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*~*~♦ тнᴇ αят ᴏƒ ɢяᴏᴏмɪɴɢ уᴏυя ѕᴏυʟѕ ♦~*~*

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One day a construction supervisor from 6th floor of building was calling a worker working on the ground floor. Because of construction noice, the worker on ground floor did not hear his supervisor calling.

Than, to draw the attention of worker, the supervisor threw a 10 rupee note from up which fell right around in front of the worker.The worker picked up the 10 rupee note, put it in his pocket & continued with his work.

Again to draw the attention of worker, the supervisor now threw 500 rupee note & the worker did the same, picked 500 rupee note, put it in his pocket & started doing his job. Now to draw attention of the worker, the supervisor picked a small stone & threw on worker. The stone hit exactly the worker head. This time the worker looked up & the supervisor communicated with the worker.

This story is same as of our life. Allah wants to communicate with us, but we are busy doing our worldly jobs. Than Allah give us small gifts & we just keep it without seeing from where we got it. Than Allah gives us amounts (gifts) & we are the same. Just keep the gifts without seeing from where it come & without thanking Allah. We just say we are LUCKY. Than when we are hit with a small stone, which we call problems, than we look up & we communicate with Allah.

So every time we get gift, we should thank Allah immediately, and not wait till we are hit by a small stone, and than we should communicate with Allah....
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One day a construction supervisor from 6th floor of building was calling a worker working on the ground floor. Because of construction noice, the worker on ground floor did not hear his supervisor calling.

Than, to draw the attention of worker, the supervisor threw a 10 rupee note from up which fell right around in front of the worker.The worker picked up the 10 rupee note, put it in his pocket & continued with his work.

Again to draw the attention of worker, the supervisor now threw 500 rupee note & the worker did the same, picked 500 rupee note, put it in his pocket & started doing his job. Now to draw attention of the worker, the supervisor picked a small stone & threw on worker. The stone hit exactly the worker head. This time the worker looked up & the supervisor communicated with the worker.

This story is same as of our life. Allah wants to communicate with us, but we are busy doing our worldly jobs. Than Allah give us small gifts & we just keep it without seeing from where we got it. Than Allah gives us amounts (gifts) & we are the same. Just keep the gifts without seeing from where it come & without thanking Allah. We just say we are LUCKY. Than when we are hit with a small stone, which we call problems, than we look up & we communicate with Allah.

So every time we get gift, we should thank Allah immediately, and not wait till we are hit by a small stone, and than we should communicate with Allah....
awesome reminder.........MashaAllah..!!
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The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Whenever anyone of you offers Salaat, he is speaking in private to his Lord.” [Sahih Bukhari]

During a battle, Ali (radi Allahu anhu) was shot in the foot by an arrow. It sank so deep into the bone that no one could easily remove it. The surgeon, having examined the wound, told Ali (radi Allahu anhu):

“Master, I can remove the arrow only if I put you to sleep through anaesthesia. I have to do it; otherwise you cannot bear the excruciating pain.”

Ali (radi Allahu anhu) replied: “There is no need for any medicine to dull my nerves. Wait for a while until the time for prayer arrives. When I stand to pray then you can remove the arrow.”

When the time for prayer arrived, Ali (radi Allahu anhu) got himself ready and stood to pray in utmost love and respect towards his Lord. He was enraptured with the fulfillment of worship of the Almighty Allah. Meanwhile, the surgeon removed the arrow and dressed up Ali (radi Allahu)’s wound.

When Ali (radi Allahu anhu) completed his Salaat, he asked the surgeon: “Have you removed the arrow?”

What is my Salaat like? Am I conscious of being in Allah’s presence when I am praying?

Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) describes the prayer of the hypocrites in the Quran with these words: “And when they stand up for the Salaat, they stand with laziness and to be seen of men, and they do not remember Allah but little.” [Surah An-Nisa, Ayat 142]