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*~*~♦ тнᴇ αят ᴏƒ ɢяᴏᴏмɪɴɢ уᴏυя ѕᴏυʟѕ ♦~*~*

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Remind yourself everyday that no matter how much money you get in this dunya you cannot bring it with you in your grave, you cannot bribe the Angel of Death nor can you this mean anything to Allaah Azza Wa Jall.

If here, in this world, you get all the VIP treatments and privileges because of your money, well in the hereafter they mean nothing, what matters there is your deeds and have you checked what is the status of your deeds right now?

Do you think with all these missed & delayed salah, displeasing your parents, no time for dhikr (all these minute things that you know in your heart pleases Allaah Azza Wa Jall the most) will earn you eternal happiness in Paradise?
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You know what?We would be questioned too. What had we done for them??? We could have prayed for them. Sincerely. We could have made dua for them. But we just think about ourselves. ONLY and ONLY for ourselves. We dont care about others. We just think about ourselves. The rest of this Ummah seems nothing to us. May Allah make our hearts soft and instill in us the love of this Ummah for the Sake of Him (meaning, we start loving and start caring about people for the sake of Allah). We dont know, which deed of us gets accepted by Allah.
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Remind yourself everyday that no matter how much money you get in this dunya you cannot bring it with you in your grave, you cannot bribe the Angel of Death nor can you this mean anything to Allaah Azza Wa Jall.

If here, in this world, you get all the VIP treatments and privileges because of your money, well in the hereafter they mean nothing, what matters there is your deeds and have you checked what is the status of your deeds right now?

Do you think with all these missed & delayed salah, displeasing your parents, no time for dhikr (all these minute things that you know in your heart pleases Allaah Azza Wa Jall the most) will earn you eternal happiness in Paradise?
Very true. Very true indeed. and its really very sad to see people actually LIVING for money. We live for money, Seriously. We study for money. We dont study to get knowledge. we study for money. We do everything for money. We want high statuses. We want to be wealthy. We want to be "famous". We want to have great futures. We want to have the best jobs. We want to be highly educated. Seriously I keep reading this and thinking, this is the only thing we are doing today. We dont want anything except for all this. We miss our Salah purposely, because we are busy studying for our careers, we delay Salah, because we are busy making some presentation or something. We Live Only for this world. We are lost, We dont know the next second, where will we be. We could we be in our graves being questioned by the angels the next second. Yet we are still filled with desires to reach the top of the world. May Allah give us Hidayaah, and guide us to the right path. The path that leads to jannah. Ameen.
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Very true. Very true indeed. and its really very sad to see people actually LIVING for money. We live for money, Seriously. We study for money. We dont study to get knowledge. we study for money. We do everything for money. We want high statuses. We want to be wealthy. We want to be "famous". We want to have great futures. We want to have the best jobs. We want to be highly educated. Seriously I keep reading this and thinking, this is the only thing we are doing today. We dont want anything except for all this. We miss our Salah purposely, because we are busy studying for our careers, we delay Salah, because we are busy making some presentation or something. We Live Only for this world. We are lost, We dont know the next second, where will we be. We could we be in our graves being questioned by the angels the next second. Yet we are still filled with desired to reach the top of the world. May Allah give us Hidayaah, and guide us to the right path. The path that leads to jannah. Ameen.
well said :) i agree with everything with you sad
Ameen! :)
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Very true. Very true indeed. and its really very sad to see people actually LIVING for money. We live for money, Seriously. We study for money. We dont study to get knowledge. we study for money. We do everything for money. We want high statuses. We want to be wealthy. We want to be "famous". We want to have great futures. We want to have the best jobs. We want to be highly educated. Seriously I keep reading this and thinking, this is the only thing we are doing today. We dont want anything except for all this. We miss our Salah purposely, because we are busy studying for our careers, we delay Salah, because we are busy making some presentation or something. We Live Only for this world. We are lost, We dont know the next second, where will we be. We could we be in our graves being questioned by the angels the next second. Yet we are still filled with desires to reach the top of the world. May Allah give us Hidayaah, and guide us to the right path. The path that leads to jannah. Ameen.
Sum Aameen Sis
whatever is in this world will remain here, just our good deeds will b with us.
Apart from these, Making money is also important but not to be in a addicted way( that leave salah or etc).
World is also important cause by which we r running,and This is all just bcoz of ALLAH (SWT),we should always be thankful of him.
As for as concern with studies,we have to be thankful to our parents that they spending lots of money on us for just our carear could made,and thts all hiadaya from Allah (SWT),students should have to recognize the purpose of our life,and the purpose of this world too:);)

May ALLAH(SWT) Guide all of Us to straight path,and give knowledge to judge between RIGHT and WRONG.
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The Effects of a Pleasant Smile

Regarding the hadeeth where the Prophet (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said:

"Do not look down on any act of kindness, even if it is just meeting your brother with a pleasant smile on your face." [Sahih Muslim]

Ibn Uthaymeen said: "A pleasant smile causes people to become happy, wins over their love and affection, and leads to both parties having good thoughts of each other. Just try it and you will see. However, were you to frown upon the people, they would stay away from you and not feel comfortable sitting with you nor talking to you. You may even become afflicted with a dangerous condition: high blood pressure. Having a tranquil chest and a pleasant smile is the most wholesome remedy and the best preventative measure for this condition. For this reason, physicians advice people who have this condition to stay away from what disturbs and angers them, since those things only agitate this condition. A pleasant smile actually has a remedial effect on this condition, since it leads to a tranquil chest, and it causes others to love you."

Ref.: Taken from: "Upright Moral Character" by Ibn Uthaymeen, p. 49