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Search results

  1. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    The Banning Game(ALL please join in)

    basimnazir is banned for not even having a head!
  2. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    The Banning Game(ALL please join in)

    basimnazir is banned for a particular reason!
  3. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    The Question Game!

    idk , was i?
  4. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    The Banning Game(ALL please join in)

    wat? IGCSE? no man , i take GCSE! lol basimnazir is banned for thinking that! :lol:
  5. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    Your Current Mood.

    oh yeah i'm welling up! Really teaching performance . And the Best Drama Queen Award goes to ..... Ghaly001 :D
  6. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    The Banning Game(ALL please join in)

    ^^ The lady above me is banned bcuz i'm right! Hell Yeah!
  7. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    Your Current Mood.

    ^^^ Sad and Happy! Sad , because a pakistan hater is coming here tommorow Happy because i'll never meet her :D
  8. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    THIS or THAT

    none (ask intresting stuff , not everyone's into food! No Offense) Call Of Duty or Counter Strike?
  9. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    Chemistry Notes Available!

    thanks , really helpful notes! Keep up the good work!
  10. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    The Banning Game(ALL please join in)

    memyself15 is banned for not knowing that Ghalya001 is a ''her'' not a ''his'' ! or did i just make a complete fool of my self? :/
  11. ViSiOnOfMiNe


    A doctor says to his patient, “I have bad news and worse news”. “Oh dear, what's the bad news?” asks the patient. The doctor replies, “You only have 24 hours to live.” “That's terrible”, said the patient. “How can the news possibly be worse?” The doctor replies, “I've been trying to contact...
  12. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    The Banning Game(ALL please join in)

    basimnazir is banned for showing feelings about Ghalya001's sabzi! :P
  13. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    Attendance Register

    ^^^ neither aadmi nor doctor! i'm a visionary! look it up! :P
  14. ViSiOnOfMiNe


    Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson goes on a camping trip. After a good dinner and a bottle of wine, they retire for the night, and go to sleep. Some hours later, Holmes wakes up and nudges his faithful friend. ‘Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see?” I see millions and millions of...
  15. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    Attendance Register

    visionary is available!
  16. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    ~*~*~Keep a Word*-*-*Drop a Word~*~*~

    mubarka lies :P
  17. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    ~*~*~Keep a Word*-*-*Drop a Word~*~*~

    no rules! :p
  18. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    ~*~*~Keep a Word*-*-*Drop a Word~*~*~

    no fighting!
  19. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    isl paper... A grade?

    That is INCORRECT! Tell your teacher to get a little training and then start teaching ( just kidding , don't do that !). A good answer , that is well - structured and nicely executed ( add a few quotations , atleast 2) will get you 10/10!
  20. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    The Banning Game(ALL please join in)

    basimnazir is banned for reaching 2128 posts in just 8 months! Dude, do you even study?