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  1. A

    Notes of Bio,Physics and Chemistry?

    Anyone has Notes for ANY of them please upload!! :) I will very Thankful!
  2. A

    Marking Schemes and Examiner Reports of Chemistry!!!

    Guys! I need Chemistry marking schemes and Examiner Reports complied in one document! If anyone has please upload! But please If anyone has MARKING SCHEMES OF CHEMISTRY COMPILED IN ONE DOCUMENT FROM 2000 TO 2011!! or any alternative years!! Please upload I need HELP! :( I will be very thankful! :)
  3. Hobbie

    Phy, Maths, Chem, Comp nd Bio 2015

    New thread for 2015 O2 (science) students: Alot of threads are being made on this huge educational platform forum but I felt a need to make a thread where we 2015 student can discuss abt all of our problems or may become a helphand for others.. U can post notes, ur ideas, questions, tips nd...
  4. Serial_Ripper

    HELP ME! A2 Chemistry Past Papers

    Look, I'm giving A2 this O/N and just started solving past papers (too late, I know). Anyway, it's a habit of mine to start right from 2002...but then I came across paper 6 and WAS SO BEWILDERED THAT I WANTED THROW MYSELF FROM THE WINDOW IN DESPAIR (but then I live on the ground floor so that...
  5. S

    What are the toughest IGCSE papers you have done?

    Hi all, I'm practicing past papers for the upcoming Oct/Nov IGCSE papers, I just wanted to know what are the hardest papers you've done for the following subjects: -Maths -English 1st Language -ICT -Literature -Geography -History -Biology -Physics -Chemistry -Business Studies I thank you all in...