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  1. Estranged

    Who Is Allah?

    I don't know .If someone altered it , they wouldn't have enough sense to cover their tracks , now would they . No that would be too smart . As for your question about the Bible being altered , that's common knowledge that the Bible was altered about 400 years after Christ's death.
  2. Estranged

    Who Is Allah?

    I m sorry, you're right.
  3. Estranged

    Who Is Allah?

    First , don't make up stories . Now , for your questions ? How do you know the Qur'an as remained unaltered for 1400 years? It could be that someone altered the thing ''a few decades'' before , when science had proven the records? Do you have any prove that it hasn't been altered? Do you?
  4. Estranged

    You wanted logical arguments right? well why don't you reply now? Cat got your tongue? the truth...

    You wanted logical arguments right? well why don't you reply now? Cat got your tongue? the truth is you don't know what to say
  5. Estranged

    Who Is Allah?

    Okay i'll wait... :rolleyes:
  6. Estranged

    Who Is Allah?

    Just like i expected . Not a single answer !
  7. Estranged

    Who Is Allah?

    ^Can anyone correct this ? I know you can't .
  8. Estranged

    Who Is Allah?

    One error, just one, and the entire Quran becomes a lie because it claims to be the letter for letter dictation of God. And if that claim is a lie then so is the rest of it. I think we can all agree on that much. 72. Certainly they disbelieve who say: Surely Allah, He is the Messiah, son of...
  9. Estranged

    Its raining suggestions! Advancing XtremePapers, Advancing Knowledge

    Here is a suggestion : *Abusive language* [G.Mod edit]
  10. Estranged

    Who Is Allah?

    i was born, like every human is born . brainless people like you don't understand that simple fact
  11. Estranged

    Who Is Allah?

    You stupid people .I'll tell you who this ''Allah'' really is . He is the ''moon god'' that the Arabs used to worship before the advent of Islam . Your just as pathetic as anyone if you truly believe Islam is a true religion . It's a hoax , made to fool idiots like you .
  12. Estranged

    Who Is Allah?

    I don't think anyone can explain me this . Muslims produce long pages about any questions but they cannot tell who this ''Allah'' is .