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  1. Talha Khatri

    A2 Physics | Questions and Doubts [Post Here]

    Understand that this is the maximum the voltage can be increased because if you go any further, the capacitors in box A will be overloaded and blow. And guys, we need to help each other out here. I see most people just posting questions, try to look around the thread and see if you know any of...
  2. Talha Khatri

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    haha, for the last part, you first take the square root on both the sides and then go on to take the inverse :D The rest of the questions, I will explain it to you in a separate post.
  3. Talha Khatri

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Dude, first off, you really need to cool off and let go of that khuari a bit. Give the lady some respect. Secondly, what you are asking is pretty simple. Look, you need to find the angle between a curve and a tangent, right? That would require you to know two things: The gradient of the tangent...
  4. Talha Khatri

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    You technically copied what was written in the mark scheme. I would write something like this: tan^2@ - sin^2@ is always greater than zero for the values of theta between 0 to 90. Hence, tan^2@ - sin^2@ > 0 tan^2@ > sin^2@ tan@ > sin@ Now that I think about it, you did write everything that is...
  5. Talha Khatri

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Actually, a function has to be one to one in order to have an inverse so if it isn't one to one, it does not have an inverse.
  6. Talha Khatri

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    There are about 15 to 20 pages in one booklet as far as I remember and you are allowed to ask for as many booklets as you desire, in the end they'll provide you a clip that attaches all the booklets together and you just have to make sure to attach them in the right order. As for the questions I...
  7. Talha Khatri

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

  8. Talha Khatri

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    AHAHAHAHA! I so feel you on this. :D
  9. Talha Khatri

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    2ii. There are two possible ways to get x^2. One when the first term of the first bracket multiplies with the a term of the power x^2 from the second bracket and another when the second term of the first bracket multiplies with a term of the power x^0 of the second bracket. Hence, (1) (60x^2) +...
  10. Talha Khatri

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Question 1 doesn't have a part 2 and here's question 7:
  11. Talha Khatri

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    We can see from the graph that it is quiet obvious that for the minimum possible value of the function, x=0 hence, f(x) = 0.5 x^2 = 0.5 (0)^2 = 0 and for the maximum value of the function, x = 6 hence, f(x) = 0.5 x + 1 = 0.5 (6) +1 = 4 so the range is 0 < f(x) < 6 The trick here is to use the...
  12. Talha Khatri

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Sure, feel free to inbox me. :D
  13. Talha Khatri

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Here you go
  14. Talha Khatri

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    First off, if you look at the formula provided to you, the denominator is underoot( a^2 + b^2 + c^2 ) can be converted into |a+b+c| and this whole fraction can be converted into one complete mod hence (pardon me for my writing):
  15. Talha Khatri

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Haha! Cool :D No you don't need to find the maximum point, just differentiate the function once and you'll get f '(x) = 6(2x+3)^2 + 1 and if you look at it, no matter what the value of x you input, the square will always turn it into a positive value so the gradient always stays positive hence...
  16. Talha Khatri

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Interesting username you've got there.
  17. Talha Khatri

    It is more of a "kabhi ao na kashbu laga key" look xD

    It is more of a "kabhi ao na kashbu laga key" look xD
  18. Talha Khatri

    lel no tryna impress people with my wits and looks :3

    lel no tryna impress people with my wits and looks :3
  19. Talha Khatri

    Mathematics: Post your doubts here!

    Sure go ahead and send me a message.