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Search results

  1. H

    ExYLENT workshops!!!

    these are workshops organised by engineering schools of nust nd last for 1 month nd o a level students cn attend.i needed more info on ho we apply for dat so is anybody here who attended or has some knowledge abt da subject!
  2. H

    ali moeen nawzish's CHANNEL

    guyx chek it out.there r sum gUd lectures on A level urdu. http://www.youtube.com/user/stepUPPakis ... 0M7vy6uUvw
  3. H

    WOnDERfUl biology a levl notes

    http://www.heckgrammar.kirklees.sch.uk/ ... hp?p=10312
  4. H

    result confusion resolved!!!

    i hv got concrete info abt the grades A* nd A.I went 2 my skool nd the VP showed me a document.it was FAQs abt this year results FROM british council.it was wriiteen ova there clearly dat the standard of A or B or C REMAINS THE SAME AS IT WAS 3 4 YEARS BAK.jxt dat they hv introduced A* grade...
  5. H

    taking edexcel human bio ND cambridge biology

    cn i do lyk this that i take cambridge biology and EDEXCEL human biology!
  6. H


    IN AS WHICH PPRS I LL GIVE P1 M1 ND S1??? U TELL BT ALSO TELL THAT WE HAV TO GIV ALL 7 PAPERS IN TOTAL P1 M1 S1 P2 P3 M2 S2? plxx explain clearly.THNXX REPLY PLXXX.plxx do tell hw many total pprx i need to get a level certification!!!!11
  7. H

    sat1 after O or a levels??

    wats da ryt tym to giv sat1?wat r its benefits
  8. H

    VIDEO lecture source for bilogy

    hey guyx,i hav searched a lot bt i hv nt came across any gud sourcee of vid lectures for bio lyk khan academy lectures r very gud for other subects.if u knw anylink or any info plxx paste it here.i would be grateful to u!!!
  9. H


    is it a gud buk. nd wats da best resource buk for bio. http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5741957 ... tt_Freeman)_3rd_Edition
  10. H

    hey guyxx past paper solution vids!!!!

    came up wid a gr8 idea to solve past pprs nd post its vids on utube.wat do yathink??
  11. H

    tHInking skills!!!

    i m planning to opt out for THINKING SKILLS along wid bio maths phy nd che already.i wanna ask is TS an easy sub;nd it has to b studied at home only na\?? nd r there any buks neede so plxx mention names of them nd wat abt CRITICAL THINKING
  12. H

    A level grades nd UNIVERSITY!!!

    Q.is it possible that very good a level grades lyk A* cn get u scholarship in top UNIVERSITIES LYK HARVARD mit BERKLEY oxford cambridge? does any1 has any idea abt it so plxx share.nd cn anyone inform hw well 1 cn perform to receive scholarships frm such universities???
  13. H

    bio maths both

    skools gonna start in few dayx tym nd i m still nt sure atb my sub.though i hv decided nw to take both bio nd maths nd medical is my priority i wanna ask dat cn bio maths both cn make much difference to my grades then if i do bio only.What r ur views.hoping for GuD suggestions
  14. H

    @planetmaster chat box

    planet master is it possible that u can make a chat box utility on xpf forum jxt lyk fbook chat box utility
  15. H

    wat r ur grADES?????

    MINE 6 a star 1 a nd 1 B
  16. H

    o LvL rXlt discussion

    post ur comments nd views abt result here
  17. H

    RxLTT released!!!

    http://www.britishcouncil.org/pakistan- ... j-2010.htm
  18. H


    aey ALLAH hum sb ko buht achaygrades lenay ki taufeeqata farma AMeeN
  19. H

    CIE direct

    is anybody goin to chek rxlt via CIE DIRECT.ND do u guyx hv ben given any passwords
  20. H

    2MrW is RxlT !!!

    HEY GUYZ tmrw is rxlt.very tense situation.I WAnna ask abt eglish language.how much approx we should score to gett A in eng language