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A level Biology: Post your doubts here!

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"In this question, he said to hemoglobin .. So the minim no of cell surface membranes is 5 ..
But, if he says the minimum number to plasma .. then it’s 4 ..
Because I think there is 2% that travels in the blood plasma ..
You’ll pass along questions that the minimum no for both co2 and o2 is 4 ! This is because some travels in blood plasma not inside the rbc (hemoglobin)
But in this question he specified .. that the minimum no to hemoglobin molecule is what he wants ..
This message is to clarify any doubts you’ll pass along when solving such questions ..
One membrane has 2 phospholipids .. Sometimes he refers to cell surface membrane by saying phospholipid bilayer ..
Not just phospholipids .."
I received this answer from a teacher
OXygen is always 5!
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Guys check the page @threesciencesforalevel on insta...
You'll be surprised at what you will find. Unfortunately, I just got to see it now :"(