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Fever wipes out ones sins and rids his body from dead substances and germs. It is a blessing in disguise.

The Prophet (saw) said: “When a believer gets sick or feverish, it is like metal when put on fire, the bad is gone and the good remains.” [Al-Bayhaqi]

He also describes the intensity of fever by saying: “Fever is coal from hell, get rid of it by using cold water.” [Ibn Majah]

The Prophet (saw) forbade the cursing of fever by saying: “Do not curse a fever because it abolishes sins like fire abolishes dirt from iron.” [Ibn Majah]

A bacterial or viral infection usually raises the temperature of a person, antibiotics are useless with viral infections, such as the influenza and the common cold, although the patient might sweat and have a very high fever.

Then what is the cure?

The Prophet (saw) tells us to reduce the fever with water. The same is still applied today. Putting cold pads on a patients forehead is still used in a lot of hospitals and by doctors even though fever reducing medicines are abundant, like aspirin, paracetamol (or acetaminophen, which is the active ingredient in Tylenol) and others.

Using water to reduce fevers is not limited to using cold pads. Drinking a lot of fluids is also helpful. This is also understood from the wordings of the Prophetic narration: “cool it with water.” Water is either what the patient drinks, what is given intravenously or what the patient puts on his face or body to cool the fever.

We have seen a lot of patients where fever reducing medicines (antipyretics) were not effective with their rising fever. At the same time, cold water had an immediate effect. Thats why pediatricians advise parents to take a child's clothes off and give a lot of fluids if a fever occurs. An antipyretic might also be give like paracetamol. Aspirin has been banned for children under 12 years of age.

What is fever?

Fever occurs when the body temperature rises above normal (37 C). There is an area in the brain (an area that lies over the pituitary gland in the front of the head) which is a temperature regulator.

When a germ enters the body, it starts secreting toxins. Toxins affect the temperature regulator causing its temperature to rise. The substances that cause this rise in temperature are called pyrogens. Pyrogens are caused not only by germs but also by the ruined tissues in the body after being affected with germs.

When the temperature rises in the temperature regulator, the rest of the body has to comply. It increases its temperature in response. Soon, the whole body feels feverish and the patients temperature rises. This explains the saying of the Prophet when he described the believers in their kindness and affections like the body. If a part of it suffers from a germ or a virus, like inflammation in the respiratory pathways or inflammation of the urinary tracts and others, all of the body suffers from fever and restlessness.

Yes the whole body suffers. The whole body has a rise in temperature and not only where it is affected. When the inflammation worsens, the germs increase and consequently ruin the tissues. The germs and the pyrogens will find the body’s defense system ready to attack and eat the by-products of the germs and rid the body of them. While doing this, it releases to the body fluids a substance called leukocyte pyrogens or endogenous. Therefore the fever remains while the body is cleansing itself from the by-products.

Didn’t the Prophet (saw) say, when a man cursed the fever: “Dont curse it because it abolishes sins like fire abolishes dirt from iron.”

It is a cleansing of our sins, a cleansing of dead substances such as dead tissue and the by-products of the germs, like fire cleans the dirt from iron.

The Prophet (saw) said: “For every ailment, there is a cure. If the cure reaches the ailment, it is cured by the will of Allah.” [Muslim]

That explains the known phenomena that aspirin does not reduce the temperature of a normal person who is not feverish. That is because he does not have these endogenous in his body to work on the hypothalamus.

How do chills occur and why?

The temperature level in the temperature regulator rises suddenly form its normal level to a higher level, due to damage in the tissues, due to the release of temperature generating substances or due to dehydration. When this happens, the body temperature rises within a few hours to attain the new temperature.

During this period, the patient shivers and feels cold, even though the body temperature is high, because blood vessels in the skin contract. The chills remain until the body temperature reaches the new level set by the temperature regulator.

When the body temperature reaches that level, the chills stop and the patient feels neither warm nor cold. As long as the infection continues and the reason for the rise in temperature continues, the body temperature remains at this new level until Allah permits recovery.65.jpg
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Beware of your Position O Men & Women when prostrating to ALLAH {SWT} : Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet said, " Bestraight in the prostrations and none of you should put his forearms on the ground {in the prostration} like a dog." { Sahih Bukhari, Book #12, Hadith#785}
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The Prophet's (saw) narrations speak of women with praise and respect. He once said:

"The world and all things in it are precious, and the most precious thing in the world is a virtuous woman."

[Sahih Muslim]

In another Hadith:

"Shall I not inform you about the best treasure a man can have? It is a virtuous woman who pleases him when he looks at her, who obeys him when he commands her, and who guards herself when he is absent from her."

Also said:

“Three things from your world have been made beloved to me; women, perfume and the coolness of my eyes is in the prayers.”

[Jami’ al-Saghir, Hadith 5435. Classified as Sahih by Albani]

* Women: Coming to things made beloved, he first speaks of “women” think even the order in which he put the things is important. The fact that “women” come first relates to the fact that for every human, the subject of all the Islamic teachings and ideas, the way to this world is a woman. As a mother she is everything for us in this new strange world that we enter into.

Allah (swt) says in the noble Qur'an;

وَوَصَّيْنَا الْإِنْسَانَ بِوَالِدَيْهِ إِحْسَانًا حَمَلَتْهُ أُمُّهُ كُرْهًا وَوَضَعَتْهُ كُرْهًا

“We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents: In pain did his mother bear him, and in pain did she give him birth.”

[Qur’an 46:15]
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It is reported that Abdullāh Ibn Mas’ūd (Allāh be pleased with him) said:

"This world (the dunyā) is (only taken as) a home by those who will have no real home (in jannah), and it is the wealth of those who will have no real wealth, and it is gathered and collected for by those who have no real intelligence."
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“Try saying Alhamdulillah when you’re confused, when you lose something, when you’re stressed, when you’re broken or beat, when you fear, when you lose hope, when your heart breaks..

Praise the Almighty because if He raises you, nothing can bring you down.”
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Want to share an article with you all :) @1357911 PLZ TAG OTHERS TOO :)

There is no reason to worry

The One who created you has already identified your abilities and limits. When He tests you, He already knows your individual circumstances and your breaking point. He will never burden you with something that is beyond your capability.

We will be tested again and again throughout our lives – this is an inevitable fact of life. In Surah Al Baqarah, we are reminded:

“Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while such [trial] has not yet come to you as came to those who passed on before you? They were touched by poverty and hardship and were shaken until [even their] messenger and those who believed with him said, "When is the help of Allah ?" Unquestionably, the help of Allah is near.” [2:214]

However, there is no reason to worry. There is no reason to fear. The believer is safe in Allah’s care. The help of Allah is coming.

Hence, control your inclination to break down and give up. The path to Paradise is paved with adversity and trials, but the believer must stay focused. Do not give in to your irrational emotions, for if you are with Allah, the solution is close at hand.

Often these events are a catalyst for some inner reflection. Could it be that Allah has taken away your means in order for you to turn towards Him? Could it be to purify your heart of your love for the material world? Could it be to keep your arrogance in check? Could it be to absolve your sins? Could it be to strengthen you in preparation of your own future?

Whatever the reason, you have to keep holding on to your trust in Allah. To do that, you have to quell your personal desires, anger, disappointments, frustrations, and all other futile and negative emotions.

Instead, change your attitude and your mindset to a positive and humble one. Trust in Him, be patient, and things will be fine.

What is the alternative?

The first two verses of Surah Ankabut pose the following statements to us:

“Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tried? But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars.” [29:2- 29:3]

Do we want to be classified as those who fail the trials that Allah has given to us? Do we want to be labelled as liars and disbelievers in Allah’s Kingdom?

A disobedient person will become angry, argue with Allah, doubt in Allah, think that Allah is punishing him, resist the changes even though they are beyond his control. A disobedient person will think he knows what is best for him better than his Creator does, and refuse submit to Allah's will.

Instead of trying to comprehend the wisdom behind the events, the disobedient will get caught and sucked into a self made cyclone of self pity, denial, anger and despair. This escalates his inner turmoil, confusion, sadness and impaired judgment. Worse, he runs the risk of Allah prolonging his suffering due to his lack of gratitude and trust to Allah. All inner peace is shattered; he is in a whirl of internal and external chaos and everything becomes complicated.

If one adopts this attitude, where is the sincerity to Allah?

It is not a happy ending ... he will end up in an emotional and psychological mess and will slowly and surely destroy his happiness for this life and the next.

Allah’s Sequence

The above may sound simplistic, but life is really that simple. Allah has a certain sunnah, a sequence or manner in which events unfold according to His rules, based on a simple cause and effect formula. How Allah deals with you depends on how you deal with Him. If you believe in Allah, you simply need to eliminate all your pre-conceived notions about handling your life affairs and problems, and follow the sequence commanded by Allah in the Qur’an.

You have a choice of which state you want to be in. Whatever the tragedy, it is not the end of the world. Others have suffered worse and have triumphed.

By empowering yourself with trust in Allah, you will realize that even though the circumstances may be tough, your attitude and ability to rise above all these events have given you the means to stay balanced even if the world is shaking. With the passing of time, you will also understand that whatever Allah chose for you, even if in the form of a calamity, was actually the best for you, even if you did not understand it when the events occurred.

So be patient and seek the help of Allah in times of distress. Allah is waiting for you to turn to him, so turn towards Him and let him navigate the way through your turmoil.
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~ 100 Beautiful Advices from the Qur'an ~

Brothers and sisters, let's realise that Islam is forever beautiful, perfect and complete. Nothing needs adding nothing needs deducting.
Alhamdulillah. READ THIS!!

1.Do not mix the truth with falsehood (2:42)
2.Order righteousness to people only after practicing it yourself (2:44)
3.Do not commit abuse on the earth (2:60)
4.Do not prevent people from mosques (2:114)(2:114)
5.Do not follow anyone blindly (2:170)
6.Do not break the promise (2:177)
7.Do not engage in bribery (2:188)
8.Fight only with those who fight you (2:190)
9.Keep the etiquettes of war (2:191)
10.Protect orphans (2:220)
11.Do not have sexual intercourse during menstrual period (2:222)
12.Breast feed your children for two complete years (2:233)
13.Choose rulers by their merit (2:247)
14.No compulsion in religion (2:256)
15.Do not invalidate charity with reminders (2:264)
16.Help those in need by finding them (2:273)
17.Don’t consume interest (2:275)
18.Grant more time to repay if the debtor is in hard time (2:280)
19.Write down the debt (2:282)
20.Keep the trust (2:283)
21.Do not spy and backbite (2:283)
22.Believe in all prophets (2:285)
23.Do not burden a person beyond his scope (2:286)
24.Do not become divided (3:103)
25.Restrain Anger (3:134)
26.Do not be rude in speech (3:159)
27.Think deeply about the wonders and creation of this universe (3:191)
28.Men and Women have equal rewards for their deeds (3:195)
29.Wealth of the dead should be distributed among his family members (4:7)
30.Women also have the right for inheritance (4:7)
31.Do not devour the property of orphans (4:10)
32.Do not marry those in your blood relation (4:23)
33.Do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly (4:29)
34.Family should be lead by men (4:34)
35.Be good to others (4:36)
36.Do not be miserly (4:37)
37.Do not keep envy (4:54)
38.Judge with justice between people (4:58)
39.Do not kill each other (4:92)
40.Do not be an advocate for deceitful (4:105)
41.Standout firmly for justice (4:135)
42.Cooperate in righteousness (5:2)
43.Do not cooperate in sin and aggression (5:2)
44.Dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine are prohibited (5:3)
45.Be just (5:8)
46.Punish for crimes in an exemplary way (5:38)
47.Strive against sinful and unlawful (5:63)
48.Avoid intoxicants and alcohol (5:90)
49.Do not gamble (5:90)
50.Do not insult others’ deities (6:108)
51.’Having majority’ is not a criterion of truth (6:116)
52.Don’t reduce weight or measure to cheat people (6:152)
53.Do not be arrogant (7:13)
54.Eat and Drink, But Be Not Excessive (7:31)
55.Wear good cloths during prayer times (7:31)
56.Forgive others for their mistakes (7:199)
57.Do not turn back in battle (8:15)
58.protect and help those who seek protection (9:6)
59.Keep Purity (9:108)
60.Never give up hope of Allah’s Mercy (12:87)
61.Allah will forgive to those who have done wrong out of ignorance (16:119)
62.Invitation to God should be with wisdom and good instruction (16:125)
63.No one will bear others’ sins (17:15)
64.Be dutiful to parents (17:23)
65.Do not say a word of disrespect to parents (17:23)
66.Do not spent money extravagantly (17:29)
67.Do not kill your children for fear of poverty (17:31)
68.Do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse (17:32)
69.Do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge (17:36)
70.Speak to people mildly (20:44)
71.Keep aloof from what is vain (23:3)
72.Do not enter others’ house without seeking permission (24:27)
73.Allah will provide security for those who believe only in Allah (24:55)
74.Do not enter parents’ private room without asking permission (24:58)
75.Walk on earth in humility (25:63)
76.Do not neglect your portion of this world (28:77)
77.Invoke not any other god along with Allah (28:88)
78.Do not engage in homosexuality (29:29)
79.Enjoin right, forbid wrong (31:17)
80.Do not walk in insolence through the earth (31:18)
81.Lower your voice (31:19)
82.Women should not display their finery (33:33)
83.Allah forgives all sins (39:53)
84.Do not be despair of the mercy of Allah (39:53)
85.Repel evil by good (41:34)
86.Decide on affairs by consultation (42:38)
87.Try for settlement between people (49:9)
88.Do not ridicule others (49:11)
89.Avoid suspicion (49:12)
90.Do not spy or backbite (49:12)
91.Most noble of you is the most righteous (49:13)
92.Honor guests (51:26)
93.Spent wealth in charity (57:7)
94.No Monasticism in religion (57:27)
95.Those who have knowledge will be given a higher degree by Allah (58:11)
96.Treat non-Muslims in a kind and fair manner (60:8)
97.Save yourself from covetousness (64:16)
98.Seek forgiveness of Allah. He is Forgiving and Merciful (73:20)
99.Do not repel one who asks (93:10)
100.Encourage feeding poor (107:3)


Spread the knowledge so it will be Sadqa-e-Jaaria for you and for me... In'Shaa'Allah.

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever directs someone to a good, then he will have the reward equal to the doer of the action.” [Muslim 1893]
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Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarkathuhu...

Have time to read.... very nice story..

A man woke up early in order to have his morning devotion (NAMAAZ). He got dressed, set on his way to the Allah house.

On his way to the MASJID, the man fell and his clothes got dirty.. He got up, brushed himself up, and headed home.

At home, he changed his clothes, and was, again, on his way to the MASJID.

On his way to the MASJID, he fell again and at the same spot! He, again, got up, brushed himself off and headed home. At home he, once again, changed his clothes and was on his way to the Allah house.

On his way to the MASJID, he met a man holding a lamp. He asked the man of his identity and the man replied 'I saw you fall twice on your way to the MASJID, so I brought a lamp so I can light your way.

The first man thanked him profusely and the two went on their way to the MASJID.

Once at the MASJID, the first man asked the man with the lamp to come in and offer SALAAH with him.

The second man refused.

The first man asked him a couple more times and, again, the answer was the same.

The first man asked him why he did not wish to come in and pray.

The man replied, 'I am Shaitan'. The man was shocked at this reply. Shaitan went on to explain, 'I saw you on your way to the MASJID and it was I who made you fall. When you went home, cleaned yourself and went back on your way to the MASJID, Allah ( s.w.t) forgave all of your sins.

I made you fall a second time, and even that did not encourage you to stay home, but rather, you went back on your way to MASJID. Because of that, Allah (s.w.t) forgave all the sins of the people of your household.

I was afraid if I made you fall one more time, then Allah (s.w.t )will forgive the sins of the whole nation (world)so I made sure that you reached the MASJID safely.'

For your righteousness can save your family and nation at large.

Do this and see the victory of the Allah ( s.w.t )

If sharing this message will bother you, or take too much time from you,

then don't do it, but you will not get the reward of it, which is great.

Wouldn't it be easy just to press 'share' and receive this reward?

Praise be to Allah ( s.w.t) in the highest.
When you Carry the Quran. Shaitan gets a Headache.

When you Open it, he Collapses.

When he Sees you Reading it, he Faints.

When he Sees you are living what you read,
he Flees.

when you are about to Share this Message, he will try to Discourage you...

I Defeated him,
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AoA. Is this a hadith? If yes could you mention the source :)
Assalam-u- Alaikum brother,
its neither in a hadith nor in Quran
Just understand this,its a fact,those who performed the namaz with punctuality they will believe on it :)