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▒Politics? anyone??▒

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I have no intention of debating... and you know very well that I can ban you current account too, it was only coz of your pm that I didn't already.
Maybe this seems familiar:

oh, and the rules also say:
i came back at the forum to clear my stance and wanted to see if you can restore my previous account or not caz i thought you might act impartial and not so biased. now that you are not restoring it and acting very rigid so sure go ahead, no need for warnings at all.
you displayed utter shrewdness and stubbornness in your views unlike the image you give at the forum.
only one harsh comment and you lost your temper heh, you banned me because i didn't agree with your religious views. keep preaching islam in a dominating style......(y)


XPRS Administrator
Reaction score
i came back at the forum to clear my stance and wanted to see if you can restore my previous account or not caz i thought you might act impartial and not so biased. now that you are not restoring it and acting very rigid so sure go ahead, no need for warnings at all.
you displayed utter shrewdness and stubbornness in your views unlike the image you give at the forum.
only one harsh comment and you lost your temper heh, you banned me because i didn't agree with your religious views. keep preaching islam in a dominating style......(y)

You weren't banned coz of me.... I specifically mentioned "An exception to the three strike rule applies when users contact team members personally (via any method) and post insulting, indecent or vulgar material. Such users may be subject to an immediate permanent ban"....
and that 'one harsh comment' was not against me if I remember... and I think it was a series of comments (at least one of it I can't even mention here) against team members...

If you dislike me, you have the right to your judgment... If I hurt you, I'm sorry but it wasn't me who broke the rules, repetedly... I have no intention of debating, and I don't even have to justify myself to you.... Thankyou for understanding.


XPRS Administrator
Reaction score
WOW!! I can't believe how much Off-topic this thread went =p

LOL... and ur supposed to b studying.. not reviving lost therads n memories... look at me acting like a dictator boss.. XD :D

and boy I miss the old GetSomeLife and ..sacrifice4Revenge.. duo ruining therads... :D xD :p
was fun... back in the day.. :D