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  1. J

    Physics and Biology Unit 3B Notes?

    i dont remember my answers either :( ill resit s1 next year i've got chemistry on thursday, and c2 on friday, you? how was your phys paper yesterday?
  2. J

    ASK Me !

    Help! Maybe this seems easy, but I don't seem to follow it properlyyy. Okay so for thermodynamics, apparently in Exothermic reactions, when bonds are formed, more energy is released than the amount of energy absorbed in breaking the bonds. However, the value of change in energy for exothermic...
  3. J

    Physics unit 1 6PH01 discussion :)

    :((( the paper was awful, a thousand times harder than any of the past papers, grde boundaries better be low bcoz i dont expect bettrr than a E
  4. J

    6ph01, post your doubts here......

    at 1pm gmt time, yours?
  5. J

    Physics Unit 01 (6PH01) disussions

    good luck! pretty nervous:( all of june 2013 papers hv been hsrder, so i expect physics will be too, fingers crossedd. at what time do you hv it?
  6. J

    Question about Business Studies

    I'm so nervous about the exam :( at what time do you have yours?
  7. J

    Question about Business Studies

    BE Analysis benefits: Helps to predict the level of output required to cover total costs (fixed and variable) Helps to improve profitability, and helps to avoid any loss-making However, it assumes that all the output will be sold, which might not be the case due to new competitors entering the...
  8. J

    S1, post your doubts here....

    okaay dont forgeet: http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2355116
  9. J

    Physics and Biology Unit 3B Notes?

    did you check the unofficial mark scheme for it? http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2355116 , i can already see where ive lost 20 marks:( certainly gonna resit next year
  10. J

    S1, post your doubts here....

    How did you guys do on the exam overall?
  11. J

    S1, how was it? My answers, please put yours to compare.

    Overall, how was the exam for all of you?
  12. J

    Physics and Biology Unit 3B Notes?

    first 3 questions were great, last 3 were awful:( yours?
  13. J

    Physics and Biology Unit 3B Notes?

    Yupp, been studying S1 all day today, but I'm scared of the same things, S1 is really easy but it's easy to make silly mistakes on it, and theory questions pop up every now and then too, which I haven't really studied for since they don't come up too often. Yes, same here, when I mark the papers...
  14. J

    Physics and Biology Unit 3B Notes?

    Sorry about thattt. I did alright, just a few silly mistakes bcoz my mental maths aren't too good and since we couldn't use calculators, i struggled a bit :( but overall i expect to get an A, if not, I'll resit next year, now I'm studying for S1, I've got that on Friday, hope i do well, some...
  15. J

    Unit 3B Chemistry :) How was the exams? Comment here :P

    woow, thanks for the tips:$ hope i do well too
  16. J

    Unit 3B Chemistry :) How was the exams? Comment here :P

    wooow, so you got 100%? that's brillliant! how did you studyy so well for it?
  17. J

    Unit 3B Chemistry :) How was the exams? Comment here :P

    What is the maximum?
  18. J

    Physics and Biology Unit 3B Notes?

    thats closer than minee. yeaaah, but its okaay, we could still get an A! What did you get for C1? C1 of Jan was pretty hardd, I did the past paper and wasn't too happyy. I've got my C1 exam tomorrow, hope its good, studied lots for it and donee lots of past paperrs. Lucky youu, what did you get...
  19. J

    Unit 3B Chemistry :) How was the exams? Comment here :P

    what do you mean "120 UMS unit 1" ?