of taweez, I don't see the harm.
didnt u check the video by YAsir Qadhi?
didnt he say about entering the bathroom while wearing that? or having sexual intercourse while wearing that? how could have the verses of the Quran while doing that?
WHy dont u just memorize them ?? its not that hard
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didnt u check the video by YAsir Qadhi?
didnt he say about entering the bathroom while wearing that? or having sexual intercourse while wearing that? how could have the verses of the Quran while doing that?
WHy dont u just memorize them ?? its not that hard
deaf people can't listen and can't memorize, can they? can blind people read?
The person won't spend his whole life in the bathroom or having intercourse...the taweez can be removed for a short period of time if you're going to do something which you wouldn't do with the Qur'an in your hands...
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1.Amr ibn Shu'aib (may Allah be pleased with him) said that 'Rasulu'llah(may Allah bless him and grant him peace) taught my father and grandfather a du'a which we would read before going to sleep, to protect us from fear and anguish.We told our elder children to recite this du'a before going to sleep as well.But for those children who were not yet literate, we would write it and then put it around their necks
2. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to recite du'a' and then blow onto the sick person.
3. The Prophet (SAW), of all people, would not need to wear a taweez.

A person without hands cannot carry the Qur'an with him. A blind person cannot read the Qur'an, can he? Nor can he carry it safely in his hands.
"Had We sent down this Qur'an on a mountain, you would surely have seen it humbling itself and split asunder (crumbling) by the fear of Allah." [Al-Hashr, 59:21]
If a deprived person can carry the Qur'an with him by means of taweez, I don't see the harm.
You just answered one of my questions. But okay that's fine.
The Prophet ( SAW) would recite the dua and BLOW it on the person. He wouldn't make a TAWEEZ and give it to the person.
Helen Keller was Blind, Deaf and Dumb and YET she studied, she aquired knowledge, it's ALL about the intention. A blind person still has a brain, right? He cant read the Qur'an but he can listen to it continuously and learn it and blow it over himself. People who are half paralyzed can paint and draw and sing so why not recite the Qur'an? These are ALL excuses... people are just lazy and don't want to recite the Qur'an everyday and blow it so they make this Taweez and hang it on forever. Carrying the Qur'an?? No one carries the Qur'an with them everywhere. The most important thing is it must be in your heart and it should be seen in your actions.
As for small kids, the parents or elder siblings can blow on them, no big deal.
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deaf people can't listen and can't memorize, can they? can blind people read?
The person won't spend his whole life in the bathroom or having intercourse...the taweez can be removed for a short period of time if you're going to do something which you wouldn't do with the Qur'an in your hands...
dont talk about blind and deaf people
there are a lot of very young children blind and deaf and have memorized the Quran
here is one kid amazing mashAllah
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deaf people can't listen and can't memorize, can they? can blind people read?
The person won't spend his whole life in the bathroom or having intercourse...the taweez can be removed for a short period of time if you're going to do something which you wouldn't do with the Qur'an in your hands...
Deaf and Blind people CAN memorize and they DO memorize. Being blind or deaf doesn't mean you lack a brain.
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) never wore the Taweez nor did he ordain it, therefore it's Bidah and wrong.
And by the way next time you fall ill don't eat your medicine, just tie it around your neck and you will be cured at once.;)
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Deaf and Blind people CAN memorize and they DO memorize. Being blind or deaf doesn't mean you lack a brain.
Okay...mad people?
And by the way next time you fall ill don't eat your medicine, just tie it around your neck and you will be cured at once.;)
Will do :p
dont talk about blind and deaf people
there are a lot of very young children blind and deaf and have memorized the Quran
here is one kid amazing mashAllah
Masha Allah :)
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Agree there is a difference of opinion among companions and the scholars but when there is difference in opinion on whether a thing is haraam or halal it is always preferable to go with the safer option and avoiding it altogether as if it were halal, it would make no difference to your scale of deeds but if it were Haraam, then its counted as a sin.
Read this for more clarification: http://hadithcommentary.wordpress.com/nawawi/hadith6/

Btw, many of the references in the article you posted Nafis Daiyan seem to be inaccurate and daeef. So always check the sources!
Thirdly, reciting and blowing is another different matter than simply having it tied at the neck. When you recite the Quranic verses of Ruqya (take it from someone who's witnessed very intense Ruqya sessions), there is reward and there is a profound impact on the listeners. Carrying written portions of the Quran around the neck hardly does anything at all. The presence of Masahif doesn't make a difference. If that were the case, no Muslim would ever fall sick. All of us Mushafs at home. But that is not the case.
This is a matter of trust in Allah!

Anas (radi Allahu anhu) reported that a person asked Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam), “Should I tie my camel and have Tawakkul (trust in Allah for her protection) or should I leave her untied and have Tawakkul.” Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) replied, “Tie her and have Tawakkul.” (Hasan) [Jami At-Tirmidhi]

Wearing an amulet is like just relying on the fact that the amulet and the verses on it will cure the wearer. But what about turning to Allah, reciting the Quran, doing righteous deeds? What bout tying your camel? Plus, the whole trust and reliance issue is totally messed up too.
Nowadays there is more reliance on these things than Allah. Anything happens, where do people rush to? To so called saints who do some sort of spooky blowing and broom dusting whatever and then give some thread for protection.
And please lets not come up with issues like blindness and other disabilities. Humans have advanced, technology has advanced! There is braille. There are hearing aids. For those people who cant speak (dumb), can always read in their minds.
Plus there are three people who are Marfu al Qalam (on whom accountability is lifted): The sleeping person until he wakes up, a child until he matures and a mad person until he regains his sanity.
So for these people, others can recite and blow. Now lets not come up with daft excuses that there is no one can read for them.

For a balanced and accurate view on this subject, read:

Jazakallah Khair!
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Agree there is a difference of opinion among companions and the scholars but when there is difference in opinion on whether a thing is haraam or halal it is always preferable to go with the safer option and avoiding it altogether as if it were halal, it would make no difference to your scale of deeds but if it were Haraam, then its counted as a sin.
Read this for more clarification: http://hadithcommentary.wordpress.com/nawawi/hadith6/

Btw, many of the references in the article you posted Nafis Daiyan seem to be inaccurate and daeef. So always check the sources!
Thirdly, reciting and blowing is another different matter than simply having it tied at the neck. When you recite the Quranic verses of Ruqya (take it from someone who's witnessed very intense Ruqya sessions), there is reward and there is a profound impact on the listeners. Carrying written portions of the Quran around the neck hardly does anything at all. The presence of Masahif doesn't make a difference. If that were the case, no Muslim would ever fall sick. All of us Mushafs at home. But that is not the case.
This is a matter of trust in Allah!

Anas (radi Allahu anhu) reported that a person asked Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam), “Should I tie my camel and have Tawakkul (trust in Allah for her protection) or should I leave her untied and have Tawakkul.” Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) replied, “Tie her and have Tawakkul.” (Hasan) [Jami At-Tirmidhi]

Wearing an amulet is like just relying on the fact that the amulet and the verses on it will cure the wearer. But what about turning to Allah, reciting the Quran, doing righteous deeds? What bout tying your camel? Plus, the whole trust and reliance issue is totally messed up too.
Nowadays there is more reliance on these things than Allah. Anything happens, where do people rush to? To so called saints who do some sort of spooky blowing and broom dusting whatever and then give some thread for protection.
And please lets not come up with issues like blindness and other disabilities. Humans have advanced, technology has advanced! There is braille. There are hearing aids. For those people who cant speak (dumb), can always read in their minds.
Plus there are three people who are Marfu al Qalam (on whom accountability is lifted): The sleeping person until he wakes up, a child until he matures and a mad person until he regains his sanity.
So for these people, others can recite and blow. Now lets not come up with daft excuses that there is no one can read for them.

For a balanced and accurate view on this subject, read:

Jazakallah Khair!
Awesome bro! mashALlah! (y)