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*~*~♦ тнᴇ αят ᴏƒ ɢяᴏᴏмɪɴɢ уᴏυя ѕᴏυʟѕ ♦~*~*

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Make dua for Palestine!

In the Name of Allâh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

[103:001] By Al-’Asr (the time).
[103:002] Verily, man is in loss,
[103:003] Except those who believe and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth, and recommend one another to patience .

اللهُمَّ أَصْلِحْ أَحْوَالَ المُسْلِمِِينَ فِي فِلِسطِينَ، اللهُمَّ أَصْلِحْ أَحْوَالَ

المُسْلِمِِينَ فِي فِلِسطِينَ وفي كُلِّ مَكَانٍ، يَا ذَا الجَلالِ وَالإِكْرِامِ.

Allahumma aslih ahwaalal-muslimeena fi filisteen, Allahumma aslih ahwaalal-muslimeena fi filisteena wa fi kulli makaanin ya dhul-jalali wal-ikraam.

O Allah! Rectify the affairs of the Muslims in Palestine. O Allah! Rectify the affairs of the Muslims in Palestine and in every place, O Lord of Majesty and Bounty.

اللهُمَّ إِنَّهُمْ مَغْلُوبُونَ فَانْتَصِرْ لَهُمْ.

Allahumma innahum maghloobuna fantasir lahum.

O Allah! They are helpless, so help them.

رَبَّنَا أَفْرِغْ عَلَيْهِمْ صَبْراً وَثَبِّتْ أَقْدَامَهُمْ وَانْصُرْهُمْ عَلَى القَوْمِ


Rabbana afrigh ‘alayhim sabran wa thabbit aqdamahum wansurhum ‘alal-qawmil- kafireen.

Our Lord! Pour upon them patience, make them steadfast, and grant them victory over the Disbelivers.

اللهُمَّ مَكِّرْ لَهُمْ، وَاكْفِهِمْ بِمَا شِئْتَ إِنْ تَنْصُرْهُمْ فَلا غَالِبَ لَهُمْ، وَإِنْ

تَخْذُلْهُمْ فَمَنْ ذَا الَّذي يَنْصُرهُمْ مِنْ بَعْدِكَ.

Allahumma makkir lahum, wakfihim bimaa shi’t. In tansurhum falaa ghaliba lahum, wa in takhdhulhum fa man dhal-ladh’ yansurhum min ba’dika.

O Allah! Plot for them, and suffice them with what You please, if You support them then nobody can overpower them, and if You forsake them, then who will be able to support them after You?

لا إِلاَ إِلا اللهُ العَظيمُ الحَليم، لا إِلهَ إِلا اللهُ رَبَّ العَرْشِ العَظِيمِ، لا

إلهَ إِلا اللهُ رَبُّ السَّمَاوَتِ وَرَبُّ الأَرْضِ وَرَبُّ العَرْشِ الكَرِيمِ.

La ilaha illAllahul adhimul-haleem. La ilaha illAllahu, rabbul-arshil- adheem. La ilaha illAllahu rabbus-samawaati wa rabbul-ardi wa rabbul-arshil- kareem.

There is no God but Allah, the Mighty the Forebearing, there is no God but Allah, Lord of the Mighty Throne, There is no God but Allah, Lord of the Heavens and Lord of the Earth and Lord of the Noble Throne

اللهُمَّ مََنْ أَرادَنَا وَبِلادَنَا وَالمُسْلِمِينَ بِسُوءٍ فَأَشْغِلْهُ فِي نَفْسِهِ، وَاجْعَلْ

كَيْدَهُ فِي نَحْرِهِ، وَاجْعَلْ تَدْبِيرَهُ تَدْمِيرَه.

Allahumma man aradana wa biladina bi su’in fash-ghilhu fi nafsih, waj’al kaydahu fi nahrih, waj’al tadbirahu tadmeerah.

O Allah! Whoever wants to harm us and our lands and the Muslims, then keep them busy with their own troubles, and return their plots to their own necks, and make their plans the cause of their own destruction

اللهُمَّ شَتِّتْ شَمْلَهُمْ، وَمَزِّقْ جَمْعَهُمْ، وَخَرِّبْ دِيَارَهُمْ، وَدَمِّرْ

أَسْلِحَتَهُمْ، اللهُمَّ أَنْزِلْ عَلَيْهِمُ الأَعَاصيرَ المُدَمِّرَةَ، وَالأَمْرَاضَ الفَتَّاكَةَ

Allahumma shattit shamlahum, wa mazziq jam’ahum, wa kharrib diyarahum, wa dammir aslihatahum. Allahumma anzil ‘alayhimul-a’ aseeral-mudammir a wal-amradal- fattaaka

O Allah! Disperse their gatherings and shatter their unity, demolish their houses, destroy their weapons.. O Allah! Send upon them destructive hurricanes, and fatal disease

” Verily my happiness is my iman & Verily my iman is in my heart & Verily my heart doesn’t belong to anyone but Allah ” Asma bint AbuBakr
unitika Mimick Chocoholic xP funky brat Rutzaba a_wiserME!! madcap_97 Khadeejah Rawshan Angelina_25 My Name fantastic girl ForeverAndBeyond forever_chocoholic era30amy DeViL gURl B) Devilishangel:)
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The videos circulating around the net about the massacres and genocide that the Israeli army and air force is committing against occupied Gaza are too painful for me to watch. I must confess that my heart cannot bear to see the fathers and mothers crying over the corpses of their children, or the rubbled and demolished structures from which bodies are being pulled out, or the gory and wounded victims at overcrowded and under equipped clinics.

At times like this, the weak heart asks, "For how long, O Allah?!" And the knowledgeable heart can only answer with what Allah has told us in the Quran, "Did you think that you would enter Jannah, while the trials of those before you have not reached you? They were afflicted with suffering and hardship, and were shaken to the core, so much so that even the prophet and those who believed with him cried out, 'Where is the help of Allah?!' Verily, realize that the help of Allah is ever-close." [2"214].

O Allah! We do not understand Your wisdom in this prolonged suffering of our Palestinian brothers and sisters, but we trust You and believe in You and know that Your promise is true. And so we say only that which pleases You, even as our hearts are weary with grief.

O Allah! You are the Lord of the weak and oppressed. You might delay the execution of justice, but You never cancel and avert it. And when You take charge of the tyrants and oppressors, then surely You deal with them in the manner of an all-powerful, mighty, unconquerable God - for you are al-Aziz, al-Qawiy, al-Jabbar. O Allah! We ask you with every name that You have, and with every attribute that is Yours, to send Your Anger and Retribution on those accursed tyrants whose arrogant hearts have been sealed from guidance and mercy - those who themselves were tortured and persecuted by others, yet instead of learning compassion, have now become torturers and persecutors themselves.

O Allah! You are the al-Rahman, the al-Raheem! Have mercy and compassion and pity on the people of Gaza, who have suffered for two generations under the tyranny of a Pharonic apartheid regime. Send upon our brothers and sisters Your peace and blessings, and fortify them with faith and perseverance, and accept their martyrs, and console their grieved ones.

O Allah! You do not place a burden on any soul more than it can bear. We ask for your forgiveness for our own inability to do more than dua and some meager donations. Do not call us to task for what we cannot do, and forgive us for what we could have done but did not do, for you are the al-Ghafoor, al-Ra'oof, al-Tawwab.

Ameen ya Rabb al-Alameen!
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 pls read till end.

So, after watching, listening and reading the many many condemnations of the Israeli atrocities against our brethren in Palestine, after seeing all the appeals for help from many organizations and people, this is the thought that came to mind:

until and unless, the collective ummah, does not STOP looking like kuffar, behaving like kuffar and supporting the kuffar activities, Allah azza wa jall will withhold HIS support. It is no use criticizing the jews if we have not changed our dressing, our entertainment and our culture to that of our beloved NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. We cannot persist in supporting them thru watching their filth on t.v, wearing their haraam clothing and eating doubtful foods and then cry foul when they eat us alive! The change that is needed is not in Washington, tel aviv or London. It is in the homes, lounges and kitchens of every single reciter of the kalimah.

I challenge every one of u my brothers & sisters, throw out that evil evil box that damages our thinking, our morals and our imaan! Then we will see the help of Allah descend. If we behave like Muslims, then Allah has promised,'wa kaana haqqan alaynaa nasrul mumineen' 'It is a right upon us to help the believers'

Our brothers n sisters are suffering, what have REALLY done to invoke Allah's help???

Making propaganda and insulting jews is not helping, they r who they are.

The question is 'WHO ARE WE???????'

If you want to make a difference by 'Boycotting' then:-

Boycott israeli goods
Boycott VAT fraud
Boycott Tax evasion
Boycott Interest
Boycott Usary
Boycott benefit fraud
Boycott Alcohol
Boycott Tobacco
Boycott Drugs
Boycott mortgages
Boycott loans
Boycott Insurance
Boycott ALL Haraam earnings
Boycott ALL doutful/haraam food
Boycott EXTRAVAGANT holidays
Boycott zina of the eyes
Boycott zina of the tongue
Boycott zina of the ears
Boycott zina of 'social media'
Boycott haraam relationships
Boycott EXTRAVAGANT lifestyles
Boycott music
Boycott gheebat
Boycott slander
Boycott adultery
Boycott fornication
Boycott clubbing
Boycott going out without hijaab
Boycott going out without niqab
Boycott going out with makeup
Boycott going out with tight clothing
Boycott going out with perfume
Boycott travelling without mahram
Boycott intermingling of genders
Boycott disobedience of parents
Boycott disrespecting husband's
Boycott ill treating wives
Boycott Wasting hrs on whatsapp
Boycott wasting hrs on Twitter
Boycott wasting hrs on FB
Boycott spending hrs on PS3
Boycott leaving the SUNNAH
Boycott leaving the SHARIAH

If you are serious about changing the conditions of the UMMAH then Lets BOYCOTT fully, properly & completely..InshaAllah!!!

May Allah Give us the true understanding and grant us the Tawfeeq to practice and guide us on the true path till our final abode (Jannah) in Akhirah (Ameen)
Forwarded as received.
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Thought provoking read:

Dear Muslim

I am a South African non-Muslim. I have alot of Muslim friends and often we often chat about religion and politics. Islam is an amazing religion and practising Muslims are good to be with. However whenever the topic of politics comes up, all Muslims whether practising or non-practising feel the pain of Palestine. It is like a common wound that pains all of them.What amazes me is that Israel is surrounded by a sea of Muslims. There are Muslim countries to the North, South and East of Israel. Muslims make up one-fifth of the world’s population. From the figures it would seem that Muslims should have easily dealt with the Israeli problem. But they still remain powerless.I was puzzled. How is it that a tiny country the size of a South African game reserve can take on the entire Muslim world combined?Israel with a population of a mere 7 million people challenges and overcomes a population of 2 billion Muslims daily. Mathematically it was impossible. There are 1993000000 more Muslims than Israelis. If all the Muslims were to just walk over Israel, Israelis would be trampled to extinction. But how is it that such a mathematical paradox happens? I puzzled with this question and after observing Muslims lives I realised that the Muslim has the power to bring the West to its knees. This is why.

1- When most Muslims wake up, almost all of them brush their teeth with COLGATE.
2- They then go to the toilet and use BABY SOFTtoilet roll.
3- They then go into the shower and use PANTENE shampoo.
5- When they go shopping for groceries they go to PICK n PAY.
6- When they go to the pharmacy they go to DISCHEM.
7- When they choose a medical aid they choose DISCOVERY.
8- When they break their fasts their tables are always decorated with a bottle of COCA-COLA
9- Before they go to sleep they floss with ORAL B

Have they ever paused to think that the above 9 are all American/Jewish owned companies or products that openly support Israel?
From the time Muslims wake up every morning till they go to bed at night they are slaves of the American and Jewish companies and products. How do they expect to be liberated when they can't even liberate themselves?

For a people who can sacrifice food and drink (which are needs) for 30 days you have tremendous self-restraint.

Surely it should be easy to sacrifice your desires of western goods and services. Stop contributing to your own destruction. If you can't stop patronising them, then stop this hippocritical whining of Western double standards when you yourselves practise double standards! Further it would bode Muslims better to organize educational sessions for their mothers, sisters and daughters who control the purse then to organise foolish ineffective marches and flag burning ceremonies.
From the Muslims, I know they have never heard of the local Imams or school teacher educating them which brands to boycott, neither do they provide alternative local brands to support. Its about time this sleeping giant awakens.

This is where the article ends, as a Muslim you should know better than I... "
O you who believe ! Do not take Jews and Christians as your patrons. They are patrons of their own people. He among you who will turn to them for patronage is one of them. Verily Allah guides not a people unjust.(Al-Ma'dah 5: 51)

I urge every Muslim sister who has the power of the purse in her home to change the habits of your family. You have the power to bring the Western powers in our country to its knees with your simple purse.The Muslim world depends on you to free your families from this slavery to Western brands and companies. A few facts:
1. Colgate is manufactured by Colgate Palmolive, is an American brand. America gives unconditional support to Israel. According to the Jewish Virtual Library website, Colgate Palmolive is one of Indiana’s 70 firms which have greatly profited from doing business with Israel.
Alternatives to support: MISWAAK, DENTAZYME

Alternatives to support: Thousands of local Indian supermarkets

Coca-Cola is the chief instigator. From 1966 Coca-Cola has been a staunch supporter of Israel. In 1997 the Government of Israel Economic Mission honored Coca-Cola at the Israel Trade Award Dinner for its continued support of Israel for the last 30 years and for refusing to abide by the Arab League boycott of Israel. In 2008 Coca-Cola tasked the Israeli venture capital Challenge Fund to locate suitable investments in Israel with a promise of "a blank cheque�� . This agreement is exceptional in the Israeli venture capital industry. In 2009 Coca-Cola hosted a special reception at the Coca-Cola world headquarters to honour Brigadier-General Ben-Eliezer. Ben-Eliezer is a wanted war criminal, during the Six-Day War his unit was responsible for the execution of over 300 Egyptian POWs. Under Sharon, Ben-Eliezer served as Defence Minister presiding over the massacre at Jenin.Coca-Cola Israel owns dairy farms in the illegal Israeli settlements of Shadmot Mechola in the Jordan Valley and a plant in the industrial zone of Katzerin n the occupied Golan Heights.b
Products- Coca Cola, Bon Aqua, Sprite, Fanta, Creme Soda, Ice Tea,
Alternatives to support: Recently there are a number of local companies bottling their own water, and soda drinks. If you can sacrifice food and water for 30 days, what is sacrificing taste ?

Please add alternatives to products you know that are manufactured by Muslim friendly companies (who do not support Israel)
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How far can you run in 58 seconds?

Israel Defence Forces Claim that to avoid civilian casualities they give a warning shot before the actual attack and that is enough notice for people to evacuate their homes. Shown in this video, is the gap of only 58 seconds between warning shot and actual attack. How far can any one run in 58 seconds?

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Muslim are terrorist?
Who started the 1st World War?
Who started the 2nd World War?
Who threw nuclear bomb on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Muslims?
Who kills approximately 20 million
aborigins in Australia? Muslims?
Who kills more than 100 million red
indians in North America? Muslims?
Who kills more than 50 million red
indians in South America? Muslims?
Who took about 180 million Africans
as slaves and kills 77% of them?
When America takes 1 million lives in
Iraq for oil - Not terrorism
When Serbs rape muslim women in
Kosovo/Bosnia - Not terrorism
When Russians kill 200,000 chechens
in bombing - not terrorism
When Jews kick out Palestinians and
take their land - Not terrorism
When American drones kill entire
family and Afghanistan/Pakistan - Not
When Israel kills 10,000 lebanese
civilians due to two missing soldiers -
Not terrorism
When Muslims retaliate and show you
how you treat us - TERRORISM?
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Please pass this information,
Viber is an Israel application. And using viber, we pay money to kill our own brothers and sisters in Palestine. Please delete viber as soon as possible. Do every small sacrifice you can do. You never know, it can make a big difference. So please, everyone, DELETE VIBER as soon as possible. DELETE and forward this message. Let us do everything we can, to stop blood shedding from our fellow Muslims. Please co-operate...!!!! Please!!! Dis means a LOT to the lives in Palestine fearing death every minute!!!
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Before you guys make any opinions about the conflict in Israel and Gaza. pls check these facts and figures:

1. Gaza was invaded by Israel in 1967 & ever since then Israel is illegally occupying the whole of Gaza strip.

2. Gaza is surrounded on three sides by Israel blocked all these three sides by Israeli army & navy & one side by Egypt where the Egyptian army along with Israeli & UN observers & monitors blocks the entry of any body from Gaza.So Gaza is literally huge prison where not even a bird can enter without Israel’s permission.

3. Gaza has no sea port or airport or even a train station.

4. Gaza residents cannot leave Gaza as they don’t even have passports. Plus there are Israeli checkpoints in every place. Also no one from any country can enter Gaza without Israel’s permission which is impossible to get , forget about ordinary man even the top politicians of powerful countries had been denied entry in Gaza by Israel. Gaza is a place which is totally cutoff from the rest of the world.

5. Each and every daily use commodities comes through these Israeli check points. Even the milk, wheat medicines all items come through these Israeli check points. Israel charge taxes on all the items witch goes through these check points.

6. Gaza is like a big jail. It is entire country under seize. Even inside Gaza Israel have several check posts at important junctions. The Israeli army harasses and humiliates Gaza citizens every day as the Gaza citizens cross these check posts.

7. The UN has urged Israel numerous times to remove this illegal seizure of Gaza but Israel never listen to UN . More then 50 resolutions have been passed by UN against Israel but with USA always on its side so Israel just doesn’t care.

8. The food and essentials are always in short supply in Gaza as Israel delays, discourages and harass its imports in Gaza. Shops don’t have enough rations, hospitals don’t have enough and essential medicines. Power is in short supply, petrol and gas is in shortage too. The inflation is highest in the world in Gaza as a result of it. The poverty is rising at the highest rate also. The Gaza children’s are among the worst malnutrition children now.

9. There are no specialized doctors or equipments to treat the serious injury or disease in any hospitals. Every now and then Israeli army bomb Gaza and the innocent civilians get hurt during bombing. These wounded civilians plead and beg in the check points to let them out for treatment but they kind Israeli army never let them. So the wounds which could have been treated become more severe and often the wounded becomes handicapped for the rest of their lives.

10. Once a thriving society and rich people now have become beggars & prisoners in their own country.Can you imagine the trauma the humiliation the harassment the pain in the hearts of these people who have been invaded and made prisoners and slaves in their own country?

They have been struggling for their independence since almost 50 years now. With each passing day Israel is constructing new settlements for its Israeli citizens in their land. With each passing day their hope of independence, a hope to live a normal life like any other human is fading away. Every night they sleep in pain and every morning they wake up with sorrows.

In the pretext of peace talks Israel actually is delaying their independence to capture more and more of their land everyday by constructing new Israeli homes and settlements. The Palestinians know this and they are watching it helplessly. Just like a goat watch the lion eats its children but can do nothing. They are shedding tears of blood. With Israeli soldiers harassing them , cursing them, abusing them mocking them, hurting them , killing them everyday in their very own land, all Palestinians can do is watch and cry.

What suggestions do you have now? The western paid media is making & broadcasting news in such a manner that one should feel as if Gaza residence are the one who are occupying Israel and Israel is fighting for the freedom of its citizen. So that people can only curse and blame Gaza residents. Can you try to feel their misery and helplessness? We can not even imagine spending even one day in the jail called Gaza and they are living there everyday..... Please stand up for them for the sake of humanity