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  1. M

    help!!! :O

    this field is largely about maths yes u cn easily do economics if u hvnt done it in olvlz though u shud hv a good teacher (business studies n accounts hv very low credits so i wont recommnd these) anyway its totally upto u if u wanna take up this subject otherwise ur combo phys math fmath n gp...
  2. M

    Further Math Students… In Here

    on the second thought, y dont u gv fmaths next year in june? :o u will hv more time to practice n it wont make ur life a hell :D
  3. M

    Further Math Students… In Here

    yaar fr fmaths u cnt rely on books thr is no book in the market tht covers the syllabus entirely a good fmaths teacher cn make ur life ez :D coz honestly speaking, fmaths is easy its juz lack of books covering all the concepts n techniques tht makes it look tuff wen actually thrz too much...
  4. M

    chemistry :'(

    just doing chemistry frm buk (esp organic) will be suicidal :D thr r so many reactions missing in the buk dnt u hv notes of any good teacher? :o
  5. M

    help!!! :O

    actually the subjects shud b enuf given tht u r going to do full alvl further maths in a year (its easily doable btw) yea actuarial is all abt statistics actually u hv to assess the risk of business failure but its related to business field anyway, u will learn abt business subjects in univ
  6. M

    help!!! :O

    actuarial sciences is not related to pure sciences :D so they wont help if u r sure u want to pursue actuarial sciences its related to business so business related subjects will b more helpful though it doesnt matter wen it comes to admission u will gt into univ no matter wat combo u hv (fmaths...
  7. M


    yaar i dnt hv the guess ppr rite nw i will post it as soon as i gt hold of it :)
  8. M


    yaar mcqs require crystal clear concepts n practice i would suggest tht u do mcqs from tht grey topicl mcq buk it will help u alot n consider each option b4 u answer it if u require explanation fr any mcq of p1 (i am in AS) u cn ask here :)
  9. M

    help!!! :O

    i would rather take up economics along with further maths btw lse gave out offer on chem, furthrmaths n phys fr actuarial to one of my friend so u know wat to do
  10. M


    yea same here i never attempted macro question in any exam though i did write macro essays fr class assignmnts but still i feel more confident wid micro n yea u hv to know macro concepts fr mcqs n data response coz mstly the data response questions r frm macro
  11. M


    if u hvnt done macroeconomics in depth then dont attempt maro ques in the exam coz its all interlinked n u may not score very high due to lack of indepth knowledge micro is easier
  12. M


    i havent got any model essays in computer n yea plz dont do economics frm redspot neither mcqs or theory u will spoil ur grade (or so my teacher says :D)
  13. M


    hey okay so for the essays u shud make 4 paragraphs first paragraph: give the introduction whereby u shud give definition of all the key terms second paragraph: write about what the question appears to ask at the surface, that is, explanation third paragraph: look at the question from a...
  14. M

    physics throey guesses anyone ????

    i agree in sciences any topik cn b examined but its good to prepare those topiks better which hvnt been asked in recent yrs
  15. M

    a level urdu

    how did ppr 3 and 4 go? which questions u attempted in texts ppr?
  16. M


    Howz ur preperation for economics>? any specific problemz u want help for? :)
  17. M

    physics throey guesses anyone ????

    question related to diffraction effect of different variables on intensity n separation of fringes
  18. M

    neeed to know ;)

    yea i varies from paper to paper but to hv a rough idea you cn hv a look at grade thresholds of previous yrs
  19. M

    Physics p1 ..wat happened ? :D

    tht stress-strain graph 1
  20. M

    AS psychology

    now i dont need help ppr went reasonably good :D