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  1. H

    Physics p1 ..wat happened ? :D

    jaldi bhej
  2. H

    Physics p1 ..wat happened ? :D

    bhai nov 09 ka 29 tk gya tha and I am damn sure that papr was not that difficult, udher bhe log tym ki wja se phanse hnge. aj bhe tym was an issue. Buhat masla tha. kam hoga percentile Yar PM me ur msn id
  3. H

    Physics p1 ..wat happened ? :D

    ur network has error
  4. H

    Physics p1 ..wat happened ? :D

    yar i believe this paper was hell of a difficult paper. I have read many comments and came to a conclusion that many of us were not able to do it on tym. I believe percentile for this paper would be quite low.
  5. H

    Physics p1 ..wat happened ? :D

    kyun bhai????
  6. H

    Physics p1 ..wat happened ? :D

    yar i got everything wrong which u discussed.... Buhat dash paper tha
  7. H

    Physics p1 ..wat happened ? :D

    cant understand how ashhad was able to do his paper on tym and even rechecked his paper.
  8. H

    Physics p1 ..wat happened ? :D

    the most fuckin paper of phy of ma lyf.... A totally useless paper. It was even worst than the paper of nov 09
  9. H

    Physics mcq

    han to dats wat ques is asking, which material can sustain the greatest plastic deformation??? Since steel requires a lot of force to be deformed, it shud be steel
  10. H

    Physics mcq

    can anyone xplain me the mcq of jun09 q 19. I do not understand why it is aluminium..
  11. H

    Guesses for Business Studies

    I hope so they do..:(
  12. H

    Accounting !

    tum apna makraani pana yahan par bhe nahin bhulogay????
  13. H

    p1 help needed!plz help me

    ashhad believe me its quite a difficult paper
  14. H

    Physics approximation questions

    haha, thats 100% correct
  15. H

    Guesses for Business Studies

    Can anyone just inform me about the most important topics in business studies p1 which are likely to come this year????
  16. H

    p1 help needed!plz help me

    it seems as if this paper is quite tricky!!
  17. H

    Accounting !

    ashad sahab if u have 2 spring constants and a single load then load must be divided equally amongst da springs and the constant for each spring shud be treated out individually to take out extension of each spring.
  18. H

    Physics approximation questions

    hey man, solve my query first, wat to be done of mcqs
  19. H

    physics mcqs HELP !

    N 07 Q23 since you do not know frequency, first find it out speed=freq x wavelength 8=f x 50 f=0.16Hz since the ques is asking abt da max kinetic energy, amplitude will be 2, take our da speeed at dat instance using the formula given v=2 x pi x af v=2 x pi x 2 x 0.16 v=1.98 K.E= 1/2mv^2...
  20. H

    Physics approximation questions

    these values have a greater chance of being rightly guessed if they are asked in p2 as they specify a range of values for each answer. But wat abt p1, you just only have one choice..