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A voice for the oppressed

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Assalamon alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

As i was going through this thread earlier, i was reminded of an issue that is very much neglected in our societies. The issue of Gaza.
Do we even think about the oppressed people of Gaza, let alone pray for them? Do we pray for their safety and the safety of their homes and belongings? Remember, we have a duty towards these people. We will be questioned on how much we have done for them.

Any one of you who wakes up in the morning and does not care for the affairs of the Ummah, is not one of us' [Muslim]

This hadith proves to us the importance of knowing about the affairs of our fellow Muslims around the world. If they are not Muslims, then they are at least humans, with feelings, needs and emotions just like us. However, their feelings and emotions have been curbed and their needs waved off. It really hurt me as i was thinking of how we always purchase the best brand of items for our siblings or ourselves, without having a single thought about those who are suffering because of our actions.

"Man is either your brother in faith or your equal in humanity."-Imam Ali (AS)

We may think that "what difference can I make? It's not like Israel will go bankrupt if i stop buying their products?" , but remember the little we do makes a big difference. Remember the story of Nabi Ibrahim (AS), when he was to be cast into the fire, the tiny animal nearby was trying to subside the fire with the little water that it could carry. When asked how that would make a difference, it just responded by saying that at least Allah will know I did my best to try and put out the fire.

Our contributions towards gaza may seem small, but remember if we stand united, boycott Israeli products together, we can surely make a massive impact on the its economy.


"When you see an evil act you have to stop it with your hand. If you can't,
then at least speak out against it with your tongue. If you can't, then at
least you have to hate it with all your heart. And this is the weakest of
faith." - Prophet Mohammed

(Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Number 79)

The above hadith show us the importance of fighting oppression. We are not physically present in Gaza, but we can surely do our part for the victims.

The next time you pick up a bottle of Johnson's baby powder just feel that as a consequence of your purchase, a child has probably been massacred.


Just remember, we are answerable. Gaza should be a priority in our lives, not just something we read about or see pictures of, and feel for the victims for a while. Gaza should be our day and night, those our fellow Muslims out there, and they are pleading to the world to feel their pain!

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Jazakallah for Tagging ! Yes, U know what i was thinking to make thread abt this issue !
I’m aware abt since this have been started and this thing really hurts !! I have some friends who r living in GAZA ! They were saying us to pray for us ! Bombs r on our heads ! and me after reading this statement ! I was not able to withhold this statement ! I prayed for them whole night !!
My one of my friend didn’t come online for 25 days , she lives in GAZA and I became so worried now finally she came today and she told she was abt to hit the rocket but Alhumdulillah she is fine !
I’m aware abt single moment what’s going in GAZA !
Even I’m doing a lot of tweets as much time I get regarding GAZA ! Actually all r doing !
May Allah protect them and give them freedom, Ameen !!
Inshallah, 1 day they will get freedom and ISRAELIS will rise abt what they have done !!
Then this sun will perish this rule of tyranny forever !
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Wa Alaykum Asalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu, Soldier313 :)
JazakAllahu Khairen for reminding us of the current crucial situation in Gaza and for tagging me! I am reminded of a beautiful Hadith by our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W [no one could have phrased it better than him :love: ] : Prophet Muhammad (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “The similitude of believers in regard to mutual love, affection, fellow-feeling is that of one body; when any limb of it aches, the whole body aches, because of sleeplessness and fever.” [Muslim]

"The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) described the Ummah as one body!
So if a Muslim anywhere in the world, in the center of the body or the tips, on the finger or on the toes, is hurting, you should feel the same pain. If you are only concerned about your safety and the safety of your direct family, then there’s something wrong with you. You are not really part of the body. The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said that the Ummah is one body: It doesn’t matter that they are split into different political states or that they belong to different Madhahibs/Fiqh, as long as the person is a Muslim they are a part of your body."

May Allah The Almighty give us the strength that we at least try to make a difference, however small it may be, to help those who are suffering so much pain and difficulty. Ameen Ya Rabb A'lameen!
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Indeed, We can't go and help but we can do 1 thing which can change everything ! That is dua !!
So plz everyone
Don't forget #Gaza #Palestine in your prayers ! Your prayers r the 1 which can change everything !! They need your prayers !
Cause we don't know when our prayers get accepted so KEEP PRAYING !! AS THEY R OUR BROTHER & SISTERS
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masha ALLAh nice outcome... On the contrary u gave great examples. YES! indeed, a small duty from our side may bring great impact as a whole. jazakaAllah for tagging.
Alhamdulillah, wa iyyak.
jazakaALLAH for tagging.....
wa iyyaki sis:)
thank you sooo much for tagging me....:)
welcome sis:)
Jazakallah-u-Khairan for the tag Soldier313 and may Allah (SWT) bless you for this spreading this message. :)

May Allah (SWT) give peace and patience to those in Palestine, Gaza and grant Jannah to those who lost their lives fighting the oppressors. Ameen.
wa iyyaki...Aameen to all the prayers:'(

jazakALLAH 4 da tag sis :) may we all start wd dis and bring abt da change that will blow da israiels off :p
wa iyyaki.....inshaAllah.

Jazaak Allah for the tag sis. Thank you for reminding us about such an alarming situation. May Allah gives them patience and reward them with jannah. Ameen

wa iyyak. Aaameen.

Jazakallah for Tagging ! Yes, U know what i was thinking to make thread abt this issue !
I’m aware abt since this have been started and this thing really hurts !! I have some friends who r living in GAZA ! They were saying us to pray for us ! Bombs r on our heads ! and me after reading this statement ! I was not able to withhold this statement ! I prayed for them whole night !!
My one of my friend didn’t come online for 25 days , she lives in GAZA and I became so worried now finally she came today and she told she was abt to hit the rocket but Alhumdulillah she is fine !
I’m aware abt single moment what’s going in GAZA !
Even I’m doing a lot of tweets as much time I get regarding GAZA ! Actually all r doing !
May Allah protect them and give them freedom, Ameen !!
Inshallah, 1 day they will get freedom and ISRAELIS will rise abt what they have done !!
Then this sun will perish this rule of tyranny forever !

wa iyyaki sis......aameen inshaAllah....

jazakallah for tagging..=)

wa iyyaki:)

Wa Alaykum Asalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu, Soldier313 :)
JazakAllahu Khairen for reminding us of the current crucial situation in Gaza and for tagging me! I am reminded of a beautiful Hadith by our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W [no one could have phrased it better than him :love: ] : Prophet Muhammad (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “The similitude of believers in regard to mutual love, affection, fellow-feeling is that of one body; when any limb of it aches, the whole body aches, because of sleeplessness and fever.” [Muslim]

"The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) described the Ummah as one body!
So if a Muslim anywhere in the world, in the center of the body or the tips, on the finger or on the toes, is hurting, you should feel the same pain. If you are only concerned about your safety and the safety of your direct family, then there’s something wrong with you. You are not really part of the body. The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said that the Ummah is one body: It doesn’t matter that they are split into different political states or that they belong to different Madhahibs/Fiqh, as long as the person is a Muslim they are a part of your body."

May Allah The Almighty give us the strength that we at least try to make a difference, however small it may be, to help those who are suffering so much pain and difficulty. Ameen Ya Rabb A'lameen!

wa iyyak......absolutely beautiful ahadith subhanAllah and amazing reflections. Aameen to all the prayers.....

Thankyou so much for the tag
Awesome thread !!!
May allah bless you :)
you're welcome...aameen inshaAllah.

May Allah help all those who bow down to him all those who are oppressed and all those who need him. Ameen
Aameeen inshaAllah.