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  1. khalil


    British are dumb . Thats all im saying . They cant be compared to us asians :D
  2. khalil

    Bilogy ATP

    if you guys can exactualy explain why you wrote a starch test .... well then I might change my opinion . Till then my view seems more rational to me . Whati have to back me up are similar questions from old past papers that ask how to extend temprature experiments proving the optimum...
  3. khalil

    Bilogy ATP

    Doing a starch experiment is a different experiment . the question clearly said who would you extend the experiment , it didnt ask how would you design a new experiment to show similar results . And a starch test would not determine the amount of development in the leaves . Thats determined by...
  4. khalil

    one direction or justin bieber?

    Fail !!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:
  5. khalil

    Bilogy ATP

    All you needed to do is how to extend the experiment , you actually didn't need to write a new experiment, even though even i mentioned a bit related to that. I wrote about more time period giving , same conditions and blah blah
  6. khalil

    Discussion of English Paper 2; 24 hours have passed

    Tedious is tiring or something annoying while hardened was got stricter or a louder/ harsher tone :D and preoccupied could be simply be writen as was busy -_-'' .
  7. khalil

    Urdu B paper 2

    F0r the first time in my life , i'm satisfiyed with the urdu paper . :D and I wrote mines khudai ki juga :O while economy as moashi halat :D
  8. khalil

    English Grade Threshold

    Dude your on the 4th page . Theres no post ''above'' you . :P
  9. khalil

    Where are the exam papers checked?

    Correction ''No bribing will help" :p .This means war . And well I've also heard that subjected related to pk are checked locally , while others are sent abroad.
  10. khalil

    English Grade Threshold

    Me neither ! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah :D
  11. khalil


    I know , just trying to help . Any who , hope my tips helped :D
  12. khalil

    English Grade Threshold

    See , you just corrected me with your higher level English . You have nothing to worry about . And second of all , I'm sorry i can't write in English the way you can . I have limited time and a crappy laptop with which ,its very difficult to type . And you do climb a building , or at least the...
  13. khalil

    tips for bio atp..? :P

    no your not allowed to write in points for 2-4 marks question at any point , though ive been told , if in extreme hurry you can write .
  14. khalil


    Well first of all , I'd suggest you do highlight the points you made my encircling them , although its just for self convince . 2.histogram has no spaces at base and have a certain range , while bar graphs have equal spacing between each graph 3.surface area of the graph figure wont come , but...
  15. khalil

    English Grade Threshold

    You can always take the easy way out you know . May I suggest different suicide techniques . 1.You can eat alot of sleeping pills and go for a swim 2.You can climb building and jump 3. You can tell your parents you wont be getting an A* :D
  16. khalil

    tips for bio atp..? :P

    Yes you use rubber band to hold the cover slips . Any who , thanks for the answer .
  17. khalil

    tips for bio atp..? :P

    N0 , thank you .Because of you I g0t a cookie, well not really a cookie but a trophy but hey , what the heck :D
  18. khalil

    tips for bio atp..? :P

    Nope done . Hey are there more then 4 steps to prepare a slide? I know that 1.You need to stain 2.the glass and rubber band 3.prevent any airbubbles from forming 4.name of stain : i use iodine Do check if this is correct and if anything needed to be added or subtracted.