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I am a newbie on university discussion.
I have lots of friend having almost perfect grades ,SAT,TOEFL. scores and average ECAs.. But most of them are not accepted by good universities in US even if they are accepted they are not provided with required financial aid.
I am taking a Gap year and applying next year for US based universities. Can you give me suggestion that help me to get to good college with financial aid ?
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They care more about extracurricular activities. School Leader, Volunteer work, sports, work experience all that stuff. Your friends probably only have grades and lack the rest. Try Canada or the UK instead as they dont really care about anything except grades. Your friends have average ec's while many other applicants would probably be having 2x or 3x times the list and would not require financial aid..thats the main problem. Harvard, MIT etc are "need blind" and will cover your full education expenses if you get accepted but thats very hard.
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They care more about extracurricular activities. School Leader, Volunteer work, sports, work experience all that stuff. Your friends probably only have grades and lack the rest. Try Canada or the UK instead as they dont really care about anything except grades. Your friends have average ec's while many other applicants would probably be having 2x or 3x times the list and would not require financial aid..thats the main problem. Harvard, MIT etc are "need blind" and will cover your full education expenses if you get accepted but thats very hard.

The UK does place quite an emphasis on extra-curriculars. I suppose it would depend on what and where you're applying though. I know for sure that if you apply for medicine, extra-curriculars are needed.
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The UK does place quite an emphasis on extra-curriculars. I suppose it would depend on what and where you're applying though. I know for sure that if you apply for medicine, extra-curriculars are needed.
Not really. Im quite active on thestudentroom forum for uk applications. Almost 90% of the applicants have basically only grades and yes for competitive fields like medicine they take into account gcse grades and extra-curricular work experience if you have any....many often get in just with grades though. Majority of the applicants for both cambridge and oxford this year for economics,math etc dont really have anything except grades and they manage to get an interview with that. Even with the case of extra curricular they want something related to the subject like world topper in something or work experience in a court room for Law. Sports and stuff will not even be considered.
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So I am applying for med school I should have something more than just grades?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Come on! Its hard enough to get grades! and now they need more! Greedy people! :mad:
I need to know what other things should I have other than grades? just in case! :censored: