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Travel and Tourism or Geography? Advice please!

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I'll be taking my second round of IGCSEs in May/June, and I've been thinking about what subjects to take. I'm aiming for the Cambridge ICE as well, and I'm pretty sure about most of the subjects I want to take in the categories wanted, except the Humanities/Social Studies subject group.

Earlier I wanted to do Religious Studies, but then I couldn't get the books needed, and here in Jeddah they don't administer that exam. And it involved a lot of long answer writing stuff, which I'm not so good at.

I also wanted to do Sociology, I bought the book too, but then when I started studying for it I realized that I didn't like it at all, and it was quite hard for me. It also involved a lot of long answer writing in the exam, so I dropped it.

Then now I have 2 choices -- Travel & Tourism or Geography.

I don't know which of them to choose -- I read both syllabuses and they seemed fine to me -- except for the fact that I would have to register in some center outside Saudi Arabia if I wanted to do Travel & Tourism because it is also not administered here.

What do you think? Do I go for Travel & Tourism, or Geography?

P.S: I also want to mention that I will be taking quite a number of exams along with them, Phys, Chem, Arabic and Computer Studies (also not administered here, any ideas where I'll be able to do it?); and maybe one or two more if I don't do well this time.


XPRS Moderator
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Go for Geography. Carries a better recognition.
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Nibz said:
Go for Geography. Carries a better recognition.

Hmmmm. Why would I better do an IGCSE that carries a better recognition? I thought that unis only looked at my AS & A2 Ls?

Anyway, thanks for your advice, nibz.
