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Almost Blind...

Allah mentions in His book that it isn't only eyes but also hearts that can become blind. Furthering that notion in the 24th surah, He gives the example of someone drowning at sea during a thunderstorm with a giant wave that has slammed over him (or her...) and before he could make his way to the top another comes and pushes him even deeper down to the bottom of the ruthless sea. You'd think by the time you get to this part of the divine painting, you'd be learning of being out of breath or terrified. But no, the depiction is
إذا أخرج يده لم يكد يراها
"When he take his hand out, he almost doesn't even see it!"

The deeper down he goes the darker it gets. The greatest horror in Allah's divine parable is an almost inability to even see your own hand right in front of you. Of all our limbs, the hand is commonly used in the Quran to describe our actions in life.

I was talking to someone recently about their "bad days", the days before they repented and changed course in life. They told me that even at the worst times, sneaking out of the house, making the way to the night club, right before walking into it, they'd turn to God and say, "I'm sorry I'm about to do this, please don't let me die here".

That moved me so deeply. There are people that can be so far from being good, seeped in sin, so many doses of drugs, illicit relationships, filthy environments and all manner of terrible choices later, through all of those crushing waves of darkness that have slammed them deeper and deeper into the merciless ocean of sin, where they are surround only by devices of their own destruction, where every time they even try to come up for air a new set of temptations and forces drag them back down ensuring they will be in so much darkness that they'll stop thinking about what they're doing and just do it, through all of that, they can still barely make out their hand and still aren't completely blind. Some voice inside them still says you need to get out of this. Some part of them can see right past all the make up, all the loud noise, all the animal stares, all the fake smiles, all the mind numbing thumping of music telling you to "throw your hands up in the air and wave 'em like you just don't care", and yet they still care. As weak as it may have become, their vision still works.

Vision is a function of light. In easy English, without light you can't see. It doesn't matter how far the party road you've traveled. It doesn't matter how much darkness you've surrounded yourself in. It doesn't matter how much you've told yourself I'm in too deep. I'm as good as drowned, a lost cause. None of that matters. The fact that something inside you can still see the wrong in what you do means there is light somewhere. But where? Where did this light come from and why is this flimsy candle not put out by the drowning sea?

The same parable that describes this depth of darkness will teach you that there's a light inside you. You keep looking for a good influence on the outside thinking if only someone good would come along and change your life and bring it light, you'd become a good person too. You don't realize that good person is you. A prisoner deep inside your own self, whose light you've been suffocating. You are the greatest oppressor to your own enlightened soul deep in your heart. This starving prisoner should have died by now but Allah is keeping it alive. He ends the ayah,
‎فمن لم يجعل الله له نورا فما له من نور.
"Then anyone for whom Allah wouldn't have furnished light, they wouldn't possibly have any light at all!"

That light inside you is Allah's biggest gift to you. You've been ignoring it because swimming against giant waves isn't easy. It's painful, requires you to exhaust yourself and the alternative is so so much easier. Just drown. Just throw your hands up and stop caring. But if you have the strength of will left, He will never abandon you. His rope is always there to pull you up. He'll also describe it like the anchor of a ship whose giant links in the chain can't be broken. You will make your way up and when no one around you is a source of light, He will be from within you. The fact that you can still see your hand, albeit barely, is proof that He hasn't given up on you. It's on you now. Happy swimming!

~ Nouman Ali Khan!

Wow just wow subhanAllah!!
JazakAllah Khair for sharing.. (y)
May Allah s.w.t forgive us n keep us guided in light... Aameeen


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أعوذ بكلمات الله التامات من شر ما خلق
A'udhu bi kalimatillaahi at-tamaati min sharri ma khalaq
I seek refuge in the complete words of Allāh from the evil in what He has created.
(3 times)
It is narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet(pbuh) said: “Whosoever says at nightfall, A'udhu bi kalimati-Llahit-tammati min sharri ma khalaq, no harm shall affect him.” [Saheeh Muslim]


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When Sufyan thawri (rahmahullah) was dying, he was very afraid of death. Seeing that his friend Hammad ibn Salamah ibn dinar said to him, when I die and in the day hereafter Allah s.w.t tells me that I'm giving you choice that if you like, you can be judged by your mother or Me, its up to you. Hammad said, I will say to Him, No; I will like me to be judged by you because your mercy and love is more than the love and mercy of my mother!
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Asssalam-o-alaikum!! (U may say Wa-alaikum-os-salam in your hearts)
I have got this most extraordinary Idea!==> Share a Hadith, a Quranic Quotation or even a good--very good Piece of Advice here!


How many of us may read it ===> may even implement on it, and in return you shall get the reward and others benefit!
Awesome, no?
I mean, just posting a single quranic verse or a hadith ( or even an inspirational story, an ADVICE..anything), is it sucha BIG DEAL? Don't hesitate then! JUST POST IT!
You know our religion is very easy but we have made it difficult for us!!

Groom Your Souls is what the topic says!

Look, man is made up of body and soul. The body is a cage, and the soul is inexhaustible fountainhead of life that temporarily resides in it. It never dries up even after the death of the person in whose body it dwelt for a certain period of time. Life goes on. It never ceases.
The soul is so invigorating a force that within few hours of its liberation from the body (cage), the body decomposes and stinks. Thus, the soul nurtures the body till it remains in it. Body signifies impermanence, and soul the permanence. Most people all their life take good care of their body but ignore the soul. They keep their body well-treated, and the soul maltreated. After liberation from such a body, the soul, not even for a while, hovers over the departed person (body), and joins the mainstream of life.

Very few people take a good care of their souls. They honour the soul’s permanent link with eternity. They do not corrupt the cage (body) and do not pollute it with filth. When liberated from such a cage, the soul, in its state of consciousness, hovers over the deceased for a certain period of time.

I hope you get FULL ADVANTAGE of this thread and GROOM your souls well!
Thank You (JazakAllah)
May Allah bless you all!!
subhanAllah and JazakALLAH khair


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For those going through a hard time:
When things get difficult - whether you are going through a personal trial, or more general fitnah - one often falls into a cycle of depression and apathy. One begins to despair. 'Ibadah is affected. The will to fight, or to see any good in themselves when they are in that iman dip, suffers. Which only makes things worse of course, because you despair more, and turn even further away from Allah who if only you realised, is the One who has your back even in your fractured and weak state. No, *especially* your fractured and weak state.
Beware. Shaytan here starts to play you like a fiddle. Things can often become more difficult, you despair more, you feel more worthless, you "don't think it's worth bothering as it's not retrievable", you despair more. And thus we float away. Right up to the shores of the Island of Iblis - isolated from all hope, civilisation and support.
Never *ever* give up. Unless you are staring at the Angel of Death, then *every* situation is recoverable. This Ummah and its honoured believers have made absolutely stunning come backs. We have almost returned from the gates of Hell literally. The Prophet (s) has confirmed that, even if you are but an arm's length from the Fire itself, one can change his situation around. But you must have that Trust in Allah jalla wa 'ala. To believe anything less, to believe even if you are the worst person on this planet that you cannot get back into the Light, is an insult to your Lord.
Believe in Him. He created you. He knows you. And He knows you can turn it round as long as you have patience with your situation, for He is All-Forgiving, All-Able.

via Sh. Abu Esa


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Allah commands us to do Prayer on time and we say why 5 times? Prayer which was meant to solve the problem, now itself has become the problem! Now we think praying more is problem! Your prophet wanted 50 prayers, was happy with it. He said the coolness of my eyes is Prayer! People used to say when he had a problem he used to take refuge in prayer. Now we think the prayer is problem, tell me really, do we understand? - sh. Akram Nadwi


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One of the reasons why people don't respect women is because they don't learn about the women from Quran. They learn about women from culture, if you read about women from Quran, you love them, you respect them. That's why prophet s.a.w said love of women is made beloved to my heart. because he reads Quran, he respects them. We Muslims don't love and respect them because we get knowledge from society, whereas until end of his life prophet kept reminding about women but we don't fear, we harm them, we hurt them, we humiliate them all the time. - sh. Akram Nadwi