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  1. Fatima_Toomii

    DONE biology paper 6

    Yeah, I thought they wouldn't be able to distinguish between the two plants so I took out the funnel>.< Oh well. The rest of the exam was pretty easy, so I'm not really that worried.
  2. Fatima_Toomii

    DONE biology paper 6

    My answer is nearly the same, but I was worried that the flies wouldn't know which apparatus contained the banana and which contained the plaintain, so by trapping them in the flask you aren't really ensuring that they wanted to feed on the banana or the plantain, so I wrote that you should...
  3. Fatima_Toomii

    DONE biology paper 6

    I found it ridiculously easy. Except for that question about the flies and setting up an investigation... I wasn't sure about it.
  4. Fatima_Toomii

    Biology paper 62

    For the food test, you needed to use only one banana piece to test for BOTH the starch and reducing sugar right? Was there a specific way for you to do that?
  5. Fatima_Toomii

    Biology paper 6 ATP!

    Are we allowed to discuss the questions?
  6. Fatima_Toomii

    Biology paper 6 ATP!

    Oh, I did paper 62. Not 61 :/
  7. Fatima_Toomii

    Biology paper 6 ATP!

    Did you finish yours?
  8. Fatima_Toomii

    Biology paper 6 ATP!

    By variant one, do you mean paper 61? :O
  9. Fatima_Toomii

    Biology paper 6 ATP!

    Paper 62. :)
  10. Fatima_Toomii

    Biology paper 6 ATP!

    By the way, when are we allowed to discuss our answers? :cautious:
  11. Fatima_Toomii

    Biology paper 6 ATP!

    The exam was surprisingly EASY. I thought it was going to be hard, but nope. Thank God :p