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whatsapp group of xpc

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AoA, Guys! :)

This is an initiative from my side- to make sure we all help eachother, and get going with good, conceptualized studying.

Thus, in lieu of the same, I'll be making a whatsapp group, so that we all benefit from eachother's knowledge banks (one can know something the other doesn't- there's no clever guy and dumb girl) while the contact is maintained by a portable phone :p

I, with my friends, and all of you, will help, guide, and interact with eachother, and can anytime ping eachoother on any doubts, clarifications, explanations, etc.

Anyone wanting to join the XPC Whatsapp group can PM me in personal, I'll be sure to instantly add them into a receptive group of together-working pros :D

Tadaaaaaa..... I'll be waitingggggg.... Juniors AND seniors willing to help AND learn are most welcome.

I was wondering if you still have it in mind- like if you're still willing to do the group thingy..??

It would really helpful but instead if we use kik? then there wouldn't be any need to share phone number and privacy wont be an issue.