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  1. M

    guess papers for eco

    okay so my teacher refused to give the guess =D
  2. M

    How was your chem practical(34)......,

    reckoned the mistake didnt remove the stopper wen measuring mass of tube + solid fr fb1 2 3 means only mass readings r wrong i guess (read hope) v will only b penalised fr wrong mass calculations
  3. M


    thr was something wrong with my solids so i was getting a trend fr fb1 fb2 n fb3 but fr fb5 n fb6 it wasnt on the trend how many marks i will lose coz of tht :(
  4. M

    How was your chem practical(34)......,

    thr was something wrong with my solids so i was getting a trend fr fb1 fb2 n fb3 but fr fb5 n fb6 it wasnt on the trend how many marks i will lose coz of tht :(
  5. M

    Got Everything Coming For Chem Paper 34! :)

    pm pm pm plz plz plz
  6. M


    princesszahra phys n chem p34 details plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  7. M

    HOW WAS PHY P33?????

    i guess we take 0.1 to 0.4s as human reaction error kher i didnt appear fr p33 :D
  8. M

    A level video lectures

    close urslf in a room go into an asocial state i.e. no hangouts, no nothing u will be able to do 50 alvlz :D is it worth it? that u hv to decide u c ali moeen used to study fr 12hrz :o he will b doing so many olvlz as well so tht makes me believe, he studies fr arnd 18 19 hrz O__o anyway...
  9. M


    it is highly unlikely tht these topiks will b examined anyway, i did cover some of these topics but i dont quite remember now u can use stephen poplez book fr bistable and astable circuits n other topiks if not u cn google them :)
  10. M

    further maths

    i hv all the books :D but none of the buk matches the syllabus of cie or evn covers the given topiks in the detail required
  11. M

    A level video lectures

    world records hv to b broken =D so tht no1 else breaks the record =D
  12. M

    further maths

    i agree i rely on my sir's class lectures completely
  13. M

    Further Math Students… In Here

    o if u hv an excellent teacher fr fmaths it wont pose any problems give it ur best shot best of luck
  14. M

    Physics p33 errors

    u just name light gates :D dont worry abt the details anyway, they r used to start/stop the timer wen ball passes through light beam
  15. M

    Is Your Head Invigilator asking....

    yea they always ask to write the calculator make/model
  16. M

    Further Math Students… In Here

    unless ofcourse, u dnt hv a life (tht is no extra curriculars, no hangouts etc )n r ready to spnd all of ur time wid fmaths so dare not do it without the guidance of some1 with a good teacher the subject wont b tougher than chem/phys :)
  17. M

    Further Math Students… In Here

    lol i found the last line amusing =D yes fmaths is not doable on ur on coz of lack of books tht cover the syllabus fully u may be able to do all the chapterz frm the buk n in the end u will realise tht half of the things u did werent evn in the syllabus :D n wateva u did was of rudimentary level...
  18. M

    help!!! :O

    no problem
  19. M

    A small logarthamic question

    u juz had to use the rules of logarithmz in this question should u require further assistance, feel free to ask :)
  20. M

    A small logarthamic question

    (3+ 1/2 ln4 - 3/2 ln6) - (O + 1/2 ln1 - 3/2 ln3) = [3 + ln2 - ln 6^(3/2) ] - [0 + 0 - ln 3 ^ (3/2) ] = 3 + ln2 - ln 6^(3/2) + ln 3 ^ (3/2) = 3 + ln [ 2 x 3 ^ (3/2) / 6^(3/2) ] = 3 + ln [ 2 / 2 ^ (3/2) ] = 3 + ln [ 2 ^ (-1/2)] = 3 - 1/2 ln2