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Search results

  1. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    The Banning Game(ALL please join in)

    shahlakh is banned for being rude!
  2. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    Visionary here! Saying Hello! :P

    Ok , sure hope so!
  3. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    Expert Advice Needed!

    Hey, i need some really good advice. I'm appearing for Sciences in May/June 2012 ,and i'm doing a course with Sir Akhtar Mahmood - Physics Sir Saad Hameed -Chemistry The notes are really helpful , but i cant decided on what is the best way to study! Please help , i really really want to get an...
  4. ViSiOnOfMiNe

    Visionary here! Saying Hello! :P

    Hey , i'm new here! Looking for some help and to have a little fun!