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An important request


XPRS Administrator
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I wanted to bring everyone’s attention an important reality. Something that any decent human being should be taking part in, and that is speaking against Israel and taking practical steps to support the innocent oppressed people in Palestine/Gaza.

For those of you who have been kept in dark by the media about the human rights violations there by Israel or have been brainwashed by the media controlled by Israel (or Egypt for the matter, whose government is as good as supporting Israel); I want to state quick facts:

The offensive on Gaza has left more than 400 Palestinians dead, including at least 70 children, and more than 2,400 injured so far while the total death toll to the Israeli side is seven. (source: Al-Jazeera, 20 July 23, 2014)

Israel's offensive on Gaza has killed more than 650 Palestinians, mostly civilians, and 34 Israelis [Source: AFP, 23 July 2014]

For those who claim that Israel is only defending itself, they should notice who is the illegal oppressor here driving ppl out of their homeland?

Israel's policy over these seven years has been quite simple;
- Establish internationally that Hamas is a terrorist organisation and not the elected government of Gaza
- Blockade Gaza to ensure its economic stability is destroyed and that it is incapable of growth

The Current Situation:

(Video is not for those weak of heart, contains disturbing images)

(Video is not for those weak of heart, contains disturbing images)

Since 8 July, UNICEF has confirmed that at least 59 Palestinian children were reported killed as a result of airstrikes and shelling in Gaza; 38 of them were 12 years old or younger. – (dated 18th July 21, 2014)

^that was old, more civilians and children have been killed now; The name, age, sex and location of 132 of the 155 Palestinian children killed have been (by 23 july) collected by the Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights. Please keep them all and the people of Palestine in your prayers:


(sums up the situation well, without using disturbing images)

Setting aside the dead and the wounded, many people have to live like this:

What we you do?

Raise your voice, in prayer/dua first if you are a muslim. Anyway, whoever you are speak up against it… spread this info and put pressure on people around the globe to try and end this.

Speak up against the tyrannical Egyptian government closing their border. Make them open it so that supplies can go through and the wounded maybe taken into Egypt.

Donate money to trust-able charities so that they may try to get food and medicine into Gaza strip.

www.islamictube.com/4173/gaza-calling/ (this mentions a charity... you can search for trustworthy charities yourself as well, insha'Allah...)


P.S. Hypocrisy of the media: